A Soldier's Return. Judy Christenberry
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Everyone stood and followed Jeff out the door.
“We don’t have anything to give them,” Rachel exclaimed. “Honey, could you run down and buy some flowers from the gift shop?”
J.D. agreed to go purchase flowers.
“I’d better go with you,” Jim said. “I don’t have anything for them, either.”
Before anyone could protest, Jim and J.D. hurried away.
Carrie was about to back off when she saw Vivian clutch her husband’s hand. “I thought I was going to burst into tears when he talked about protecting his little brothers. He was only nine!”
“I know, dear.” Will gave her a hug. “We’ll give him more family than he ever dreamed of.”
“If that’s what he wants,” Carrie said with a frown. She had sensed discomfort in Jim, as if she’d known instinctively that he wouldn’t want anyone’s sympathy. She hoped those feelings would go away, but she wasn’t sure. After all, he’d been alone for a long time now.
Vanessa asked, “What do you mean, Carrie?”
“I think he may be a little overwhelmed with so much going on.” She thought he was more than overwhelmed. He’d wanted to meet his sisters—three people—and now here he is in the midst of a big family.
“We’ll work it out, Carrie,” Will assured her. “But you’re right. It is different for him.”
“But he’s happy about finding us, isn’t he?” Vanessa asked.
“Yes, dear, he is,” Vivian hurriedly reassured her. Then she muttered to her husband, “And if he isn’t, he will be soon!”
Will chuckled under his breath and urged them all into Rebecca’s room. There, Rebecca and her baby were the center of attention.
“Oh, she’s beautiful!” Vanessa exclaimed.
“Of course she is,” Vivian said. “With Jeff and Rebecca as parents, she didn’t have a choice.” Vivian stretched out her arms. “May I hold her?”
Rebecca immediately agreed and passed the tightly wrapped bundle to Vivian. Vanessa and Rachel huddled around her, waiting for their turns.
Will shook Jeff’s hand. “You made it through okay?”
“It was touch and go there in the delivery room, but the payoff was great. Isn’t it a miracle?”
Will chuckled again. “You know it was for me. I never expected to have children. But then I never expected to love someone like Vivian, either. That was the first miracle.”
Jeff nodded. “I know. I thought I’d lost Rebecca for good. Then one day I walked into my office and there she was. Then I found out about Joey. And now we have the new baby. Life just keeps getting better.”
J.D. and Jim stepped into the small room, each handing the new mom a vase of flowers.
“Oh, how nice!” Rebecca exclaimed. “Jim,” she prompted, “did you see the baby?”
“No, I haven’t—” Jim stopped as Vivian handed him the infant. “No, I can’t— I don’t know how to take care of a baby.”
“You don’t have to do anything today. Just hold her,” Vivian insisted.
Jim stood there, staring at the baby in his arms as she stretched and yawned. “She’s…beautiful.”
“Yes, she is,” Rebecca agreed with satisfaction. “And do you want to know her name?”
Everyone drew closer, as if they thought Rebecca was going to whisper.
“We decided to name her after Jim,” Rebecca said with a brilliant smile.
“You named her Jim?” Jim asked in astounded tones.
“No, silly. We named her Jamie. Jamie Ann Jacobs. What do you think?”
Everyone gave their approval except for Jim. He stared down at the tiny human in his arms, apparently unable to speak.
Carrie watched him hold the baby, his gaze fastened on the newborn’s every feature. Suddenly, as if he felt her gaze, he looked at her.
“Did you get to hold her?” he asked softly.
“I didn’t want to push,” Carrie replied with a grin. “I’ll see her later.”
“Come look,” he invited as Rebecca apologized for leaving Carrie out.
Carrie moved to his side. He looked even more handsome at that moment—a large, powerful man holding a tiny baby. “She’s so small,” she whispered.
Jim nodded. “Yeah, but she’s got a lot of potential.”
“And a lot of family,” Carrie added with a smile.
After the baby was returned to her mother, Vivian told them it was time they went home and gave Jeff time with Rebecca before he followed them. “After all, he needs to see Joey tonight.”
Jeff sat down on the bed and put his arm around his wife. “That’s right. Tell him I’ll be there after Rebecca goes to sleep. And I’ll bring him in the morning to see his baby sister.”
With calls of goodbye, the others left the room. Rachel asked if someone could give her and J.D. a ride because they didn’t have a car. Vanessa volunteered at once.
“We’ll see you at the house,” Vivian said.
Carrie noticed that Jim seemed to hang back on the short walk to the car. She kept looking over her shoulder to be sure he was following.
They got in the car and started the drive back to the house. Vivian sighed. “My, it’s always a relief when a baby arrives healthy.”
Jim remained silent in his side of the backseat.
“Are you two hungry?” Vivian asked, looking back.
Jim nodded. After a minute he said, “Yes, I am. I missed lunch.”
Vivian gasped. “Why didn’t you say something?”
“There wasn’t time. Besides, I’ve gone without meals before. It’s no big deal.”
“We’ll have dinner as soon as we get home,” Vivian assured him. Then she took out her cell phone and dialed the housekeeper. After giving rapid-fire instructions, she clicked off the call and smiled over her shoulder at Jim. “Betty was appalled. She doesn’t like for anyone to miss a meal. She’ll probably meet you at the door with hors d’oeuvres.”
“I don’t want to be any trouble,” Jim replied.
Carrie thought if he moved any closer to the car door, he’d open it and escape. He looked so uncomfortable.