The Cowboy's Reluctant Bride. Debra Cowan
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She would figure out who was causing problems on her farm. The sooner she did, the sooner she could send Gideon Black packing.
* * *
She didn’t want him here. Not that it seemed to matter much to his brain.
Gideon couldn’t get the woman out of his head. Just like the first time he’d met Ivy Powell, the sight of her last night had put a hitch in his breathing. And again this morning.
She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Her features were strong yet undeniably feminine. A stubborn jaw set off by a pair of plump pink lips, delicate winged eyebrows over shrewd midnight eyes. Lush breasts, gently flared hips.
He’d woken up hard and hurting, and he didn’t want to spend another night like that. Hell, he didn’t want to spend another night here period, but he had promised to find out what, if anything, was going on. The sooner he did that, the sooner he could get back to the Diamond J.
No thunderclouds in sight today. It was bright and sunny. After a breakfast of ham and the best biscuits he’d ever had, Gideon helped Ivy with the chores—milking the cows, gathering the eggs, checking the shoes on her herd of horses.
Now he stood beside her in what had been her husband’s office. The room with its front-facing window easily accommodated a standing desk and leather chair as well as a waist-high cabinet holding a lamp.
The back of the desk was raised with a set of pigeonholes across its top for filing. The lower part of the desk had drawers down both sides and one in the middle, which Ivy opened.
Her pale blue skirts brushed against his leg. Sunlight streamed in from the window behind them, gilding her raven-dark hair. Again, she wore a single braid, which revealed her elegant neck. And there was no escaping her soft magnolia scent, potent enough to knot his gut. Her skin was as fine-grained as satin. Gideon bet it felt like satin, too. Her lashes and eyes were as dark as her hair, setting off her refined features. And her mouth...
Beside him, she shifted, jerking his attention to the paper in her hand.
“Here’s the last one.” She handed him a drawing similar to several she’d already shown him.
Blood humming, he took the paper. This illustration of her house and farm was even more detailed than the others. The first sketches left on her porch had shown the property from the front in broad charcoal strokes—the trees around the sprawling white frame house, the edge of a long chicken coop that ran parallel to the east side of the structure, the corral and barn on the west side.
In each successive drawing, the view moved closer to the house. The likeness grew more detailed. The etchings had progressed from pleasing to almost...obsessive.
In this latest one, Ivy’s bedroom was shown in stark detail from the large bed near the window to the half-open wardrobe that revealed a few dresses down to the star pattern of the quilt on her bed.
“Is this an accurate picture of your bedroom?”
“Yes, right down to the quilt,” she answered tersely.
Gideon wondered how long the “artist” had been at her window. Had Ivy been in her room at the time? Anger flared that someone had gotten so close to her private space.
Beside him, she drew in a shaky breath. “What do you think?”
Her bedroom was located on the west side of the house, which gave Gideon pause. Why the change from the front view? “Do you know anyone who draws this well?”
“No.” She looked surprised. “It never crossed my mind to wonder. Do you think someone I know is doing this?”
“Could be.” The worried expression on her face bothered him, but there was no help for it. “What else has happened?”
“My chickens are disappearing.”
“That could be due to coyotes or wolves.”
“Yes, but if an animal were responsible, I think I would’ve found at least a feather or some blood in the henhouse. There’s been nothing.”
“You think a person took your birds?”
“It’s possible.” Her mouth tightened. “I wish I knew what this person wanted.”
Gideon turned around to look out the window across the grass of her yard to the red mud and puddles of the road beyond. “Have you thought about getting a dog?”
“I had one. Tug.” Ivy eased up beside him, bringing that damn scent with her, causing his nerves to twang. “He disappeared a couple of days ago.”
Needing to escape the barely there touch of her body against his, he stepped toward the door. “Let’s walk.”
He waited for her to precede him, then followed her through the front room and outside. They moved down the porch steps, angled toward the barn. Her braid hung to the middle of her back, drawing his eye to her small frame, the sharp tuck of her waist before her hips flared slightly.
Coming up beside her, he took in the corral and barn. The fence that ran around the property could use a fresh coat of whitewash, but everything was in good shape.
Gideon moved toward the back of the barn, shortening his stride so Ivy could keep up. “Is it possible your dog ran off?”
“I don’t think so. Tug roams during the day, but always returns at night.”
“Maybe he found a lady friend.”
“Maybe, but even if so, something else has happened or he would’ve come back.”
White clouds floated against a pale blue sky. As they reached the barn, red mud squished around Gideon’s boots. Ivy picked up her skirts and tiptoed through the muck. A bit of petticoat flashed beneath the hem of her practical blue day dress.
Shifting his gaze from her, he studied the fence that ran from the side of the house and around back to encompass the outbuildings. He spotted a couple of rotten wood slats, but no other signs of disrepair.
Beyond the back fence, several Holsteins milled about, grazing on alfalfa. Gideon had already seen the black-and-white-spotted animals this morning.
He and Ivy stepped through the back door of the barn and moved inside. The door at the other end was also open, and a fresh breeze blew through the sturdy watertight structure. Oats and bits of hay scattered across the dirt floor. The odors of animal flesh and earth hung on the air.
Gideon had been here earlier checking the horses’ shoes. “Where’s the horse you found?”
“I towed him to a gully using another horse.”
“Could you show me?”
She led him past the house and through the back gate around the cows. Alfalfa blanketed the field in green as far as he could see. As they walked down a slight hill, he spied the glitter of a fast-running creek cutting through a grove of pecan trees. Beyond