Marriage At Circle M. DONNA ALWARD

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Marriage At Circle M - DONNA  ALWARD

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that was all.

      “I also thought they might soften you up for my apology.”

      Her hands stilled over the vase she’d taken from the top of a pine buffet in the corner. “Apology?”

      “I’m sorry we fought earlier.” He couldn’t bring himself to say he was sorry for everything. He found he wasn’t sorry for being concerned about her welfare. But he was sorry for upsetting her.

      She turned to look at him, the vase of flowers in her hands. “I am, too.”

      Their gazes met across the room. Lord, she had a way of looking at a man that made him want to do all sorts of things for her. Her lips were open just a hint, ripe for kissing, and her eyes were soft and wide. For a fleeting moment he wondered what she’d do if he simply closed the distance between them and kissed her like he’d wanted to for weeks. But the timing was wrong and the moment passed. Grace looked away.

      “I was just worried, that’s all. I’ve known you a long time, Grace. I just want you to look after yourself.”

      She put the flowers in the middle of the table and stood back. “Thanks for your concern, Mike, but it’s not necessary. I’ve been looking after myself for a while now.” She moved back to the stove, taking the lid off the electric frying pan and capably turning the chicken with metal tongs.

      Of course she had, he acknowledged silently. She’d been back in town for what, five or six years? Living on her own all that time. Without him. But that didn’t stop the protective streak that seemed to rear its head every time she was around.

      The screen door opened and voices filtered through the hall to the kitchen. “I think they’ve arrived,” Grace remarked, grabbing a platter. “Timing’s good, too. Chicken’s done.”

      When Alex and Connor entered, Maren on Connor’s arm, Mike forced a smile. “Welcome home.”

      Alex’s eyes filled with tears. “Oh, you guys, you shouldn’t have.” She walked carefully, like she was afraid of breaking something. She looked over her shoulder at Johanna, then to the stove and Grace who was standing with the platter of chicken in her hands.

      “You did this?”

      “It was Mike’s idea. Be thankful I did the cooking and not him.”

      Everyone laughed, including Mike who agreed. “I’ll make the coffee. Everything else I’ll trust to Grace.”

      “Wise move,” Grace countered, but he was gratified to see her treat him to a genuine smile.

      Alex’s smile widened and she leaned up to give Mike a quick hug. “You softie,” she whispered in his ear.

      “Be quiet. That’s a secret,” he whispered back. Straightening, he chided her. “No work. We’re going to look after everything so you can just look after that bundle in there.” He pointed at her belly.

      “That’s what I’ve been telling her,” Connor said, putting Maren in her high chair and handing her a cracker. “Nothing’s more important than looking after our baby.”

      Mike looked at Grace. Her face carried a strange expression as she looked at Alex. He’d almost swear she looked…wounded, he supposed. Her eyes were luminous, wide with hurt. He’d never quite seen that look before and didn’t know what to make of it. There was concern, he was sure, but there was something else. A deep, lingering sadness. But why would seeing Alex make her sad?

      She caught him watching her and pasted on a smile, the expression disappearing as if it had never been. “Put the chicken on, will you, Mike? I’ll get the rest of the food out of the fridge.”

      They all sat down to a celebratory dinner, but Mike couldn’t forget that haunted look on Grace’s face.


      Connor and Alex were putting Maren to bed; Johanna was cleaning up the kitchen. Grace had tried to help but Johanna had shooed her away, saying the cooks didn’t need to wash dishes. Grace knew she should just get in her car and go home, but instead she wandered out to the garden in the twilight, smelling the fragrant sweet peas that climbed the white latticed pergola.

      The moon started its ascent. Frogs chirped from the pond down behind the barn. Grace sighed. If she went home now she’d end up feeling sorry for herself and spending the evening with a bowl of ice cream and a box of tissues. Despite the worry of the present, the Madsens were a happy family. Strong and bonded. She’d thought she’d have that, once, but now knew it would never happen. Most times she was okay with it. But times like this…times like this it hit her hard, made her mourn what she’d lost and what she’d never have.

      She’d never have her own family.

      “Beautiful night, isn’t it.”

      Mike’s voice interrupted the quiet sounds of dusk and Grace swallowed the ball of emotion that had gathered in her throat. “Sure is.”

      “You going to tell me what’s making you so blue?”

      He was standing a little behind her and she kept her back to him. If she looked at him she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t lose it, and what an awkward mess that would be.

      “I’m fine. Just enjoying the evening.”

      “Grace Lundquist, you’re a bad liar.”

      She sighed, willing him to stay behind her. Her eyes closed. “Just leave it be, Mike.”

      He was quiet for a moment and Grace wondered if he’d gone. Then his voice came back, low and rumbly.

      “I can’t.”

      Oh, why did he have to be so concerned and caring all of a sudden? Mike didn’t think of her in any way besides a friend, and even if he did, it wouldn’t make sense to pursue anything, no matter how long she’d had a crush on him. He didn’t stay anywhere for long, or with anyone. In all the years she’d known him, he’d only had brief, fun relationships. Nothing serious. And Grace didn’t do brief and fun.

      She had, once. And she’d thought Mike had really cared about her. She supposed in his own way, he had. But not enough. He hadn’t even broken up with her. He’d just gone.

      She cared about him, yes. She admitted that much to herself. But she couldn’t let herself get too close. She didn’t trust him not to leave her again, and she wasn’t into making the same mistake twice.

      No, they’d get along much better if they stuck to friends only.

      His hand rested on her shoulder and she leaned into the reassuring contact. “I’m okay. I promise.”

      “You didn’t look fine at dinner. You looked like your whole world was crashing in around you.”

      Grace forced a smile and finally turned to meet his gaze. His eyes were dark with concern as his hand slid from her shoulder down to grip her fingers.

      She pulled her hand away, attempting a laugh. “When did you get so dramatic, Mike? Worlds crashing around. As if.”

      “If you weren’t upset, then what are you doing out here in the dark?”


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