Stranded with the Rancher. Tina Radcliffe

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Stranded with the Rancher - Tina  Radcliffe

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      “There’s a sheet of ice on the roads from that snow-rain mix that was coming down first,” Dan said.

      “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I’ve put you at risk.”

      “Naw. I told you I’d be out on the roads anyway, to get home.” Dan turned up the defroster, hoping to clear the clouded window. “But it might be a good idea to call ahead to the Gunbarrel Hotel and let them know you’re coming.”

      Beth pulled off her gloves and dug a cell phone out of her tote. “No reception.”

      “Once we get to the other side of that hill you should get something.”

      “What hill?” She narrowed her eyes as she peered through the windshield. “All I can see are pine trees and those tall poles.”

      “Snow poles. But trust me, we’re almost past the hill. I’ve pretty much got this road memorized. I spend a lot of time back and forth, making deliveries.”

      “Deliveries?” Beth asked as she put the phone away.

      “I’m a pharmacist.”

      “A pharmacist who makes deliveries?”

      “Why not?” Dan smiled, amused at her reaction. “Fact is, sometimes it’s the only way I can get things to my patients.”

      She glanced out the back window toward the flatbed. “And you’re on a snowmobile rescue team?”

      He nodded. “Yeah. So I know this area inside and out.”

      “What do you do as a volunteer?”

      “Whatever Dr. Rogers tells me to do.” He grinned.

      “Ben is your boss?”

      “Dr. Sara and Dr. Ben are. Ben manages the unit and Sara is his backup. There are six of us and each member has their own area of expertise. I’m an AIFLP.”

      Beth stared blankly at him.

      “Advanced interfacility life support paramedic.”

      “You’re a critical care paramedic?” she asked.

      “The state of Colorado doesn’t have critical care paramedics...yet. Approval is tied up in government red tape.”

      “I’m still impressed. That’s quite a specialty out in the field.”

      Dan shrugged. “I guess so, but I’m basically in it for the perks.”


      “Occasionally they let me ride in the helicopter.”

      A smile parted her lips and her blue eyes sparkled, transforming her reserved expression. Dan was caught off guard when dimples appeared. Apparently Dr. Rogers’s good humor had been restored.

      He made a mental note not to annoy her again. They were in for a long day and he didn’t need to be at odds with his passenger in the confining space of the truck cab. Besides, he liked it when she smiled. Elizabeth Rogers was easy on the eyes.

      “Have we passed your place?” she asked.

      “No, at the snail’s pace we’re going, it’ll be a bit. I’m off the beaten path to the east. Small ranch at the base of the mountains.”

      “You’re a rancher, as well?” she asked.

      “Not me. My brother. He runs about two hundred head of cattle.”

      They rounded a bend in the road and Dan nodded toward the phone in her lap. “Why don’t you check for signal strength again?”

      Beth picked up her phone. “Yes. Got it.”

      “Great. Use my phone.” He pulled a cell from his jacket pocket. “I have the sheriff’s office on speed dial. Dispatch can connect you to the Gunbarrel Hotel.”

      She shook her head. “It’s a recording.”

      “What’s it say?”

      “Call 9-1-1 if it’s an emergency. Due to a heavy volume of calls, unable to...” Beth released a breath. “What now?”

      “When is your flight?” he asked.

      “It’s not until two, but it’s the last Alamosa-to-Denver flight until Monday. Then I still have to connect to New York.” Turning to the window, she hid her expression.

      “You think they’re going to hold a blizzard against you?”

      “I think it’s likely I won’t get the position. They need a physician now, not later.”

      “If you don’t mind my asking, what’s so important about a temp position?”

      She looked at him. “This particular medical group auditions all candidates for their practice by allowing them to work as a locum tenens first. It’s the only way you get in.”

      “I take it the competition is stiff.”

      “There were over one hundred applicants. In the end, only two of us were chosen. If either of us is a good match for their team we’ll be offered a permanent job.”

      “What’s the catch?”

      “The catch?”

      “You could get a job anywhere. Why this practice? What makes it so special?”

      “It’s been my dream for as long as I can remember.”

      “What? Big city and big bucks?” The words spilled out before he could consider how bitter he sounded for a man who thought he was long over his past.

      When her eyes flashed, he knew he’d irritated her again. So much for his good intentions.

      Before he could correct his misstep the truck began to vibrate with the fierce stuttering of the antilock brake system kicking in. Dan grabbed the wheel firmly. “Hold on. We’re sliding.”

      The big truck continued to skid right, until it suddenly fishtailed and changed direction.

      They were both jolted sideways as metal scraped against metal, the sound raw and screeching as the vehicle crashed through a guardrail and headed straight for an enormous conifer.

      “Lord,” he said beneath his breath. “We could use a little help.”

      Bracing himself, Dan again instinctively shot an arm out to protect his passenger from hitting the dash. He effectively held her shoulders back against the leather seat.

      Time was suspended as the truck was shoved against the tree, which struck the left front tire and bumper before settling against the driver’s side door.

      The pickup shifted and finally was still.


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