The Countess Bride. Terri Brisbin
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Her weaknesses in character threatened to overwhelm her. Her fears and her inability to carry on conversations in the romantic style of the court forced her to the background in most situations. Her lack of standing and lack of relatives to offer the support usually given to young women of marriageable age were appallingly obvious to those here seeking that honorable state. Even drawing on her inner reserve of practiced quiet and calmness did not lessen her anxiety when faced with outsiders whom she knew not.
The urge to return to the convent, nay, to run to the convent, nearly overpowered her for a moment. Taking in a deep breath, she tried to clear her thoughts. The countess approached and held out her hand. Taking it, Catherine walked next to the woman who offered her everything she lacked, without ever making demands on her time or on her soul.
“My lord has suggested that I seek my chambers and rest there until our evening meal. Catherine, will you join me and bring your prayer book?” Everyone present knew the lord had ordered her to her room. Gossip would begin immediately after Lady Harbridge left their presence.
“Of course, my lady.”
“I fear that this babe makes me sensitive to the heat. My lord is concerned that I not spend so much time outdoors in it.” Her whispers were loud enough for all to hear.
Catherine knew exactly what the countess was doing, and would have kissed the hem of her gown to thank her for it. But that would undo the good being done on her behalf. By announcing the news that she once more carried a babe, another heir for her lord, she drew the attention to herself.
The group behind them fell silent, but Catherine could almost hear the questions and thoughts in their minds. This would be the countess’s third child in just over three years of marriage. Catherine knew those here who sought marriage to the countess’s brother-by-marriage were wondering if he would be as demanding in the physical part of marriage as his brother was. And if they would be as fruitful.
They reached the keep, where Emalie guided Catherine in one direction while the others entered the great hall. The consummate hostess, Lady Harbridge would have servants aplenty waiting to serve her guests whatever they needed.
Catherine followed the countess up the stairs in one of the towers until they reached the earl and countess’s chambers. The countess did not stop yet, but led her through a doorway and up another flight of stairs until they returned the battlements. Walking along the top of the wall that surrounded the entire keep, Catherine could see the lands around Greystone Castle, almost to the sea in the east. The countess stood at her side, eyes closed, facing into the breezes that buffeted them.
“If I could spend my days here in the wind, I would, dear Catherine.”
“Aye, my lady. ’Tis much more pleasant than the heat of the bailey.” Catherine remembered hearing some gossip about the amount of time the earl and his countess spent high up on these walkways, and she could feel a heated blush climb onto her cheeks. It was even rumored, if one wasted time listening to that kind of talk, that the child carried by the countess had been conceived here one stormy spring night.
“They can be cruel, Catherine. I urge you not to take their words to heart.”
“Aye, my lady.” What else could she say?
“Geoffrey should arrive by this evening. He will enjoy seeing you, as he always does.”
“And I him, my lady.”
Lady Harbridge gave her the strangest look and then patted her hand. “You may seek out whatever diversions you’d like this day, Catherine. I am truly headed for my chambers now.”
“As you wish, my lady.”
Catherine was still trying to figure out the meaning of her glance when Lady Harbridge added, “This babe makes me hungry and tired, and I battle between both feelings now. Could you seek out Alyce and have her send food and drink to me?” At Catherine’s nod, the countess continued. “It will be an arduous task to suffer the company of these empty-headed ninnies and their mothers over this next week, so get some rest to prepare yourself.”
She laughed with the countess at her words. They were her exact thoughts about this group of visitors. Catherine curtsied and turned to leave. The countess spoke once more.
“Geoffrey will be pleased to see you here.”
Geoffrey will be pleased to see you here.
The words swirled around inside her head as she sat in the cool stillness of the stone chapel. This was her one place of safe haven within Greystone. Not many of its inhabitants were spiritual in nature, so most times she had the quiet church to herself. Even old Father Elwood was absent now.
Wrapping her shawl tighter around her shoulders, Catherine paced the back of the chamber. Although marriage was never part of her accepted future life, she knew that it was a must for Geoffrey. Between the two Dumont brothers, they had much land and many titles to protect, both here in England and back in Poitou and Anjou.
She knew the French king was constantly testing the borders of his lands and that of the Plantagenets, and the Dumont lands sat between. Only an established marriage and an heir would serve to settle some of the tension. The current earl had supplied both, as was appropriate, but most did not know that Geoffrey stood as heir to all the earl’s Continental possessions and titles.
Catherine had discovered much about the Dumonts’ unusual arrangements with King Richard while here at Greystone and back at the convent. A second son did not expect to inherit family estates and titles, but Geoffrey would. Upon marriage—a marriage that required the consent of his brother— Geoffrey would take over control of Château d’Azure and all the Dumont holdings surrounding it. And he would be invested as the Comte de Langier.
If these “empty-headed ninnies,” as the countess called them, had knowledge of his true worth, they would have been after him long ago. But the earl kept these arrangements quiet even as he’d kept Geoffrey under control. Until now. Catherine longed to speak with Geoffrey to discover what had changed to make marriage now necessary.
Geoffrey. Her best friend. And now soon to be married. She had not laid eyes on him in almost a year, although his letters kept her entertained and informed of his progress in overseeing the workings of the many Dumont estates. When she’d last seen him he’d been maturing at an alarming rate, and Catherine could only imagine how handsome and tall he would be now.
She sighed as she struggled to accept what was to come. Her heart was heavy with the knowledge that this would be the last time she saw him. For once the question of his marriage was settled, she would begin preparation to take her vows.
Chapter Two
The small group of travelers reached the crest of the hill and Geoffrey called a halt. This was his favorite spot to stop and survey the Castle Greystone and its surrounding lands. With summer full upon England, the richness of the fields and forests was evident. Lifting off his helm, he savored the view for what promised to be the last time in many months.
“Your lands are just as rich, my lord.”
Geoffrey turned to face the man who was his own steward, and noticed his self-assured