Wife By Arrangement. Lucy Gordon
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‘I wanted to see if you’d respond to my money—’
‘If I was a fortune-hunter!’ she snapped.
‘The choice of words is yours, but the meaning is the same.’
Heather prided herself on her practical common sense, but this man annoyed her enough to make her toss it aside and take risks instead. The next words seemed to come out of their own accord.
‘You’d have looked silly if I’d said yes, wouldn’t you?’ she said coolly.
‘Why? Are you saying that you wouldn’t have delivered? I doubt it. I think you’re a woman of your word. If you’d promised to sleep with me, you’d have slept with me. We’d have enjoyed a mutually pleasurable experience—’
‘Oh, really?’
‘I promise you it would have been.’
‘Perhaps you’d like to give me signed testimonials from Elena and all the other fictitious ladies.’
‘They’re real enough, and I think they’d vouch for me—although not, perhaps, under these circumstances—’
‘At the price you offer I should hope they’d vouch for you under all circumstances. Otherwise they wouldn’t be giving what you pay them for, would they?’
That flicked him on the raw, she was glad to notice. His eyes glittered with a strange, dark light. ‘Perhaps I’ve only myself to blame if you sharpen your claws on me,’ he said after a moment. ‘Let it be. I made you a genuine offer—’
‘And never mind what it did to Lorenzo.’
‘If you’d accepted I’d have been doing him a favour, and he’d have seen that.’
‘People always see things your way, do they?’
‘With time and persuasion.’
She regarded him wryly. ‘Does that mean that, given time and persuasion, you think you could have seduced me?’
He was suddenly alert. ‘I don’t know,’ he said slowly. ‘I simply don’t know.’
It was like playing chess, she found, and suddenly very thrilling. Shrewdly she moved her queen into the centre of the board, inviting attack. ‘Perhaps you just didn’t raise the price high enough,’ she murmured.
‘What are you saying?’
‘Don’t you know that a woman who seems honest can charge twice as much as her more blatant sisters?’
‘Oh, yes,’ he said softly. ‘I know that. What now?’
‘Come a little nearer, and I’ll tell you.’
Slowly he moved his head closer to her. Heather leaned forward until her hair lightly brushed his face, and her breath fanned his cheek.
‘I wouldn’t want you if you were the last man on earth,’ she whispered. ‘Go and jump in the river, and take your money with you!’
He turned his head so that his eyes looked directly into hers. They were hard with astonishment, cold, appraising. ‘You are a very unexpected lady,’ he said. ‘And a very brave one.’
‘I don’t need to be brave. You can’t harm me because you have nothing that I want.’
‘Except that I hold your marriage to Lorenzo in my hands. I’m particular about who I take into my family—’
‘Then you’ll be relieved to know that you won’t be asked to accept me,’ she said, drawing back and facing him with furious eyes. ‘Let me make my position plain. I hope Lorenzo wasn’t planning to propose, because my answer would be no, and you are the reason.’
‘Heather—’ came Lorenzo’s dismayed voice from behind her. He had returned in time to hear the last words.
She jumped to her feet. ‘I’m sorry, Lorenzo, but it’s over. We had a lovely romance but it was just a fairy tale. Now it’s reality time, and your reality is your very unpleasant brother.’
He seized her arms. ‘Don’t go like this. I love you.’
‘And I love you, but I’m saying goodbye.’
‘Because of him? Why?’
‘Ask him. Let him tell you if he dares.’
She pulled free and stormed away. Lorenzo started after her but Renato growled, ‘Leave this to me.’
Anger gave speed to Heather’s feet and she’d already whisked herself halfway down the Long Gallery before Renato had caught up with her.
‘This is ridiculous,’ he said, reaching for her arm.
‘Don’t call me ridiculous,’ she seethed, shaking him off. ‘What’s ridiculous is you thinking you can move people like pawns on a chess board.’
‘I haven’t had much difficulty so far,’ he was rash enough to say.
‘So I guessed. But you hadn’t met me then.’
‘Indeed I hadn’t—’
‘It’s been a short acquaintance, not a pleasant one. This is where it ends.’
She turned away sharply and headed for the street. Outside, the night traffic of Piccadilly honked and blared. Renato caught up with her at the door, taking her arm again. ‘Please, Heather, come back inside and let’s discuss this calmly.’
‘I don’t feel calm. I feel like throwing something at your head.’
‘You’re punishing Lorenzo because you’re mad at me, and that isn’t fair.’
‘Not, it’s not fair. It’s not fair that he has you for a brother, but he’s stuck with you. I’m not, however, and I intend to keep it that way.’
‘All right, insult me if it gives you pleasure—’
‘After the way you’ve insulted me, it gives me more pleasure than I can say!’
‘But don’t do this to Lorenzo.’
‘I’m doing it for Lorenzo. We’d only make each other unhappy. Now, will you please let me go, or do I have to scream for a policeman?’
She pulled free and stormed out onto the pavement, heading straight across the road to where she could see a taxi approaching. She was too angry for caution. Through the noise of the traffic she thought she heard Renato’s horrified voice shouting her name. She didn’t see the car bearing down on her, only the glare of the headlights against the darkness. Then Renato seized her and swung her violently sideways. Somebody screamed, there was an ugly sound of brakes, and the next moment she was lying in the road.
For a moment she couldn’t breathe. But she didn’t seem to be injured.