Multiples Mystery. Alice Sharpe

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Multiples Mystery - Alice  Sharpe

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turned a corner into a series of rooms that opened off a central area. “This will be the play area,” she said softly. “The rooms open off of it. The master suite is through there to the south.”

      Windows showcased only the fog outside, but she seemed driven to walk toward the feeble light. Meanwhile, Zac made his way toward a pile of unopened boxes fresh from the shipper. They formed the solid mass he’d seen from the front and all but blocked the double single-pane glass French doors behind them. He could make out a few of the labels. Cribs, changing tables, car seats, bassinets, even clothing and diapers and four rocking chairs.

      She came to stand beside him. “That’s the stuff I ordered off the Internet while I was stuck in the hospital. I had it shipped directly here.” She ran a hand over one of the boxes and added, “Anthony told me last week that he’d assembled the bassinets. Surprise, he lied.”

      She turned away, burying her face in her hands. Zac stood there watching her shoulders shake and didn’t know what to say or do. He longed to comfort her but he didn’t trust himself.

      How long had he loved her like this?

      Loved her to the point it was torture being around her?

      She turned slowly, dropping her hands, and their eyes met. Hers were like dark holes in the universe, sucking him in, her pain and need more than he could bear. He told himself to act like the friend he was supposed to be and opened his arms. She slowly stepped into his embrace and rested her head against his shoulder. He closed his eyes, way too aware of the silky ambrosia of her hair against his cheek, her breasts pressed against his chest, her warmth and softness. He’d touched her a thousand times over the years but never once like this and the fact it was all one-sided, the fact her tears were on another’s man’s behalf made him ashamed of his feelings.

      “I’m not a crier,” she snuffled after a few moments, gazing up at him.

      “You could have fooled me,” he said with a dismal attempt at humor. He ran a couple of fingers across her tear-stained cheek as they looked into each other’s eyes. The moment seemed to linger, dragging its feet like a lover reluctant to depart. “It’s not a crime to break down,” he added.

      She heaved a sigh and stepped away. “Anthony is in some kind of trouble, isn’t he?”

      “It appears so,” Zac said, watching as she dug in her handbag for tissues. The little package was empty. He took a clean folded handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.

      “I know I should be worried about him, but frankly, I’m more worried about my babies and what all this means to them.”

      “I don’t blame you. Just remember you’re not alone.”

      When she raised her eyebrows, he mumbled, “The whole town will stand behind you, Olivia. And you know you can depend on Faith.”

      “I know,” she said softly.

      “The search for Anthony will take on a new dimension now there’s the potential of a crime being committed.”

      “To him or by him?”

      “I don’t know, Olivia.”

      “I just don’t understand why he did all this,” she whispered, wiping her eyes. “I don’t understand why he pursued me and married me and then why he stuck around until the babies were born but never bothered to come see them. Did he steal money, is that it, Zac? Or did he do something worse?”

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