Unfinished Business. Cat Schield
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If only Devon had been able to come here in her stead. A skilled employment specialist, he was her right hand. Unfortunately, his mother had gone to the hospital yesterday with severe abdominal pain and had been rushed into surgery to remove her gall bladder. Rachel had told Devon to stay with his mother as long as she needed him. For Rachel, family always came first.
“How many assistants have you placed here?” Max’s piercing stare didn’t waver from her face as he slid her business card into his breast pocket. The effect of so much icy heat coming to bear on her was starting to unravel her composure.
“Five.” She dropped her hand into her jacket pocket to keep from plucking at her collar, lapel or buttons and betraying her disquiet. “Missy was the first. Sebastian’s assistant.”
“That was your doing?”
Rachel blinked at the soft menace in his voice. Did Max have something against Missy? She’d been with Case Consolidated Holdings for four years and had worked out great. In fact, it was that placement that had jump-started her business.
“I heard she recently got promoted to communications director.” And married Max’s brother, Sebastian. Surely that proved how good Rachel was at her job.
“That means you’ve been in Houston four years?” The question rumbled out of Max like a guard-dog growl.
Anxiety spiked. “About that.”
“Why here?”
When she’d left him in the Alabama beach town, he’d never wanted to see her again. Was he wondering if it was fate or determined stalking on her part that she’d shown up at Case Consolidated Holdings?
“I moved here because of my sister. She went to the University of Houston and has friends here. It made sense for us to settle in Houston after she graduated.”
Inferring that Rachel hadn’t had friends where she’d lived before. Curiosity fired in Max’s eyes. The intensity of it seared her nerve endings. Five years had passed since she’d last seen him and her physical response to his proximity hadn’t dimmed one bit.
“I have three clients in this building,” she told him, her tone firming as she reclaimed her confidence. She’d been dealing with executives for over ten years and knew exactly how to handle them. “The fact that I’ve placed five assistants here and we’ve never run across each other should tell you that my interest in your company is purely professional.”
He surveyed her like a cop in search of the truth. “Let’s talk.”
“I thought that’s what we were doing.” She bit the inside of her lip as the smart-ass remark popped out.
Once upon a time he’d liked her cheeky banter. She doubted he’d say the same thing today. Five years was a long time to stay mad at someone, but if anyone could manage, it would be Max Case.
“In my office.”
Pivoting on his heel, he strode away from her down the hallway that led into the bowels of Case Consolidated Holdings. He didn’t look back to see if she was following. He expected obedience. He’d always been bossy that way. Telling her where to put her hands, how to move her hips, the areas of his body that needed her attention.
Her skin flushed. Desire found a warm and welcoming home inside her. She couldn’t move. What was she doing? Her memories of those four days with Max belonged in the tomb with all her girlish hopes and dreams. Her moratorium on men and sex remained in full force. Indulging in lusty thoughts of Max was the height of stupidity if she hoped to cultivate a professional relationship with him.
Max disappeared around a corner. This was her chance to run. She should make some excuse. Send Devon to do the interview tomorrow.
No. Rachel squared her shoulders. She could do this. She had to do this. Her future required this placement fee.
Five years ago, she’d learned a hard lesson about running from her problems. These days, she faced all difficulties head-on. Lansing Employment Agency needed this commission. She would do a fabulous job for Max, collect her money and treat herself to a bottle of champagne and a long bubble bath the day the agency moved into its bigger, better office. It all started with this meeting.
Rachel forced her feet to move. Step by step she gathered courage. For four years she’d been scraping and clawing her way upward. Convincing Max that Lansing was the agency for him was just one more hurdle, and by the time she reached the enormous office bearing Max’s name, she had her chin set at a determined angle and her eyes focused on the prize.
“Did you get lost?” he asked as she crossed the threshold.
A long time ago.
“I stopped at Sabrina’s desk and asked her to send the baby gift to Andrea.”
Rachel glanced around Max’s office, curious about the businessman. During their four days together, she’d learned about his family and his love of fast cars, but he’d refused to talk about work. In fact, until she’d met Sebastian four years ago, and noticed the family resemblance, she didn’t know he was Max Case of Case Consolidated Holdings.
The walls bore photos of Max leaning against a series of racecars, helmet beneath his arm, a confident grin on his face. Her heart jumped in appreciation of how handsome he looked in his one-piece navy-and-gray racing suit, lean hips and broad shoulders emphasized by the stylish cut. A bookshelf held a few trophies, and books on muscle cars.
“You cut your hair.” Max shut the door, blocking her escape.
She searched his expression, but he’d shut all emotion behind an impassive mask. His eyes were the blank stone walls of a fortress. Nevertheless, his personal comment aroused a tickle of awareness.
“Never liked it long.” Her ex-husband had, however.
A softening of his lips looked suspiciously like the beginnings of a smile. Did he recognize her attempt to camouflage herself? Shapeless gray pantsuit, short hair, no jewelry of any kind, a sensible watch, flat shoes, minimal makeup. Dull as dirt to look at, but confident and authoritative about her business. She’d never been any man’s fantasy. Too tall for most boys. Too flat-chested and skinny for the rest, the best she’d been able to hope for from her male classmates in high school was best friend or buddy. She’d grown up playing soccer, basketball and baseball with the guys.
Which is why it continued to blow her mind that a man like Maxwell Case, who could have any woman he wanted, had wanted her once upon a time.
An enormous cherry desk dominated a position in front of the windows. The piece seemed too clunky for Max. Rachel pictured him behind an aerodynamic glass and chrome desk loaded down with the latest computer gadgets.
Instead of leading the way toward his desk, Max settled on the couch that occupied one wall of his office. With a flick of his hand, he indicated a flanking chair. Disliking the informality of the setting, Rachel perched on the very edge of the seat. Her briefcase on her lap acted as both a shield and a reminder that this was a business meeting.
“I need an executive assistant here first thing tomorrow.”
Rachel hadn’t been prepared for Andrea to have her baby two weeks early. She