Body Heat. Carly Phillips

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Body Heat - Carly Phillips

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      Brianne shook her head. “I’m not trying to be rude, but I really need to get to work. Jimmy’s wonderful, but he can’t compensate for the tips.”

      “I understand much more than you think. I come here often.”

      “I know.” Brianne could have bitten her tongue for that admission.

      “Yes, well, I don’t want you to think I’m rude, or that I was eavesdropping, but…” She shrugged, and a sheepish grin lifted her lips. “I was eavesdropping. Last night. I heard you tell Jimmy how tired you were and how much you wished you could afford to get off your feet. And then he reminded you how much you want to move with your brother when he starts Stanford in the fall.”

      “And you’d like to put me on the first plane west?” Brianne asked with a hint of sarcasm.

      “Yes. No.” The woman let out a laugh. “I’d better just explain.”

      Brianne wasn’t so sure she wanted to hear. If this woman thought Brianne was poaching on her boyfriend, she’d probably attempt to make California look good. Which it did—a new start for both her brother and herself. Physical therapy in a warmer climate, Brianne thought. Normal hours. Friends. A life.

      She sighed. She’d sent résumés, but so far she hadn’t had much luck. Either she’d been turned down flat or the salaries offered didn’t come close to New York City’s. Brianne had to be picky if she wanted to pay off Marc’s boarding school loans and her own debts.

      But reality aside, Brianne had a dream job in mind. A place she’d applied and still hadn’t heard back from. If the Special Kid Ranch offered her placement, she hoped she could afford to take it. Working with children had always been her goal, one she hadn’t been able to fulfill because the geriatrics job she’d gotten right out of school paid so well. Brianne didn’t hold out much hope that the Ranch offer would come or be any better than those she’d had so far. She and Marc would be separated for the first time in both their lives—which was probably best for her brother’s college experience, but still…

      “Are you with me?”

      Brianne blinked. “Yes. Sorry.” She had so much on her mind these days, it was a wonder she functioned at all. Brianne refocused on the woman before her.

      “I’d say we should sit and talk, but…” The other woman glanced around, taking in the tiled floor and single stall, and she grinned. “Well, you see the problem there. But just hear me out. I’ve got a proposition that I guarantee you won’t be able to refuse.”


      BRIANNE STEPPED into the ornate lobby of the luxury building on the East Side of Manhattan. A uniformed doorman met her at the entrance and greeted her with a welcoming smile. “Hello, Miss Nelson.”

      Brianne paused, surprised the older man remembered her. She’d only met him once before, when she’d visited Rina earlier in the week. Brianne paused to take in the name on his badge before answering. “Hello, Harry.” She smiled in return.

      He tipped his head and ushered her toward the private elevator leading exclusively to the penthouse, then he punched the button and illuminated the up arrow.

      While waiting, Brianne glanced around her. Glass and chrome gleamed brightly, showing off her reflection from every possible angle. She had to admit, the impact of the ornate lobby hadn’t diminished on second viewing.

      “You’ll get used to it, miss.”

      The doorman’s unexpected words told Brianne she looked as stunned as she felt. “I doubt it,” she murmured. Not after living on bare necessities for so long. But she had no choice, seeing as how she’d be living here throughout the summer.

      Without warning, the doors slid open. Brianne stepped into the elevator and the doors shut quietly, leaving her alone with her disquieting thoughts.

      She’d never believed she could be bought, but that was before the woman named Rina had made an offer Brianne couldn’t resist. In return for being a physical therapist for Rina’s brother in the evenings, Brianne would earn more than enough money finally to have a life of her own. She’d be able to pay off Marc’s exclusive boarding school loans, and with his college costs covered by scholarships, her days of financial burden would be over. She’d even make a dent in her personal debt, thanks to the second part of Rina’s offer—the back room in her penthouse, rent-free for the entire summer.

      At the thought of moving in with Rina and her brother, virtually total strangers, Brianne’s old anxieties threatened to resurface, but she battled them down with an ability she’d acquired over the years. Even if she hadn’t met Rina’s brother yet, Rina’s warmth had been enough to put her at ease. There was no reason to fall back into old patterns created by her parents’ dangerous and erratic lifestyle. Not now.

      She had a larger concern—Rina’s boyfriend. And Brianne hoped she wouldn’t run into her sexy fantasy man during her time here. But Brianne felt certain that if Rina had an inkling of the attraction that had flowed between them, the other woman would keep them apart. Brianne swallowed at the painful notion, yet knew it was for the best—for Brianne, for her brother…for so many reasons.

      The elevator cruised to a silent stop, and the doors slid open with a hushed glide. She stepped directly into the entryway and was overwhelmed by the large penthouse. Apparently Rina shared this place with her brother, an arrangement that would work well for Brianne’s evening physical therapy sessions. Glancing around at the crystal chandelier above her, the wide expanse of windows and the marble floors, Brianne was struck again by the enormity of her quick decision. But as she’d told herself before, if a wealthy widow, as Rina had called herself, wanted to spend her money making her brother’s life easier, Brianne would accept the residual good fortune and work hard in return.

      She glanced down and smoothed the workout leggings she’d worn to meet Rina’s brother. Instead of dressing to impress, she’d dressed down, intent to prove she wanted to work and was ready to begin. She wondered now if she’d made a mistake. Perhaps she should have opted for a better visual impression, but it was too late to change her mind. All that remained was the initial meeting with her new client.

      Difficult was how Rina had described her brother. Obstinate. Unwilling to continue therapy without being convinced. Brianne covered her stomach with her hands, attempting to calm her nerves. She’d learned a long time ago how to cover her insecurities and make the most of any opportunity.

      No time like the present, she thought. “Hello?” Brianne called into the empty apartment, surprised when she didn’t hear an echo. The penthouse took up the entire top floor of the high-rise building, and no one could enter the private lobby elevator without the use of a passkey. She’d never been in any place as exclusive or as elegant as this. Or as empty, she thought. Considering the doorman had said she was expected, she wondered where Rina had disappeared to.

      “Is anyone here?” she called out once more.

      In response, the short, chubby dog she’d met on her last visit came bounding toward her, tail wagging in excitement and greeting. From his exuberance and glee, Brianne knew she had nothing to fear and bent down.

      “Some watchdog you are.” She had to dig beneath the wrinkles on his skin to give him a loving scratch behind his ears. “You’re a cutey.” She’d never seen a dog like this anywhere but on TV. She glanced at the dog tag beneath his neck

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