Lone Star Baby Bombshell. Lauren Canan
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Kelly wanted to be anywhere but here. She had often envisioned this moment, but at the same time kidded herself into believing it would never happen. She drew in a deep breath. She couldn’t lie to a man about his own child. Regardless of what he’d done to her, he had the right to know the truth. It was what he might try to do with that truth that had her on the brink of panic.
“Kelly, why didn’t you tell me? The cell number I gave you should have worked.”
He didn’t question whether she was telling the truth, a fact that surprised her. But his voice held frustration mixed with anger. She knew only too well what those feelings felt like.
As many times and in as many ways as she’d tried and failed to reach him, his question sounded ridiculous. Part of her wanted to go back inside the house and close the door behind her, refusing to give him a second more of her time. The other part of her wanted to share the wonder of their beautiful son. The little things that made him laugh. The way he mouthed what would someday be words. The overall amazement of him.
Did Jace deserve to know such things? Did he even care? She’d wasted months of her life alternately wishing he would come back and hoping he never would. In her mind she’d practiced what she would say if she ever saw him again, all sorts of scenarios with a wide variety of outcomes. Now that the moment was here, she didn’t have a clue how to proceed or what to say. She crossed her arms over her chest and faced him.
“I did try to reach you. It was a bit of a challenge since I didn’t even know your name.”
“Kelly—” He raked his hand through his hair.
“The cell number you gave me kicked over to a voice mail box that was full. You really should learn to delete your old messages. Some new ones might be important.”
She’d swear he cringed.
“I was able to contact your friend, Garret. The son of the rancher you stayed with last year? He gave me another number and a password, but apparently he had it wrong or it had been disconnected.
“I did speak with your manager. Bret... Gold-something. Goldberg? Goldman? Is that right? It took me about a week to track him down. Another five weeks to get him on the phone. He didn’t think it was such a good idea that I talk with you.”
She ignored the obscenities that fell from Jace’s mouth.
“I tried a couple more times to reach you through your cell, but after a few months, I gave up. So. Now you know. You have a son. Belated congratulations.”
Kelly could hear the sarcasm in her own voice but made no effort to conceal it.
“Kelly... I screwed up, okay?”
She shook her head. “No, you didn’t. Screwing up is when you do something accidentally. Not when it’s done on purpose. And so, no. In this case, it isn’t okay. You lied. You lied to me from the moment we met. Then you disappeared and never looked back.”
How many nights had she lain in bed, consumed with the need to hold him, to touch him, to hear his voice again? At times the want had been almost unbearable, her mind elevating it to the level of death. Had he ever thought of her? Did he even remember any part of their time together?
She could sense his aura now, feel the warmth from his body through the darkness, and that same need ran through her like liquid fire. What was it about this man that made her want to forget the past year? Just forget everything and step into his arms and feel his touch once again? The thought made her angry, and she held on to that emotion. She couldn’t be weak. She had to think of Henry and be strong.
“I understand why you’re mad. You have every right to be.”
“Yes. I do. And before you accuse me of getting pregnant on purpose, I didn’t. I had a career plan and had envisioned a vastly different future. I have no way to prove it and I don’t intend to try. Now, did you want anything else? Or are we finished?”
“I...I don’t know. I’ve only known I had a son for two minutes.”
“Give it about nine months. Maybe it will soak in.” She hesitated, looking absently at the worn paint on the porch where they stood. “He...he almost died, you know?” Her voice broke; tears burned her eyes. “When he was born? They thought I would lose him. For six days, it was hour to hour, minute to minute. But he’s a tough little guy. He may not have been expected or wanted but... Yeah. He’s strong. And he’s smart.” She quickly swiped the tears from her cheeks. “If he gets his strength from his father, I’m grateful to you for that.”
“I want to take care of you. Both of you.”
Logic demanded she consider if it was fair to Henry to deny the financial assistance Jace was more than capable of providing. But they were doing okay. Henry wanted for nothing and she didn’t want to open Pandora’s Box. She shook her head. “We don’t need to be taken care of. I want nothing from you. And he doesn’t need anything from you. There are no shackles here. Contrary to popular belief, I’ve never tried to con anyone. Or entrap them. I’m not about to start now. So just...you know, carry on with your life. Throw your wild parties. Make your films. It’s a little late for regrets, so don’t give us a second thought. We’ll be fine.”
* * *
It took a long time before he could swallow the huge wedge of emotion caught in his throat. Jace couldn’t let it end this way. In light of this new overwhelming discovery that he had a son, he instantly thought of his own upbringing and the monster it had made of him. For now it lay dormant inside, but eventually it would awaken. He should distance himself from Kelly and the baby. But his heart throbbed with the idea they had a son. They’d created a child. He was a father. That, in itself, was enough to mess up any man’s mind. And regardless of how hard he fought to hold on, his common sense went down the tubes.
“I want to be in his life.” The words fell from his lips as though he was determined to be heard regardless of the consequences.
“Then what?” She shrugged. “Get your attorneys involved? Let them decide on a visitation schedule that meets with your own agenda? See him when you have time or when you happen to be in the country? Introduce him to all your lady friends vying to be his new mommy? Let him grow up seeing his dad’s face on TV or the big screen? I’m sure the other kids will someday envy him for that. Wow.” Her sarcasm was obvious. “Maybe have your secretary send an expensive gift on his birthday? That’s always a nice touch.”
“Dammit, Kelly. I don’t know how to answer you. I haven’t had a chance to work anything out.” He held her gaze as though it was a lifeline while experiencing a rush of emotions he didn’t want to feel and had no clue how to deal with.
“Then let me answer the questions for you. No. No to you seeing him once or twice a year. No to long-distance phone calls and the inevitable excuses when you miss his birthday. Or his first spelling bee. Or his first softball game. No to him being a media spectacle. He deserves more, and I won’t step aside and let you do that to him. Somehow I’ll stop you if you try.”
He ran a hand over his face. Dammit. He couldn’t deny that a lot of what she said was true. She’d pretty much nailed what would happen if his life continued as it had for the past twelve years. He was more than ready for some normal in his crazy life. He wanted a home, a family. But he didn’t know how