The Mighty Quinns: Teague. Kate Hoffmann

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The Mighty Quinns: Teague - Kate  Hoffmann

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SNUGGLED into the warmth, floating between sleep and consciousness. She opened her eyes, waiting for her vision to clear before completely comprehending where she was.

      It all returned to her in a rush, his body, his touch, the feel of Teague moving inside her. And then the overwhelming pleasure of her release. She had wondered what it might be like between them, now that they were both more experienced. But she’d never anticipated the earth-shattering encounter that they’d shared tonight.

      How had she ever believed it would just be sex between them? She’d known her desire for Teague was undeniable, something so powerful it had to be satisfied. But she’d been so sure that, once sated, she’d be able to walk away. After all, they no longer loved each other. And without an emotional attachment, sex should be sex and nothing more. That’s how she’d approached all the men in her life since Teague—they were useful for physical gratification, but she wasn’t interested in emotional attachments.

      Yet now that she was here, all she wanted to do was stay safe in Teague’s arms and in his bed. Hayley drew a shaky breath. This was not the smart choice, she reminded herself. It had taken her years to forget him, or at least put him out of her day-to-day thoughts. And now she’d be forced to fight that battle all over again.

      It would be so easy to depend upon Teague, to believe that he’d always be there for her. But they lived completely separate lives now, with miles between them, both physically and emotionally. And the only person she could truly depend upon was herself.

      Hayley pushed up on her elbow and stared down into his face in the dim light from the lantern. If she concentrated hard enough, she could push aside her memories of the boy she’d loved and see the man capable of breaking her heart. She was stronger now, independent and in charge of her own life. She had a career and plenty of money to assure her security. Everyone told her she had a future in films. There would be no time for a man in her life.

      But all the money and fame in the world could never feel like this, Hayley thought—the pure exhilaration and freedom of being herself, the Hayley she’d been before her role on Castle Cove had made her a celebrity. She picked up the edge of the blanket and, holding her breath, slipped out of bed.

      The early-morning air was chilly against her naked skin as she tiptoed around the shack retrieving her clothes. The sun was already brightening the eastern horizon and if she wasn’t back at the house by the time her grandfather got up, he’d come looking for her.

      Hayley dressed quietly, watching Teague as she pulled on her clothes and stepped into her boots. She fought the urge to wake him and kiss him goodbye before she left. But she wasn’t sure what to say to him. Perhaps it was better to let this settle in before trying to explain it all.

      Shrugging into her jacket, she turned for the door. Molly was tied to the rail next to Teague’s horse. She unwrapped the reins, then swung up into the saddle, gently wheeling Molly around and pointing her toward Wallaroo.

      Hayley drew a deep breath. Though she enjoyed living in Sydney, there were times when she missed the solitude of the outback. The air smelled sweeter and the sun shone brighter on Wallaroo. Though she’d run away from this place, she still considered the station home.

      Hayley glanced over her shoulder, taking one last look at the shack, then prodded Molly into a slow gallop. The horse’s step was quick and energetic and Hayley was amazed at how Molly’s circumstances had changed from the day before. Once again, Teague had been there to save her from certain disaster, to set things right and to make her happy.

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