The Mckettrick Way. Linda Miller Lael
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Travis settled back in his chair, folded his arms, and waited.
“Okay, it was a shock,” Meg admitted. She sat up a little straighter. “But you already knew.”
“Jesse told me.”
“And nobody thought to mention it to me?”
“I guess we assumed you’d talked to Brad.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because—” Travis paused, looked uncomfortable. “It’s no secret that the two of you had a thing going, Meg. Indian Rock and Stone Creek are small places, forty miles apart. Things get around.”
Meg’s face burned. She’d thought, she’d truly believed, that no one on earth knew Brad had broken her heart. She’d pretended it didn’t matter that he’d left town so abruptly. Even laughed about it. Gone on to finish college, thrown herself into that first entry-level job at McKettrickCo. Dated other men, including the then-single Travis.
And she hadn’t fooled anyone.
“Are you going to see him again?”
Meg pressed the tips of her fingers hard into her closed eyes. Nodded. Then shook her head from side to side.
Travis chuckled. “Make a decision, Meg,” he said.
“We’re supposed to have a drink together tomorrow night, at a cowboy bar in Stone Creek. I don’t know why I said I’d meet him—after all this time, what do we have to say to each other?”
“‘How’ve ya been?’” Travis suggested.
“I know how he’s been—rich and famous, married twice, busy building a reputation that makes Jesse’s look tame,” she said. “I, on the other hand, have been a workaholic. Period.”
“Aren’t you being a little hard on yourself? Not to mention Brad?” A grin quirked the corner of Travis’s mouth. “Comparing him to Jesse?”
Jesse had been a wild man, if a good-hearted, well-intentioned one, until he’d met up with Cheyenne Bridges. When he’d fallen, he’d fallen hard, and for the duration, the way bad boys so often do.
“Maybe Brad’s changed,” Travis said.
“Maybe not,” Meg countered.
“Well, I guess you could leave town for a while. Stay out of his way.” Travis was trying hard not to smile. “Volunteer for a space mission or something.”
“I am not going to run,” Meg said. “I’ve always wanted to live right here, on this ranch, in this house. Besides, I intend to be here when the baby comes.”
Travis’s face softened at the mention of the impending birth. Until Sierra came along, Meg hadn’t thought he’d ever settle down. He’d had his share of demons to overcome, not the least of which was the tragic death of his younger brother. Travis had blamed himself for what happened to Brody. “Good,” he said. “But what do you actually do here? You’re used to the fast lane, Meg.”
“I take care of the horses,” she said.
“That takes, what—two hours a day? According to Eve, you spend most of your time in your pajamas. She thinks you’re depressed.”
“Well, I’m not,” Meg said. “I’m just—catching up on my rest.”
“Okay,” Travis said, drawing out the word.
“I’m not drinking alone and I’m not watching soap operas,” Meg said. “I’m vegging. It’s a concept my mother doesn’t understand.”
“She loves you, Meg. She’s worried. She’s not the enemy.”
“I wish she’d go back to Texas.”
“Wish away. She’s not going anywhere, with a grandchild coming.”
At least Eve hadn’t taken up residence on the ranch; that was some comfort. She lived in a small suite at the only hotel in Indian Rock, and kept herself busy shopping, day trading on her laptop and spoiling Liam.
Oh, yes. And nagging Meg.
Travis finished his coffee, carried his cup to the sink, rinsed it out. After hesitating for a few moments, he said, “It’s this thing about seeing Angus’s ghost. She thinks you’re obsessed.”
Meg made a soft, strangled sound of frustration.
“It’s not that she doesn’t believe you,” Travis added.
“She just thinks I’m a little crazy.”
“No,” Travis said. “Nobody thinks that.”
“But I should get a life, as the saying goes?”
“It would be a good idea, don’t you think?”
“Go home. Your pregnant wife needs a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread.”
Travis went to the door, put on his coat, took his hat from the hook. “What do you need, Meg? That’s the question.”
“Not Brad O’Ballivan, that’s for sure.”
Travis grinned again. Set his hat on his head and turned the doorknob. “Did I mention him?” he asked lightly.
Meg glared at him.
“See you,” Travis said. And then he was gone.
“He puts me in mind of that O’Ballivan fella,” Angus announced, nearly startling Meg out of her skin.
She turned to see him standing over by the china cabinet. Was it her imagination, or did he look a little older than he had that afternoon?
“Jesse looks like Jeb. Rance looks like Rafe. Keegan looks like Kade. You’re seeing things, Angus.”
“Have it your way,” Angus said.
Like any McKettrick had ever said that and meant it.
“What’s for supper?”
“What do you care? You never eat.”
“Neither do you. You’re starting to look like a bag of bones.”
“If I were you, I wouldn’t make comments about bones. Being dead and all, I mean.”
“The problem with you young people is, you have no respect for your elders.”
Meg sighed, got up from her chair at the table, stomped over to the refrigerator and selected a boxed dinner from the stack in the freezer. The box was coated with frost.