A Groom for Maggie. Elizabeth Harbison
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His jaw tightened at the thought of his deceased exwife. How many nannies had she gone through before Kate had come to live with him? Sandra hadn’t worked—she’d lived off his substantial alimony payments—yet she had somehow found it necessary to employ a complete staff, including full-time care for Kate.
Kate needed consistency, Maggie was right about that. In fact, it was long overdue. But what should I do? he asked himself. How far can I go to provide it?
He closed his eyes hard and opened them to find Maggie, standing before him, like the answer to his question.
The intercom on his desk buzzed. “Alex, Anna Christianson is on the phone again,” his secretary’s voice informed him.
“Take a message,” he growled, trying to ignore Maggie’s eyes on him. Wannabe socialite, Anna Christianson was relentless in her pursuit of him—or, more specifically, his money—and everyone knew it. It was a fact he found very embarrassing. “Get rid of her.”
“Okay, Alex, but this is the third call today, you know. Is there something specific I can tell her?”
“Tell her anything. Tell her I’ve…gotten married.” He heaved a breath and met Maggie’s eyes, then looked away quickly. “Tell her I’m on an extended vacation. Tell her anything.” He released his hand from the intercom. “Please don’t lecture me on honesty now,” he said to Maggie.
“I wasn’t going to.”
He ran a hand through his hair. “Oh, it’s in there somewhere.”
“What is?”
“A recrimination.”
She lowered her chin. “Is this your guilty conscience speaking?” Her eyes looked truly luminous.
Interesting trick of the light, Alex forced himself to conclude. “Guilty? What do I have to feel guilty about?” The minute the words were out he knew he was going to regret asking.
She turned the corners of her mouth down and shrugged. “Maybe you’re feeling guilty because you’re not willing to take proper care of your child.”
He stood abruptly and the chair trembled behind him. “Maggie, the fact is I’m busy, now and always. There are too many distractions as it is.” He glanced disgustedly at the intercom. “I have to work in order to keep Kate well fed and clothed. I wouldn’t be doing her any favors if I gave up my job.”
“You don’t have to work twenty-four hours a day.”
He hesitated. “The single most important thing I can do is provide for my child.” He spoke low and slowly. Every word held equal weight. “Not every parent has that priority and, believe me, their children suffer for it.”
“I agree that basic financial security is important, but believe me it’s easy to err in the opposite direction. All I’m suggesting is a little moderation.”
“I have no time for moderation. Or for anything much but work. That’s why I hired you.”
“Are you trying to tell me that you can’t afford to take a little time off?” Maggie looked around her at the opulent office; the leather chairs, stone fireplace, Oriental carpets. “This is one room in a mansion of at least forty. The property alone is worth enough to support several ordinary people for life. You have done quite well for yourself and for Harrison Satellite Networks. I won’t believe for a moment that you need to spend every single day of your life at work.”
He followed her gaze around the room then held it with his own. “I don’t need to justify any of this to you. If you’ll excuse me now, I have something else to do.”
“That’s typical, I guess,” she said, almost under her breath. She didn’t move, though inside she trembled.
“What’s typical?” he asked, turning back to face her.
Maggie shrugged. “You. Men like you. If there’s a problem that can’t be solved with money you turn away from it and pretend it doesn’t exist at all.”
He shook his head as he went through the door. “That’s your assessment of me?” he said over his shoulder as he started down the stairs, with Maggie close behind.
“Part of it.”
“I’m flattered.” He opened the door to his home gym and went in.
She slipped in as the door was closing. “You also have a dreadful tendency toward sarcasm,” she said pointedly.
He stopped and faced her. “Tell me, Miss Weller, have you ever had an unexpressed opinion?”
She looked at him steadily. “I’m having one right now.”
There was a moment of shivering silence. Then, to her utter surprise he laughed. The creases framing his smile gave him a boyish look that Maggie tried to ignore. The laugh changed his whole face, if only for a moment. It threw her off more than anything he could have said.
“Okay.” He turned, then paused at the door and looked at her for a moment before turning. “Let’s talk about you staying. For Kate’s sake and for your sake and, God help me, for my sake.” Not that he had any personal reason to want her to stay. It was all about Kate.
Walking past her, he slipped his jacket off, then draped it over a wooden valet in the changing room. The crisp white fabric of his button-down shirt formed against his powerful back. He opened a drawer and took out sweatpants and a T-shirt. “You’ll excuse me a minute?”
Noticing where she stood, Maggie backed up a step and closed the door. “Did you say for your sake?” she asked.
There was a pause of several seconds before he replied, “What’s good for Kate is good for me, isn’t it?”
“It could make things easier for you.”
“Easier? I don’t think anything good comes easy.” He stepped out of the changing room, wearing wornout sweatpants and a T-shirt.
Maggie swallowed as her eyes roamed over Alex Harrison’s body. She’d never seem him so bare. For the first time she saw a pale jagged scar that cut across his muscular shoulder. It gave him a ruggedness that she didn’t generally attribute to him. She touched her cheek. It felt warm. “Life isn’t only hard work, Alex.” Her voice quivered.
He seemed unaware of her perusal. “So you say,” he replied, lying down under the bench press. He released the bar and began repetitions, well-defined muscles flexing under smooth skin, up and down, making her think of the power in those arms, the strength his embrace might have. “Maggie, there is only one way I can think of for you to stay in this country,” he continued as he rested the bar on its stand and shook his hands.
“You’ve thought of something?” She forced her gaze to his face and tried to stare impassively down at him. “What?”
He turned his head toward her. “It’s pretty extreme.