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Roberts’ night off.’

      The realisation that they were quite alone made her feel distinctly apprehensive.

      He slid aside the glass panels and led her onto the lamplit terrace to look over the glittering panorama that was Manhattan by night.

      As they approached the balustrade she held back.

      Feeling her instinctive reluctance, he stopped. ‘Have you always been scared of heights?’

      ‘I’m not sure...I don’t think so.’ She wrinkled her smooth forehead. ‘Maybe something happened that frightened me...’ As she spoke her skin chilled and a shudder ran through her.

      ‘What is it?’ he demanded sharply. ‘What do you know?’

      ‘It’s nothing... Just someone walking over my grave.’ She tried to speak lightly. ‘And all I know is, I feel safer back here.’

      She was wearing her jacket draped around her shoulders, and as Jos slipped it off he brushed aside the dark silky cloud of hair and kissed her nape.

      Feeling that frisson of fear and excitement she experienced every time he touched her, she caught her breath in an audible gasp.

      Indicating a luxuriously cushioned swing-seat beyond the splashing fountain, he suggested blandly, ‘Why don’t you sit down and relax while I get us a nightcap?’

      More than uneasy, with all her doubts and worries, her fear of both the future and the past suddenly crowding in on her, she shook her head. ‘I think I’ll go straight to bed.’

      When he said nothing, she added awkwardly, ‘Goodnight... Jos.’

      She was turning away when his hand shot out and grasped her wrist, bringing her to a halt, not hurting—not if she stood quietly—but keeping her where he wanted her. ‘We haven’t tried that therapy I mentioned.’

      ‘Therapy?’ she echoed unsteadily. ‘What kind of therapy?’

      ‘The kind that might help you to remember just what it’s like between us.’

      Recalling his apparent reluctance to answer some of her questions, and her own sneaking suspicion that perhaps he didn’t want her to regain her memory, she was surprised.

      Seeing that surprise, he smiled mirthlessly. ‘Did you think I’d prefer you not to remember?’

      ‘I wondered,’ she admitted.

      Green eyes gleaming beneath dark, well-marked brows, he shook his head. ‘If you didn’t get your memory back it would spoil my plans...’

      That veiled statement seemed almost to hold a hint of menace, and she was about to ask him what he meant when he went on, ‘However, as your remembering might prove to be a two-edged sword, until you’re more able to cope I think we should take it easy and not try to hurry things. Except in one area...’

      He used the wrist he was holding to draw her closer, so his other hand could raise her chin. His face was only inches away—a lean, attractive face, with beautiful hollows beneath the cheekbones and a mouth that gave her goosebumps.

      She felt his breath on her cheek and shivered, her lips suddenly yearning for his. As though he knew, he bent his dark head to touch his mouth to hers.

      Last time his kiss had been hard and punishing. This time it was light as thistledown, coaxing and tantalising until her lips parted for him. Then he deepened the kiss, cradling her face between his hands while his mouth made an uncompromising demand that sent her head spinning.

      Somehow she knew that she was normally cool and in control, but this man had the power to heat her blood and arouse a fierce, almost overwhelming desire.

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