A Mummy for Christmas. Cathy Thacker Gillen
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“I would buy that theory.” He gave her a long, steady look. “Except for one thing.”
Determined to hold her ground, she folded her arms in front of her. “And what’s that?”
Triumph radiated in his smile. “You weren’t enthralled with the Christmas spirit at the time we kissed.”
We kissed. A thrill went through her at just the memory…She lifted her chin and put a practical spin on their disturbing lapse in judgment. “My being worried that my ex is going to ruin the holidays with his machinations is more or less the same thing. Whatever Cliff is trying to do put me in a highly emotional state! I turned to you without thinking about the impact this could have on our lives.”
He lifted a discerning brow. “And now that you are thinking about consequences?” he challenged.
She let her glance drop to his broad shoulders and sinewy arms. “I don’t want to lose our friendship or complicate our lives unnecessarily, because you know as well as I do that sex changes everything.”
“So you want me to forget kissing you again.”
Was that disappointment in his low tone? And in her heart? Could she afford to fall victim to these feelings? Especially when she knew romance was based on the illusion of perfection, and that the illusion could never last, when confronted with the wear and tear of everyday living and familiarity.
Once again, Holly let her common sense take over. “Yes, I do,” she reiterated. “For both our sakes.”
Travis was quiet a long time. His expression remained maddeningly inscrutable. Finally, he stood and said. “The last thing I want is to upset you or give you any more trouble than you have at this moment. So whatever you want, whatever you need—” he paused and looked into her eyes “—let me know. And I will be there for you. No questions asked. No holds barred.”
Chapter Three
Once a week, the principal players in One Trinity River Place met for lunch. The meeting always started with business matters that needed to be handled, and ended with more personal conversation among the five longtime friends.
“I see why you’re concerned,” Grady McCabe told Travis over lunch the next day.
“We all are,” Dan Kingsland agreed, cutting into a steak.
“None of us want to see Holly hurt,” Jack Gaines said, with typical overprotectiveness where women were concerned.
“And it certainly sounds like that’s what her ex has up his sleeve,” Nate Hutchinson agreed.
Travis forked up some salmon. He trusted the guys to be objective, in a way he couldn’t be in this particular situation. “So none of you think I’m overreacting here?” Letting my emotions get in the way of sound judgment and common sense?
“It’s not that Holly needs protecting, per se,” Grady—the first of the four single dads in the group to marry again—murmured.
Dan, who had also recently found the love of his life, nodded in agreement. “Ninety-nine percent of the time Holly can handle herself just fine.”
“It’s the one percent we worry about,” Jack said.
“And I have to wonder,” Nate continued, with the cynicism of the only bachelor in the group, “what has happened to make Cliff Baxter suddenly change his mind about seeing the kids.”
Grady frowned. “What exactly do you know about the dude?” Grady asked, getting down to brass tacks.
“Not a lot.” Travis looked around the cozy woodpaneled dining room, which was decorated in exclusivemen’s-club style. “Holly never wanted to talk about him.”
“And now?” Jack prodded.
He thought back to the way Holly had cried yesterday—as if her heart would break. How she had nestled against him as he’d held her. And the way she had kissed him back…as if nothing mattered at that moment, except the passion they’d found with one another.
Grady tilted his head. “Has something changed between the two of you?”
Travis worked to keep a poker face. It wasn’t easy. Part of him wanted to shout to the world how mindblowing that steamy embrace had been. The more private part of him knew this was no one’s business but his and Holly’s. His desire to protect her in every way intensified. “What do you mean?” he asked casually.
The guys exchanged looks. Eventually, Nate said, “We always figured…you and Holly are so close…”
“Hell, you’re practically living together,” Grady stated.
Jack added somewhat awkwardly, “We just assumed sooner or later the two of you would start dating or something.”
After that spectacular kiss, Travis had hoped that would be the case. Until Holly set him straight about her own expectations. “I don’t think that’s in the cards,” he said carefully.
“If you say so.” Dan looked unconvinced.
“Holly and I are friends,” Travis said firmly. And he didn’t want anything interfering with that—even their one ill-timed, incredibly sensual kiss. Reluctantly, he forced himself to put the memory of their passionate moment aside and concentrate on the problem at hand. “I want to help her be prepared for whatever is coming with her ex-husband.”
“Then you’re going to have to do your homework,” Nate said. “And find out everything you can about Cliff Baxter and what might be motivating him.”
TRAVIS CANCELED AN AFTERNOON meeting and set up one with the private investigator who handled all the background checks and preemployment screening for his workers.
When she arrived, he ushered Laura Tillman into his on-site trailer. The statuesque redhead was one of the best in the business. If there was something to be found, he had confidence she would get it.
Laura listened quietly and took notes on everything he told her.
“How soon do you want the information?” she asked in a brisk, businesslike tone.
Travis rocked back in his chair, beginning to relax a bit, now that he was taking a more proactive approach to the situation. “As soon as possible. Definitely before he comes to Fort Worth to see the kids.”
“Does Holly know you’re doing this?”
Guilt filtered through Travis. “No. And I’d prefer she didn’t find out.”
Laura fell silent, considering all the angles. “This could backfire on you, you know,” she warned.
Travis turned his attention to the Christmas pictures Sophie and Mia had colored for him at preschool. Next to those were a couple from Tucker and Tristan. “I know.”