Mistress On Loan. Sara Craven
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Adrien bit her lip. She said savagely, ‘Mr Davidson needs to learn some discretion.’
‘Mr Davidson didn’t tell me a thing.’ Chay propped a shoulder against the doorframe. ‘He didn’t have to. I could sense the shock waves as soon as I arrived. And when I was here earlier today, a plasterer and an electrician turned up waving major bills which had been refused payment. I’d make an educated guess that they’re just the tip of the iceberg. That you’re facing serious trouble.’
Adrien lifted her chin. ‘And if I am,’ she said curtly, ‘I’ll manage. I can survive without your particular brand of knight errantry.’
‘Then I wish you luck,’ Chay said silkily. ‘But I hope you’re not counting on a bank draft arriving from Brazil. You’d do better to rely on the National Lottery.’
‘You utter swine,’ she said unevenly. ‘You’ve got everything you’ve wanted, haven’t you? How you must be enjoying your moment of triumph.’
‘I’ve had to wait long enough,’ he said. ‘But they say that revenge is a dish best eaten cold.’
‘I hope it poisons you,’ she flung at him. ‘Now let me out of here.’
He straightened. Moved out of the doorway. ‘You’re not a prisoner,’ he pointed out mildly.
‘No,’ she said. ‘Nor do I intend to be, either.’
‘Do you imagine I’m going to keep you chained up like some sort of sex slave?’ He had the gall to sound amused. ‘What a vivid imagination you have, darling.’
‘Don’t you dare laugh at me.’ Her voice shook. ‘You can’t pretend what you’re suggesting is a normal arrangement.’
‘On the contrary, very little in your life would change.’ He sounded the soul of reason, she thought incredulously.
‘After all, you’re already living here,’ he went on.
‘That,’ she said swiftly, ‘was just a temporary convenience.’
‘Which would become a permanent one.’ The return was incisive. ‘But you’d have your debts paid, plus a free hand to finish the house exactly as you want, and staff to manage it for you. You’d go on running your business quite independently. And when I have guests you’d act as my hostess.’
‘And that’s all there is to it?’ Adrien enquired ironically.
‘No,’ he said equably. ‘My work takes me abroad a great deal. I’d expect you to accompany me sometimes. But not always.’ He paused. ‘I take it your passport’s in order?’
‘Of course,’ she said, staring at him. ‘And this conversation is totally surreal.’
‘Before commencing any project I like to establish the ground rules,’ he said silkily. ‘When I’m away, you’ll be free to come and go as you please. Entertain your own friends. Live your life.’
‘It sounds too good to be true,’ she said. ‘Which of course it is. Because when these business trips were over, you’d come back.’
‘Naturally.’ He was smiling faintly.
‘Expecting precisely what?’
‘You’re no longer a child, Adrien.’ There was a sudden harshness in his voice. ‘Or a romantic teenager, dreaming of first love. I’d expect you to fulfil your side of the deal.’
‘Just the idea,’ she said, ‘makes me physically sick.’
‘Once,’ he said slowly, ‘you didn’t feel like that.’
‘What do you mean?’ She stiffened defensively.
‘It was your birthday,’ he said. ‘You were eighteen, and you looked as if someone had lit stars behind your eyes. I wished you many happy returns of the day, and you came flying across the room and offered me your mouth to kiss. Or had you forgotten?’
There was a brief, loaded pause. Then, ‘A moment of weakness,’ she said. ‘And a long time ago.’
‘Ah,’ he said softly. ‘So you do remember?’
His glance brushed her mouth in overt reminiscence, and she felt her skin warm suddenly.
She said between her teeth, ‘And before I discovered what a treacherous, money-grabbing sneak-thief you really were.’
‘Ouch,’ Chay said thoughtfully. ‘Well, at least neither of us will be embarking on this liaison with any illusions about each other. That bodes well for our future, don’t you think?’
‘You don’t want to know what I think. And, thanks to you, I don’t have a future.’
‘How do you reason that?’
She spread her hands, then realised there was an element of weakness in the gesture and let them fall to her sides instead.
‘You say I could live my life, but that’s rubbish. What kind of existence would I have, living here as your kept woman? Who the hell would want to know me under those circumstances?’
‘Get real,’ he said wearily. ‘You’re not some Victorian virgin, ruined by the wicked squire. What difference will it make to anyone?’
‘It will make a hell of a difference to me,’ she threw back at him.
‘You didn’t mind selling yourself to Piers Mendoza.’ The casual contempt in his voice cut through the uneasy turmoil of emotion within her, bringing only swift, searing anger burning to the surface.
She said, ‘Bastard,’ and her hand came up to slap him across the face.
But his fingers caught her wrist, not gently, before the blow could reach its target.
‘I see time hasn’t soothed that temper of yours,’ he remarked with a touch of grimness as he released her. ‘Keep the fires damped down, Adrien, and don’t trade on your gender. It won’t work.’
She rubbed her wrist, staring at him with resentful eyes. ‘I thought that was exactly what you wanted me to do.’
‘Perhaps,’ he said. ‘But on my terms, not yours.’
‘Which I’m not prepared to meet. So, buy someone else to share your bed. Because I’m telling you to go to hell,’ she added fiercely.
He shrugged, unperturbed. ‘That’s your privilege, Adie. Go off—explore what other avenues you like. But don’t be surprised if they all lead back to me.’
‘I’m sure you’d like to think so,’ she said. ‘But if I have to degrade myself, I’d prefer to do it in my own way.’
‘As you wish.’ He paused. ‘My offer stands, but it has a time limit. So, if