One-Night Man. Jeanie London
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“Except for the hair,” Lennon observed, gaze darting back at him. “You’ve got a ponytail.”
He shrugged, unsure whether this was good or bad. The length of his hair had been a grooming concession for his latest investigation. When he went undercover with drug dealers, he looked the part. With all the red tape and police reports he’d been wading in lately, he hadn’t found time for a haircut.
“Life been treating you all right?” he asked, deciding that if her luscious appearance was any indication, she’d been treated very well.
“Sure has, thank you. How about you?”
“Better than I deserve.”
Except at the moment. Somehow when he’d agreed to help out Miss Q, he’d still thought of Lennon as a girl.
A big mistake, he now realized, but one that didn’t surprise him. Bottom line was he hadn’t thought much about Lennon, Miss Q or any of his own family since he’d gone to college and devoted his life to breaking away from his controlling grandmother.
She’d been hell-bent on grooming him to pick up the reins of the family art import-export business. The business hadn’t interested Josh, but the art had, so his grandfather had encouraged him to explore where that path might lead. There’d been tension between his grandparents over which direction Josh’s life should take. His parents had routinely swung back and forth between the opposing factions, wanting their son to be happy, yet wanting the demanding matriarch to stop making all their lives miserable with her efforts to get her way.
Thanks to youthful stupidity, Josh had simply walked away from the fight. He’d had a big chip on his shoulder at the time and felt as if he was disappointing everyone. Swapping the family mansion in the Garden District for a refurbished warehouse in the art district, he’d cut himself off so completely from his family’s social circles he may as well have been living on another planet.
His grandmother had written him off as a lost cause, but his grandfather and his parents had kept in touch through the years. They told him what happened in their lives, tried to find out what was happening in his. But Josh rarely picked up the phone himself. More often than not, he’d used work as an excuse to avoid meeting his mom for lunch, or dropping by his dad’s club for a drink, or making an appearance at his grandfather and Miss Q’s annual Mardi Gras masque.
With age and experience came the knowledge that he might have handled his rebellion with more maturity and less rebellion. He suspected that if he’d just stood up to his grandmother, he might have found his grandfather and parents supportive of whatever path he chose. Which was why he’d rushed to Miss Q’s assistance tonight. He owed his grandfather at least this much.
“Listen, charity case, we’ve got a problem,” he said. More than one, actually, but his starved libido was technically his problem and not hers.
“I assumed. Why else would you be here? Is your family all right?”
Josh nodded, surprised that she would inquire about people who’d never had the time of day for her. Then again, he shouldn’t be surprised. Quinevere McDarby had reared her, and she was a woman who opened her heart to everyone. Including him.
Which was another reason he’d come tonight.
Miss Q had always been full of the hugs and approval Josh had professed not to need, but had secretly placed himself in the line of fire for. He remembered thinking that fate had played a nasty trick by not allowing his grandfather to meet Miss Q long before he’d met Josh’s own grandmother.
Then again, if his grandfather had met Miss Q first, Josh would never have been born. That just proved how satirical love could be. One of the reasons he made no time for it in his life. He did short-term relationships. Period.
“The family’s fine.” At least he hadn’t heard otherwise. And what was the cliché? No news is good news….
“Then what’s up?” Lennon took another long swallow of espresso, appeared to brace herself.
“A few hours ago, Miss Q left the museum to get some papers from your car. Someone assaulted her with a flash-and-bang grenade. She wasn’t hurt, but we think it was a protest of my grandfather’s collection.”
“What are you…Auntie Q…someone threw…” Lennon’s features blanked in the sort of stunned expression he knew all too well, from being a frequent bearer of bad news. She finally zeroed in. “A grenade? As in…hand grenade?”
“A flash-and-bang,” he explained. “It’s a nonlethal stun device used to disorient an enemy.”
A clever device, and one he’d been grateful for on more than one occasion. But the way Lennon gaped drove home the differences in their interpretations of nonlethal.
A flash-and-bang grenade was useful in his line of work, but he doubted Lennon had ever heard of one, which reminded him why he didn’t invite pretty, pouty-mouthed blondes into his life for more than a quick visit.
“It’s a nonfragmenting type of grenade,” he offered, hoping to reassure her. “The kind that doesn’t explode.”
Lennon didn’t look reassured. “Josh, you must be mistaken. Auntie Q is in her office, asleep.”
“It’s almost six in the morning and I just put her in the car with Olaf. She’s on her way home.”
“I’m confused.” Lennon ran a shaky hand through her hair, sending waves of honey-gold tumbling around her face, and inspiring thoughts about what that silky blond hair would feel like beneath his fingers. “Auntie Q couldn’t just go out to my car. We’re in a secure museum. The security guard has to let her out of the building after hours.”
“The guard was asleep. She didn’t want to disturb him when she can disable the system for the Eastman wing herself.”
Apparently Lennon didn’t have any trouble believing her great-aunt capable of that sort of recklessness. A frown creased her smooth brow and she shivered.
Plucking the cup from her hand, Josh marched her toward a nearby bench and forced her to sit. He didn’t dwell on the awareness that ripped through him the minute he touched her bare arm. And he refused to acknowledge the naked lovers twined around each other on the canvas directly above her head.
“She’s okay?”
“She’s fine. The noise startled her.”
“Thank goodness.” Breathing deeply, Lennon cradled her face in her hands. She shivered again.
“Are you okay?”
Looking back up at him, she nodded. “But I don’t understand why you’re here. Where are the police?”
Josh shrugged. “Miss Q decided she doesn’t want an investigation. She’s afraid the museum will postpone the gallery opening. Instead of reporting the incident so the authorities can conduct an inquiry, she hid the discharged grenade in her handbag, lied to security and called me and Olaf.”
“Where have I been while all this has been going on?”
He glanced over his shoulder at the phallic sculpture