Out of Order. Barbara Dunlop

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Out of Order - Barbara Dunlop

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opening the office door and gesturing out into the reception area.

      He kept his voice low. “Has it occurred to the two of you that she is the first person our clients are going to see when they walk in?”

      Greg and Allan both peered out.

      “So?” asked Greg.

      “I don’t get it,” said Allan.

      “Am I the only one who cares about making a professional impression?” asked Dallas.

      “She is kind of pretty,” said Allan. “But I don’t see how—”

      “Kind of pretty?” asked Dallas.

      “She’s making Harold Bouthier smile,” said Greg.

      Dallas glanced out the door. For a second his heart stopped beating. “She’s flirting with Harold Bouthier.”

      “That’s not flirting,” said Greg. “She’s just being friendly.”

      Shelby laughed at something Harold had said, her green eyes lighting up. He leaned a little closer. She didn’t back away, simply listened with interest.

      “She’s flirting,” said Dallas.

      “You can’t even hear her,” said Greg.

      “With those legs, everything is flirting.”

      Both of his partners turned to stare at him in amazed silence.

      “What?” asked Dallas. “You mean to tell me neither of you noticed her legs?”

      Greg’s face slowly broke into a grin. “I don’t think we can legally discriminate against her based on the fact that you’re a leg man.”

      Allan joined in, smacking Dallas on the shoulder. “Just keep a lid on it in the office there, Dallas.”

      “I’m not discriminating against her based on—”

      “She’s attractive, I’ll give you that,” said Greg. “Can’t hold a candle to Allison, of course.”

      Dallas shot Greg a quizzical look. Allison was cute enough, but Shelby was in a whole other league. Clients were going to walk into walls while staring at her. Who knew how many personal injury claims they’d have to settle?

      He quickly shook himself. “We’re allowed to discriminate against her based on qualifications and experience.”

      “Allison says she’s experienced,” said Greg. “Maybe you should spend a little time on your personal life. Get out there on a few dates. You know, halve the testosterone concentration so that you don’t—”

      “This has nothing to do with my testosterone concentration.”

      Both of the other men looked unconvinced.

      Dallas raked a hand through his hair. “Look. All I’m saying is that you had no right to hire an employee behind my back. I don’t think she’s suitable, and I think we need to—”

      “Give the woman a chance,” said Allan. “Bouthier likes her. Maybe it’s because she’s kind of pretty. But who cares?”

      “I care.”

      “Well, you’re just going to have to deal with your own libido,” said Greg. “I promised Allison we’d give her a chance, and I’ve got Allan’s backing.”

      Before he could protest again, both men left his office, Greg heading out to meet Bouthier, and Allan crossing the hall to the library.

      Dallas glanced at his watch.

      Fine. He still had over an hour before Eamon Perth was due. It couldn’t be that hard to dissuade a woman like Shelby Jacobs.

      “I DON’T THINK Dallas likes me much,” said Shelby as she took a seat across from Allison in Frappino’s on the first floor of the office building. It was her fourth day on the job, and things seemed to be going pretty well—other than the fact that Dallas had barely said two words to her. Well, except for Monday morning when he suggested she could get a better job.

      He’d even offered to help her find one.

      Not a good sign.

      “Dallas can be tense,” said Allison, stirring the foam into her coffee. Allison worked as a graphic artist across town, but today a meeting with a client had brought her close enough to meet up.

      “It’s more than that.” Shelby tore off a piece of the cinnamon bun they’d agreed to share.

      “Yeah?” Allison looked her in the eyes.

      Shelby faltered, squinting at the red tinge and slight puffiness around Allison’s eyes. “What’s wrong?”

      “Nothing.” Allison waved a dismissive hand. “Tell me about Dallas.”

      “Forget Dallas. You look upset.”

      Allison shrugged, still toying with her stir stick. “Greg stood me up again last night.”

      Shelby dropped the chunk of cinnamon bun, wiping her sticking fingers on a paper napkin. “But you were out until after eleven. I heard you come in.”

      “I walked home. I was thinking…I don’t know what I was thinking.”

      Shelby’s heart contracted. “Allison…”

      “It’s his work. Always his work. We haven’t had sex in two weeks.” She glanced from side to side to make sure their conversation couldn’t be overheard. Then she leaned across the table, pitching her voice below the general buzz of conversation. “How can I marry a man who doesn’t want me?”

      The question shocked Shelby. She had no idea that Greg’s working was causing any more than a minor tiff. “He wants you. Of course he wants you.”

      “Then why is he always working?”

      Shelby thought for a moment. “I know they’re after a couple of big clients right now. There’s Eamon Perth from Perth-Abercrombie—I haven’t met him because all of Dallas’s meetings have been outside the office. But it feels like he’s really important.

      “And there’s the New York firm, Preston International. They’ve been doing a ton of research on them. And I know they just redecorated to impress clients. Maybe this is a temporary thing.”

      “I’m beginning to think I’m the temporary thing.”

      Shelby’s heart went out to Allison. “I’m sure he misses you just as much as you miss him. Give him a little time.”

      “You’re a lot more forgiving than me. I’m about ready to hand him an ultimatum.”

      Shelby felt her eyes go wide. “You can’t mean break up with him? He’s a wonderful guy.”


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