That Devil Love. Lee Wilkinson

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That Devil Love - Lee  Wilkinson

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      Annis’s pale lips framed the almost inaudible question, ‘And the baby?’

      ‘You’ve got a brand new nephew, born safely an hour ago.’

      The relief was so great that Annis sat down abruptly and burst into tears.

      A folded handkerchief was put into her hand.

      While she dried her eyes and blew her nose, Zan added evenly, ‘I’ve assured your brother that everything is all right at this end, so he’s going to stay at the hospital… Now, do you feel up to some toast?’

      Gulping the milky coffee gratefully, she shook her head.

      ‘Then as soon as Mrs Sheldon arrives I propose to take you home to bed.’

      ‘Who’s Mrs Sheldon?’

      ‘She’s an ex-nurse and a very competent nanny. I’ve borrowed her from Helen, whose family, though still young, no longer really need her. She’ll look after the twins for the time being.’

      ‘But Linda and Richard can’t afford a nanny,’ Annis protested.

      ‘That’s all taken care of.’ There was a knock, and he added, ‘Ah, this sounds like her now.’

      He returned after a moment or so with a neatly dressed, pleasant-faced woman in her forties.

      When he’d made the introductions, Mrs Sheldon said cheerfully, ‘Now don’t you worry, Miss Warrener. I’ll take care of everything.’

      Feeling like death, Annis gave in and made her way upstairs to get dressed, recognising that even if she could manage to look after the twins it was in their best interest that she shouldn’t.

      But someone was paying Mrs Sheldon, and the very last thing she wanted was for any of her family to be in Zan Power’s debt.


      IN LESS than half an hour Zan was escorting her into her own flat, and a few minutes later she was tucked up with a hot water bottle listening to him drive away.

      After her earlier charged dealings with him, it had been almost an anticlimax when, brisk and practical, he’d said, ‘Have a few days in bed. I won’t expect you at work before Monday week.’ Then, with a kiss as light as thistledown, ‘Take care of yourself, Annis.’

      She slept most of the day, and it was early evening when she was awakened by the phone.

      ‘How are you feeling?’ Richard’s voice asked anxiously.

      ‘Much better,’ she assured him, and heard his sigh of relief. ‘How is Linda?’

      ‘A lot more comfortable, and the baby’s doing well. He was nearly seven pounds and…’ Richard filled in the details of his son’s birth, before going on, ‘It’s such a relief to know that everything is being taken care of and I can stay with her. This nursing home is marvellous…’

      ‘Nursing home?’ Annis echoed blankly.

      ‘Oh, didn’t you know? Early this afternoon Linda was transferred to Carlton Heights private nursing home… The facilities are first class. There’s a nice sitting-room and I’ve got a bedroom and en-suite bathroom…’

      ‘But how can you possibly afford a private nursing home?’ Annis asked dazedly.

      ‘I don’t have to. Mr Power’s paying for everything. It was his suggestion. In fact he made all the arrangements, the same as he did over the children’s nanny…’

      Annis felt as though a bottomless pit had opened up at her feet. Urgently, she demanded, ‘Have you stopped to wonder why he’s doing all this?’

      ‘It seems he’s a philanthropist, especially where his staff and their families are concerned…

      ‘He sent Linda a special delivery of flowers and said if there’s anything she needs I only have to let him know. He’s been absolutely marvellous…!’

      When Richard finally finished singing his boss’s praises, Annis put the phone down, filled with an apprehension that bordered on dread.

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