Between The Sheets. Jeanie London
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Rex nodded and reached for his coffee. He had long, tanned fingers with neatly trimmed nails, and she followed them as he tipped the cup to his lips.
“Sorry we missed the flight,” she added.
“We have some breathing room.”
She must have sounded too relieved because he arched a dark brow. “You don’t go out on assignment often, do you, April?”
Definitely the last question she wanted from him. “Actually there’s another assistant who does most of the out-of-house work, but she’s…on maternity leave,” April lied, seeing a pregnant woman walk by and spouting the first thing that came to mind. “Why do you ask?”
He sat back in his chair. The grin was twitching around his mouth and she was struck again by what a handsome man he was.
She really didn’t need to be testing out her field skills in front of this man.
“You seem nervous,” he said. “I’m trying to figure out if it’s you, me or the situation that’s making you feel that way.”
He was much too gallant to come right out and say that it would be a long few weeks of working together if she couldn’t relax. He didn’t have to. April had known that from the instant she’d laid eyes on him.
“I assume all the responsibility,” she said with forced lightness. “I’m pretty high-strung on the best of days.”
“So you’re okay with the logistics of us working together? I can get you a separate hotel room. We’ll manage.”
She was so tempted to accept. The absolute last thing she needed was to be sharing a suite with this utterly attractive man. She’d never maintain her composure having conversations about the kinds of items that had been rolling all around the airport today.
But accepting Rex’s offer wasn’t even an option. She needed to be close to see what he was up to. She couldn’t get much closer than sharing a suite.
Unless she was sharing his bed.
That thought appeared totally out of the blue and April squelched it as images of the broken vibrator and the leather restraints popped into her head. She had enough against her without letting her imagination run wild. “The logistics are fine, Rex, but thanks for the offer.”
He nodded and his hair caught the light overhead, drawing her attention to the glimmers of rich russet in brown hair not quite as dark as his eyes. Such an unusual color. Such an attractive color.
“You’re okay with our topic of study?” he asked.
“Of course. What’s not to like about dual-temperature vibrators and nipple clamps?”
He chuckled. “I’m going to take the Fifth. Given the responses we’ve gotten today, I’m hoping this isn’t indicative of the consumers’ reactions to all the lines. Amusement and shock don’t translate into high-gross sales and I don’t want to be called a dirty old man again.”
“Which part bothered you—the dirty part or the old part?”
Her question earned a full-fledged laugh and April felt the sound straight down to her toes, another example of the way this man was affecting her. And shouldn’t be.
“Forget it. That guy had to have been blind. We look like businesspeople, certainly not a couple having a May–December romance. You’re not old enough for one thing. And I’m not young enough.” She frowned before adding, “That’s a dismal thought.”
He cocked that brow again, as though not quite willing to debate the point, and set his cup on the table. Leaning forward, he closed the distance between them. “I found your impromptu consumer study very interesting. We got some varied reactions.”
She only nodded, thinking him very gallant to find something positive in that debacle.
“We’ve got our work cut out for us trying to figure out how to market this product. If what I saw today was any indication, establishing a baseline about who’ll be receptive to the sexier sheet sets isn’t going to be easy. There was a middle-aged woman nearby who couldn’t stop laughing. I’d have pegged her as the one to call me a pervert.”
“The guy who did the honors couldn’t have been much older than you are. His younger girlfriend probably just left him.”
“I hope he didn’t offend you.”
“At least he didn’t call me old, but I don’t think I’ve ever been so embarrassed.” That was saying something. April Accidentally was very familiar with embarrassment.
“I’m surprised you brought along the whole collection. The literature wasn’t enough?”
“I suppose it would have been if I’d have thought about it. But I didn’t want to forget anything so I just stuffed everything in my bags.”
“You’ll do just fine on this job, April. Try to relax.”
She’d heard that before—from John just a few days ago, in fact. She forced a smile, but there was something about Rex, a perfect stranger—a suspect, for heaven’s sake—making the effort to reassure her that touched April someplace deep inside.
As deep inside as Rex seemed to see with his melting dark eyes. He’d seen right through her to recognize she was completely nerved out about doing her job, even if he didn’t know exactly what that job was.
It wasn’t enough that this man was so gorgeous she couldn’t forget she was a woman who would never have a normal relationship or a mind-blowing orgasm or a happily-ever-after. No. Rex Holt also had to be so nice that he made it difficult for her to remember that he was a suspect.
So she sipped her cappuccino as the million-dollar question roared through her head: just how was she supposed to conduct inside surveillance when observing the suspect made her think about what they could be doing between the sheets?
REX PLUGGED the last surge protector into the wall outlet and stood back to survey his handiwork. He’d transformed the suite’s formal dining area into a work center to rival his high-tech office in Chicago with an array of computers, peripherals and telephone/copy equipment.
He made it his practice to ship his office equipment ahead so it awaited his arrival in each scheduled city—a trick he made a mental note to share with his inexperienced new assistant before they moved on to Tampa. Given that she’d brought what must have been half her house to the airport today, she clearly didn’t appreciate the terms drop and ship.
Glancing at the closed bedroom door April had disappeared behind an hour before, he smiled. The suite at Atlanta’s exclusive Bancroft Hotel seemed uncharacteristically homey today with its plush sitting room, spacious dining area and small kitchen where he could cook, a hobby he enjoyed whenever time permitted. No doubt the prospect of seducing a very lovely lady accounted for the change.