Law And Disorder. Heather Graham

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Law And Disorder - Heather  Graham

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him with friends or associates? Had he hidden him somewhere? It wasn’t as hard to hide somewhere here as one would think, with the land being just about at sea level and flat as a pancake. There were enough crack houses and abandoned tenements. Of course, Nick was pretty sure Dillinger couldn’t have snatched the kid at a bus station, hidden him wherever, and made it to the estate at their appointed time, if he had gone far.

      But that knowledge didn’t help much.

      Nick’s first case when he’d started with the Bureau in the Miami offices had been finding the truth behind the bodies stuffed in barrels, covered with acid and tossed in the Everglades.

      He refused to think of that image along with his fear for the child; the boy was alive. Adrian Burke wouldn’t be worth anything in an escape situation if he was dead.

      Nick wiped away that thought and leaned against the door frame as he stood guard over Kody. Capone was now just on the other side of the door.

      Like the entire estate, the library was kept in pristine shape, but it also held an air of fading and decaying elegance, making one feel a sense of nostalgia. The floors were marble, covered here and there by Persian throw rugs, and built-in bookshelves were filled with volumes that appeared older than the estate itself, along with sea charts and more.

      Kody Cameron had a ledger opened before her, but she was looking at him. Quizzically.

      It seemed as if she suspected she knew him but couldn’t figure out from where.

      “You’re not as crazy as the others,” she said softly. “I can sense that about you. But you need to do something to stop this. That treasure he’s talking about has been missing for years and years. God knows, maybe it’s in the Everglades, swallowed up in a sinkhole. You don’t want to be a part of this—I know you don’t. And those guys are lethal. They’ll hurt someone...kill someone. This is still a death penalty state, you know. Please, if you would just—”

      He found himself walking over to her at the desk and replying in a heated whisper, “Just do what he says and find the damned treasure. Lie if you have to! Find something that will make Dillinger believe that you know where the treasure is. Give him a damned map to find it. He won’t think twice about killing people, but he won’t kill just for the hell of it. Don’t give him a reason.”

      “You’re not one of them. You have to stop this. Get away from them,” she said.

      She was beautiful, earnest, passionate. He wanted to reassure her. To rip off his mask and tell her that law enforcement was on it all.

      But that was impossible, lest they all die quickly.

      He had to keep his distance and keep her, the kidnapped child and the others in the house alive.

      Capone was growing curious. He left his post at the archway and walked in. “Hey. What’s going on here? Don’t interrupt the woman, Barrow. I want to get the hell out of here! I’ve done some wild things with Dillinger, but this is taking the cake. Makes me more nervous than twenty cartel members in a gunboat. Leave her be.”

      “Yeah. I’m going to leave her be. And she’s going to come up with something,” Barrow said.

      He’d barely spoken when Schultz came rushing in. While Capone knew how to rig a central box and stop cameras and security systems, Schultz was an expert sharpshooter. He was tall and thin, not much in the muscles department, but Nick had seen him take long shots that were just about impossible.

      “News is out that we’re here,” he said. “Cops are surrounding the gates. I fired a few warning shots and Dillinger answered the phone—told them we have a pack of hostages. You should see them all out there at the gates,” he added, his grin evident in his voice. “They look like a pack of chickens. Guess they’re calling for a hostage negotiator. Dillinger is deciding whether to give them a live one or a body.”

      Kody Cameron stood. “They give him a body and I’m done. If he gives them one body, it won’t make any difference to him if he kills the rest of us.”

      “And just how far are you getting, sweet thing?” Schultz asked, coming close to her. He reached out to lift the young woman’s chin.

      Nick struggled to control himself. Hell, she wasn’t just a captive. Not just someone he had to keep alive.

      She worked for Finnegan’s. She was connected to Kevin Finnegan and Kieran Finnegan—and therefore, to Craig Frasier.

      And he noticed her the first time he’d ever seen her. Known that he’d wanted to see her again.

      He’d never imagined it could be in this way.

      For a moment he managed to keep his peace. But, damn her, she just had to react. Schultz cradled her face and she stepped back and pushed his hand away.

      “Hey, hey, hey, little girl. You don’t want to get hurt, do you? Be nice.”

      Nick stepped up, swinging Schultz around.

      “Leave her alone, dammit. We’re here for a reason.”

      “What? Are you sweet on her yourself?” Schultz asked him, his tone edgy. “You think this is merchandise you keep all for yourself?”

      “I’m not merchandise!” Kody snapped.

      “I want her to find what Dillinger wants, and I want to get the hell out of here!” Nick said. He was as tall as Schultz; he had a lot more muscle and he was well trained. In a fair fight, Schultz wouldn’t stand a chance against him.

      There were no fair fights here, he reminded himself. He had to keep an even keel.

      “Leave her alone and let her get back to work,” he said. “Get your mind on the job to be done here.”

      “Shouldn’t you be up in one of the front towers?” Capone asked Schultz. “Isn’t that your job in all this?”

      Schultz gave them all a sweeping and withering glare. Then he turned and left.

      Capone was staring at Nick. “Maybe you should get your mind on the job, too, Barrow,” he suggested.

      “And you,” Nick added softly.

      Capone continued to stare at him.

      It went no further as Dillinger came striding into the room. He ignored Capone and Nick and walked straight to the desk and Kody.

      “How long?” he asked her.

      “How long? You’re asking me to do something no one has managed in decades,” Kody said.

      “You’re got two hours,” Dillinger said. “Two hours. They’re bringing in a hostage negotiator. Don’t make me prove that I will kill.”

      “I’m doing my best,” Kody said.

      “Where’s the phone in this room?” Dillinger asked.

      “On the table by the door, next to the Tiffany lamp,” Kody said.

      “What the hell is a Tiffany lamp?” Dillinger demanded, leaning in on Kody.


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