Redwolf's Woman. Laura Wright
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Rita put her arm around Ava. “You have to try again.”
“I just don’t think he’s ready yet.”
“He’s not ready? Or you’re not?”
Ava grabbed another cookie, stood up and walked over to the window to check on her daughter. She didn’t even want to contemplate Rita’s suggestion. Jared hated her now. And more than likely, after their exchange today, he wouldn’t be coming within a mile of her—
The thought died. Ava’s throat tightened and her hands began to tremble.
Through the thin pane of glass and dusty screen, a scene she’d imagined a thousand times in her head was unfolding. Lily had abandoned the sandbox and her friends and was standing beside the rosebushes talking to a tall, gorgeous Cheyenne.
“You got any horsies?”
Jared smiled down at the cute little girl with her large eyes and long copper ponytail. “Seven of them.”
It was late afternoon, but the sun was so hot it could simmer chili. It was the kind of day that begged for water or shade. Or lemonade, he thought as the little girl sitting in front of him awkwardly handed him a Dixie cup from the kid-size plastic table that sat on the brick patio near the grass.
“Thank you, ma’am,” he said and downed the cool, tart liquid.
He wondered who she was. Probably another one of Mrs. Young’s grandkids—although she didn’t look like one of those black-haired tikes. And if she was one of the Young kids, why was she over at Rita’s place? Barbecue? Could be. Paradise was a real family kind of town.
He waved at a tired-looking Mrs. Young, then glanced down at the little girl who was tugging at his jeans. It was no spoiled, frilly-dressed young lady who looked up at him. No. The little girl who had introduced herself as Lily was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, her cheeks and hands smudged with dirt. She was a tomboy, he could tell that the minute he’d walked into the backyard and she’d jumped up from the sandbox and leaped over the side like a circus performer—with no fear, only blind confidence. She had to be around three or four, but he wasn’t sure. She wasn’t totally forthcoming on that front, opting instead to pepper him with questions. Not that her pluck bothered him. He liked kids. Just didn’t know many, that’s all, didn’t have much experience around them.
No brothers or sisters had meant no nieces or nephews.
Lily crooked her finger as though she had a big secret to share, and he bent down to hear her whisper, “My mommy reads me a book about Appaloosas.” The word came out sounding like apple and ooosas. “You got Appaloosas?”
He nodded. “Two. Soon to be three.”
“You might buy some more?”
“Nope.” He sat back on his heels. “My mare’s about ready to foal.”
“What’s that?”
“She’s going to have a baby.”
The little girl clasped her hands to together and let out a sound that resembled a squeal. “A baby?”
He chuckled. “Yep.”
“At the end of the week, I expect.”
“Oh, I want to see. Please?” she asked. “I can help. I’m gonna be a good horsie rider when I get big.”
A shadow fell between them on the grass. Jared stood and saw Ava walking toward the little girl, eyes wary and nervous.
“Mommy,” Lily called to her with a wide smile. “This is Jared.”
Mommy. Jared’s gut constricted, making his breathing tight. This little girl was Ava’s…child? The word cut deep, as did the idea that Ava had been touched by anyone but him. Although he knew she’d been married, he’d ripped the knowledge from his mind. Didn’t want to think of her with another man. But here it was right in the face, proof-positive.
“I know who he is, Lil,” Ava said at last, her green eyes fastened on him, questioning him. Why was he here and when was he going to leave? they seemed to ask.
About twenty minutes ago, he’d been tearing down Route 15, all fired up, ready to ask some questions, ready to do battle with the woman who held all the answers. But this little girl had stopped him, quelled his ire and charmed the socks off him as her mother had done so many times in the past.
Like Ava was doing right now, just standing there on the grass, watching him, her arms crossed protectively over her chest. He cursed silently as all thoughts in his head disintegrated while his gaze traveled over every inch of her. The pink satin potato sack she’d been wearing earlier was gone and in its place was the reminder of how luscious her body had been and still was. His groin tightened. White shorts, white T-shirt and chunky sandals. Long, tanned legs, high, full breasts and toes painted the color of his saddle.
Jared wanted only to be angry, feel the rage he’d been holding inside for so long, but this woman had a power over him. The sun pierced through the slats in the overhang like torrents of golden rain, backlighting Ava. Complete with a halo of blond locks, she looked like an angel. Too beautiful to behold. Well, too beautiful for him to hold.
Jared turned to Lily. “Your mom and I used to know each other.”
Lily looked wide-eyed at her mother.
Ava smiled, then she glanced back at Jared. “Did you change your mind about coming to the wedding—”
“Not exactly.” He eased off his Stetson and wiped his brow. This was not going as planned. One thing was certain, he thought as he looked at the two of them. He sure as hell wasn’t going to interrogate Ava with her daughter around. It would have to be another time, another day.
Mother and daughter, he thought as he watched them sit down on the grass side by side, then start methodically picking blades of grass, discarding them. Why in the world hadn’t he thought about the possibility of a child? What a fool he was. She’d left Paradise to get married. And children were a natural progression in a marriage.
“When can I come see the horsies?” Lily asked, forcing Jared back into the present.
Jared smiled. “You’re welcome at my place anytime.”
“No, Lil,” Ava said quickly. “We’re about to have dinner.”
Undaunted, Lily said, “Tomorrow?”
Ava shook her head. “No. We…have plans.”
She sounded utterly panicked, Jared noticed. Hell, she looked panicked. Obviously she didn’t want him around her child. What did she think he was going to do?
His jaw tightened.
They’d talked about children once. The first night they’d made love. Late into the night in the small tack shed he’d fixed up to look romantic. They’d talked about everything: their future, being together,