Tall, Dark... Collection. Carole Mortimer

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Tall, Dark... Collection - Carole  Mortimer

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he caressed her in slow swirling movements in a deliberate path to the soft, dark curls that were visible to him through the cream lace of her panties.

      Bella was breathing hard as she watched Gabriel touching her, his fingers warm and gentle. A low moan escaped her as he swept one of those fingers against the lacy material that covered the cleft between her legs, her hips moving up to meet that tantalising caress.

      That finger moved against her again.

      Again Bella moved up to meet that caress.

      And again.

      Teasing her. Pleasuring her. Torturing her.

      ‘Yes, Gabriel…!’ Bella finally pleaded as she moved against him in frustration.

      He peeled her panties down her thighs and legs to discard them completely, his eyes intense as he looked down at her before slowly lowering his head. First his hands touched her, then his lips, softly, tenderly as he kissed the scar that hadn’t been there five years ago.

      But Bella had no time to dwell on that as his fingers parted the dark curls beneath and his mouth moved lower…

      Dear God!

      Pleasure unlike anything she had ever known before radiated out to every part of her body as the sweep of Gabriel’s tongue against that pulsing nub brought her to the edge of release and then took her crashing over it in wave after wave of such intensity it was almost pain.

      Bella was mindless with pleasure, her breath releasing in a sob as she felt Gabriel part her sensitive folds and enter her, first with one finger, and then with two. As his tongue continued to caress that aching nub her head moved wildly from side to side and her hands clenched as Gabriel took her to a climax that was even more intense than the first.

      It wasn’t enough.

      It would never be enough!

      Bella surged up to push Gabriel down onto the carpet and pull off his remaining clothes before moving up and over him, her hands resting against his shoulders as the heat between her thighs became a hot caress against the hardness of his shaft, her breasts a temptation just beyond his reach as she bent slightly towards him.

      ‘No, Bella—’ Gabriel broke off with a groan as she opened herself to him and took him into her, inch by slow inch, until he was completely inside her. Her heat, her tightness wrapped around him. ‘We must not do this—’

      ‘I must,’ she insisted.

      Gabriel ceased breathing altogether as Bella began to move with an agonising slowness that sent the pleasure rocketing into his brain and down to his toes.

      Gabriel felt himself grow even harder, bigger, no longer able to bear the torment of her breasts above him as he moved his head up and captured one of those rose-tipped breasts into his mouth.

      Bella plunged down to take him deeper, before moving up so that only the very tip of him remained inside her. Before plunging down again and again. Gabriel was so big now, so long that it felt as if he touched the very centre of her.

      His hands moved to grasp her hips and guide her movements as he felt his imminent release, hearing Bella’s cry as she reached a climax at the same time as he did.


      ‘WE SHOULD not have done that!’

      Bella had collapsed weakly against the dampness of Gabriel’s chest as the last of the pleasure rippled through her body, but she raised her head now to look down at him incredulously. ‘What did you just say?’

      Gabriel’s expression was grim as he returned her gaze. ‘I should not have done this, Bella—’

      She gasped in shock, moving abruptly back and then away from him, clasping her ruined blouse about her nakedness as she disengaged their bodies before standing up. ‘Get out, Gabriel,’ she choked.


      ‘Just get out!’ she repeated shakily, turning away to find her panties, her legs trembling slightly as she tried to balance before pulling them on over her nakedness.

      How could Gabriel do this to her? How could he?

      What she had thought of as being something beautiful, utterly unique, had now become nothing more than something she wished to forget.

      To wish had never happened!

      ‘Would you just put some clothes on and leave, Gabriel?’

      He rose slowly to his feet, magnificent in his nakedness, his hair tousled about his shoulders, his chest broad and muscled, thighs powerful still, his legs long and elegant.

      Bella turned away from looking at all that raw, male beauty. ‘I don’t want you to say anything, Gabriel. I don’t want you to do anything. I just want you to get dressed and leave. Now,’ she insisted.



      ‘You misunderstood my reasoning just now, Bella—’

      ‘Don’t touch me!’ She moved sharply away from the hands he placed on her shoulders, shying away from even that physical contact.

      Gabriel frowned fiercely as he saw her expression. ‘You did not seem to find my touch so distasteful a few minutes ago,’ he rasped.

      ‘Any more than you did mine,’ she retaliated. ‘I guess we both just got so carried away with the moment we forgot to look at the broader picture!’

      Gabriel’s eyes narrowed. ‘And what might that be?’ he asked softly.

      ‘Will you just get some clothes on?’ she repeated impatiently. ‘I find it a little disconcerting talking to a man when he’s completely naked.’

      ‘I’m not just any man, Isabella, I am your husband,’ he pointed out harshly as he swiftly pulled his jeans back on and fastened them.

      ‘I know exactly who and what you are, Gabriel,’ she said. ‘What I meant, Gabriel, is that the only reason you married me was because of Toby—’


      ‘Would you have even thought of offering me marriage if not for Toby?’ she challenged.

      ‘Neither of us will ever know now what would have happened after we met again in San Francisco—’

      ‘I know,’ Bella said scornfully. ‘I very much doubt we would ever have seen each other again after San Francisco if you hadn’t learnt of Toby’s existence!’

      Gabriel drew in a deep, controlling breath. ‘This is perhaps not the time to talk about this. You are distraught—’

      ‘I’m angry, Gabriel, not distraught. With myself,’ she added. ‘For falling—yet again!—for your seduction routine!’

      ‘My seduction routine?’ he echoed incredulously.


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