Secret Contract. Dana Marton

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Secret Contract - Dana Marton

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stomach, made it without losing any skin off her back. They moved on to the next obstacle, Jacob’s ladder—two poles reaching to the sky with boards between them, which she had to climb, the trick being that the distance between the boards grew the higher up you went, until the last one was wider than anyone could reach so you had to jump to get a hold of it. She gripped the wood with the tips of her fingers, pulled herself up, went over then started her descent.

      The inverted platforms came next, an exercise where they had to help each other up a structure that looked similar to an upside down pyramid—square platforms in increasing sizes on top of each other, the gap farther and farther once again. It was an obstacle that couldn’t be conquered alone except for the first level or two. When she reached the critical point, Nick was there, with his hands on her waist to push her up. Then it was her turn to pull him to the next level. As lean as he looked, the man was damned heavy.

      By the time they got to the rope bridge, she was beginning to have serious doubts about whether or not she would be able to complete the course tonight. She’d worked too hard the day before, and the day before that. Each day since she’d arrived at Quantico, he’d pushed her to the limit. This time, he was pushing her beyond. Didn’t he understand that her body needed time to recover? She was unsteady with exhaustion, every part aching, pain pulsating through her muscles in protest.

      He walked a few feet in front of her, the coarse ropes swaying under them.

      “Wait—” Her feet slipped and she reached out on instinct, her fist closing around the back of his shirt instead of the rope that served for railing.

      He turned to catch her, but she was flailing with her other arm and shifting her weight too rapidly. The rope bridge swung wide. She fell forward, onto him, bringing down the both of them.

      He was splayed on the bottom, as hard as a prison mattress. She lay on top of him, dueling instincts warring inside her, one pushing for her to get up and away, the other to hang on until the bridge stopped swaying.

      When he shifted, she was startled by the sudden, sharp awareness that ran along the length of her.

      “If you ever find yourself on a rope bridge, trying to bring down an enemy, remember this move,” he said, deadpan.

      He was probably laughing his butt off at what a klutz she was. She hoped he couldn’t see her cheeks burning and if he did, he didn’t realize the reaction wasn’t purely the effect of acute embarrassment.

      They’d been body-to-body pressed together during self-defense training, but this was different. On the mat, she was too focused on figuring what his next move would be, anticipating the pain when he flipped her and slammed her to the ground. He had told her she had to learn how to fall, how to roll, how to come up and fight even if she was hurt.

      This time, as he waited for her to get her bearings and stand up, her focus switched too easily from the exercise to the hard body beneath her. Oh, God. She shouldn’t be noticing him like that. She pushed away and scrambled off him, scooting across the bridge as if she were chased by a full platoon with machine guns.

      By the time she made it through the entire obstacle course, the rain had stopped and the sun had cleared the horizon. She dropped where she was, breathing hard and staring at the sky, not caring what he thought.

      He stood over her with a shuttered expression. “When you recover, I have a surprise for you.”

      “As soon as I can get up, I’m going to bed.”

      She was so tired, death would have been a relief. Then slowly, another sensation came seeping up through the fatigue. She was feeling kind of…pumped, she realized. She’d done it. Even in the wet night with no sleep, she’d conquered the course. As much as she dreaded the pain and exhaustion of her training each day, a part of her reveled in the challenge of it all, in pushing herself to the limit and discovering new reserves. She found unexpected joy in conquering physical obstacles and she liked the feeling of satisfaction that came with that.

      In prison, all they had wanted of her was to keep quiet and out of trouble. But once again, after a long, long time, something was expected of her. That part felt pretty good, actually.

      “Ever wonder where the computer labs are?” he asked.

      He got her attention. She sat up, hating how effortlessly he was reeling her in. “Am I going to be allowed to go near a PC finally?”

      Her stomach growled over the last words. Ever since she’d gotten here, she’d been eating like a pig. She didn’t even want to think about the number of calories she had consumed in doughnuts alone. It was a testament to the grueling training that she hadn’t gained an ounce.

      “After target practice.”

      “You’re kidding.” After the training she’d just had?

      “Seven a.m. every day. The schedule didn’t change. Two straight clips into the bull’s-eye and the PC lab is yours. I’ll make sure your ID is authorized for 24/7 access.”

      “Wow, a major vote of trust,” she said with a dose of sarcasm. About time. Up until now, she could only get into buildings, even the dorms where she slept, if he was with her and let her in. And she desperately needed to spend some time with a computer. Alone.

      “Deal?” he was asking.

      She was half regretting the first deal she’d made with him, with Law and Moretti. Agreeing to their mission hadn’t bought her freedom. She was still locked up, still couldn’t do what she wanted. All she’d accomplished had been trading the prison guards for Tarasov. For the most part, that didn’t feel like much of an improvement.

      “I can do it,” she warned him and was surprised when it hit her that she meant it. So far, target practice was turning out to be something she was naturally good at. Looked like all those video games she’d played in her younger years left her with pretty good hand-eye coordination.

      The past two weeks had been slowly building up the self-confidence that had eroded to nothing in prison. She had conquered whatever he’d thrown her way. And Nick Tarasov didn’t pull his punches.

      He held her gaze. “I never had a doubt.”

      “What time is it now?”

      “Six-thirty,” he said without glancing at his wristwatch.

      She knew him well enough by now to know that pleading or arguing with him would change nothing. She gave him a loathing look and dragged herself to standing, then off into the direction of her room for a five-minute shower and clean clothes, cursing Nick Tarasov all the way.

      Four FBI trainees, all men, were starting their dawn run on the track, coming toward her. They all wore the agency logo T-shirt, and had the same haircut.

      She looked them over and tried to be objective. Okay, so even in comparison to other fab examples of the male of the species, Nick looked pretty fine. In a lion-safari kind of way—a thrill to look at as long as you stayed in the safety of your vehicle.

      She glanced back at him and realized he’d caught her watching the men. He had an amused smirk on his face.

      He probably thought she was lusting after those guys. Not that it would have been any of his business if she did. She was an adult. Lust was a valid emotion.

      She looked away and tried

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