Tangled Memories. Marta Perry
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“I don’t need a nap. I’m not a baby. I don’t, do I, Daddy?”
Lucas looked harassed on all sides. “No, of course you don’t need a nap.” He shot an annoyed look at Eulalie. “But you shouldn’t have come outside without asking your grandmother.”
“She’d just have said no.”
“That’s not the point.” Lucas turned his son toward Eulalie. “Tell Grandma you’re sorry, and then go on in the house.”
Jason stared at the brick walkway for a moment. Then he looked up at his grandmother. “I’m sorry, Grandma.” He spun and ran toward the house.
“Jason, don’t run…” Eulalie called.
“Leave the boy alone.” Lucas’s words probably came out with more force than he’d intended. He softened them with a smile. “He’ll be fine. Thank you for watching him.”
Eulalie’s soft mouth took on a surprising firmness. “He won’t be fine if he rushes all over the place and has an attack.” She turned a fierce glare on Corrie. “All he can talk about is riding since he met you. I’ll thank you to leave him alone.”
Before Corrie could find any words in defense, Eulalie had bustled off in Jason’s wake.
Obviously Eulalie wasn’t the marshmallow Corrie had imagined. On the subject of her grandson, at least, she had strong feelings she didn’t mind voicing.
“I’m sorry about that.” Lucas sounded strained. He probably hated the fact that that little scene had played out in front of her. “Jason dislikes having his grandmother hover over him, even when it’s necessary.”
“Is it necessary? I’m no expert on children with asthma, but—”
“You’re right.” His mouth narrowed to a thin line. “You’re not an expert, and I’d appreciate it if you kept your opinions to yourself.” He turned and stalked away, leaving her staring after him.
This seemed to be her day for making people hate her. Not that she’d had to work very hard at that lately. And obviously the faint bond she’d imagined between herself and Lucas was just that—imagination.
Corrie waited on the sidewalk the next morning, feeling something less than her usual Sunday-morning anticipation. She’d had every intention of seeking out a church service on her own, but Eulalie had simply assumed she’d attend church with the family. So here she was, feeling about ten again as Eulalie surveyed her navy suit and then gave a satisfied nod. Apparently she’d pass.
Two cars pulled to the curb—the town car, with Jefferson at the wheel, then Lucas, driving what she supposed was his own sedan. Corrie hesitated, unsure which car to get in, while Eulalie and Deidre slid into the town car.
Ainsley held the door, flushing a little. “I’ll sit up front with the driver, Corrie.”
But Lucas took her arm. “Corrie will ride with us. We’ll meet you there.”
She slid into the front seat, glancing at him as he got behind the wheel. “Trying to keep me out of trouble?”
“Let’s say I think riding with us will be more conducive to a spiritual frame of mind.”
“For me or for Deidre?”
“For both of you.”
In actual fact, they probably could have walked to the church just as easily. Two squares over, two streets down—she was beginning to have a map of Savannah in her mind, the historic district, at any rate. It wasn’t large, as cities went. The squares gave the effect of a giant checkerboard to the old part of the city, where the family seemed to spend most of its time.
“Parking is always a challenge,” Lucas said. “Jason, are you keeping your eyes open?”
“I sure am.” Jason bounced a little in the backseat, as if he wanted to be the one to find a parking space.
“The church doesn’t have its own lot?” She was still trying to get used to the confined spaces of the old city, still feeling a bit claustrophobic now and then as it seemed to close in on her.
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