Whirlwind Baby. Debra Cowan

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Whirlwind Baby - Debra  Cowan

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      And one afternoon two weeks later, she returned from the seamstress in Topeka and found her mother dead. Mama lay in her bed with Orson standing over her crying that it must have happened because Nola had taken too much of the laudanum she used for relief from a back injury due to a recent fall. A fall caused by her husband.

      Horrified and frightened, Emma’d managed to give away nothing, but she knew Orson Douglas had killed his wife. And she knew what Nola would want her to do. Two days later, as people filled their grand house after the funeral, Emma had used the excuse of putting her half sister down for a nap, then had slipped out with the child.

      Jake Ross turned his head then, his black gaze locking on her. She straightened, her fingers curling in the hem of the worn white apron she’d found.

      His uncle Ike, as tall as Jake and lanky, picked up his cup of coffee as he looked over his shoulder. “We sure lucked out when Jake found you, Miz York.”

      She doubted he would think so if he knew she’d found them. After reaching Abilene by train, she had seen Jake Ross there. Emma would’ve noticed him, anyway, because of his size and rugged good looks, but what had her deciding he was right for Molly was the patience and kindness he’d shown a lost little boy. No one else had paid a whit of attention to the child except to order him out of the way, but Jake had helped him find his mother.

      Emma had included that in the note, hoping the mention of it would make the rancher less inclined to send Molly somewhere else. “So everything’s to your liking?”

      “Everything’s wonderful.” Ike nodded.

      “Yes, ma’am,” Bram declared.

      “Especially the coffee.” Georgia smiled.

      The older woman had told Emma that Bram and Jake had been raised by their uncle. Though both were dark haired and strapping, Bram’s eyes were blue rather than black like Jake’s.

      Jake glanced over, making her stomach flutter the way it had when she’d first seen him last evening.

      “Yeah, the coffee’s real good,” he said gruffly.

      Bram took another biscuit, split it and slathered butter on it. “These biscuits are better than Pearl’s.”

      At her frown, Jake explained, “She’s a lady in Whirlwind who owns the Pearl Restaurant.”

      The relief that moved through Emma was so strong it made her chest ache. Thank goodness they liked the food.

      The elder Ross squinted at her. “Did you sleep all right?”

      “Yes, very well.”

      “And the baby?” Georgia asked. “Did she keep you awake?”

      “No. She slept, too.”

      Her employer looked surprised, but said nothing.

      “Is she up yet?” Bram asked.

      “Yes.” She inclined her head toward the kitchen. “She’s in there.”

      “She sure is quiet,” he said.

      “She’s a good baby,” Emma said mildly.

      “So she hasn’t scared you off yet?” Jake’s voice was flat.

      “No, not at all.” The way everyone’s gazes went to him then immediately skipped away had her wondering again if he disliked the baby. “I was going to make flapjacks, but wasn’t sure how many.”

      “None for me.” Bram grinned, reaching for the platter of biscuits and bacon. “I’ve got all the food I need right here.”

      “What he’s got is plenty for everyone, Miz York,” Ike said dryly.

      Jake said nothing.

      She smiled. “All right, then.”

      “Aren’t you going to join us?” Georgia patted the empty place next to her.

      The invitation took Emma by surprise. If circumstances had been different, she would’ve liked getting to know them, making friends, but leaving was going to be hard enough when the time came. She should do her job and keep to herself. “Thank you, but I’ve eaten.”

      “I’ll share the biscuits with you,” Bram cajoled with a charming grin that revealed a deep set of dimples.

      Aware of the sharp look Jake threw him, she turned for the kitchen. Mr. Ross obviously didn’t like his family being friendly with the help, which was fine with Emma. “If you’re sure you don’t want the flapjacks, I’ll start cleaning the dishes and I’ll bring more coffee.”

      “But—” Bram began.

      She fetched the coffee then returned, using the skirt of her apron to hold the hot handle. After pouring a cup for the elder Ross, she moved to Jake.

      He passed her his cup and when she returned it to him, their fingers brushed. She pulled away quickly.

      “Thank you,” he murmured.

      Her gaze caught on his and she felt heat creep into her cheeks. She stepped behind Ike to go to Bram, wishing she weren’t so aware of the way Jake’s pale gray shirt molded shoulders that were as wide as the door. Of his dark hair and black eyes. He was handsome in a rugged, rough way that made a woman think he could protect her. Well, Emma knew better than to trust such sentiments.

      As she moved around the table to Georgia, he didn’t look at her. And yet she felt his attention on her. Weighing, considering. Her guard immediately went up. She wished she could disappear.

      As she stepped into the kitchen, she surreptitiously cast one more glance over her shoulder and her gaze crashed into his.

      Their new housekeeper acted nervous, Jake thought. Because of him? He didn’t mean to make her nervous, but, well, he couldn’t stop looking at her.

      Bram looked at Jake. “She acted worried that we wouldn’t like her cooking.”

      “I think she was.”

      “She’s every bit as good a cook as Louisa. Don’t scare her off.”

      Jake glared at his brother and shoved a biscuit in his mouth. Something about Emma York compelled his attention and it wasn’t that she was taking care of that kid. He’d woken several times last night thinking about her. Not hot, sweaty-type thoughts, but curious, bothered-type thoughts.

      He’d decided that was on account of all the alcohol working its way out of his system. He drank to forget and she was a much more pleasant image to contemplate than the reason he’d been drinking. Quentin. Thoughts of his brother-in-law—former brother-in-law—made Jake angry and uncomfortable and chute crazy. The quicker he finished breakfast, the sooner he could get some space.

      Under the table, something grabbed the left leg of his jeans, startling him out of his thoughts. He registered a tiny hand just in time to stop himself from shoving his chair back. Knowing what he would find and knowing it was inevitable

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