Whirlwind Bride. Debra Cowan
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Here, the grass was cropped close to the ground; near the barn, it grew high enough to brush Susannah’s hem.
As she and Cora approached the barn, red dust puffing around their feet, a big, black horse appeared in the barn door.
Susannah froze, her heart hammering painfully against her ribs.
“Hello, Prissy,” Cora crooned, changing direction to stop and stroke the huge animal. A white star between its eyes was the only color on the coal-black beast. Dark eyes stared unblinking at Susannah.
Aware of the size and power of the horse, she stayed where she was, falling into step when Cora rejoined her. Even though she knew the horse was a safe distance away, she couldn’t help looking over her shoulder.
A clatter, then the angry flutter of wings sounded as Cora opened the door to the henhouse.
“Give me that egg, you witch.”
“She’s my best hen, Riley. She doesn’t like to be upset,” Cora said.
He turned, sunlight sliding through the planked roof to light one side of his face. He looked more than vexed. Susannah would’ve grinned, but she was debating the wisdom of offering to care for the chickens.
Dusting off his hands, he stepped forward into full sunlight. He gestured toward a small pile of eggs just inside the door. “You’re the only one who can handle that old grouch, Cora.”
“What happened to you?” Susannah glimpsed a raw place on Riley’s hand and tried to squash the alarm that shot through her. “You’re bleeding!”
He glanced down, then shrugged. “The old witch pecked me.”
She fumbled in her reticule for her handkerchief. “We’d better clean it up.”
“I’m sure it’s fine.”
She took his hand, dabbing gently at the blood across his knuckles until she’d cleaned the deep scratch. As she worked slowly around the wound, she realized the air had suddenly become thick and hot. Charged.
She looked up into his eyes, saw a flash of raw hunger that tripled her heart rate. His thumb came up and covered hers. Oh, mercy!
He jerked away the same time she did, and turned to Cora. “What are y’all doing out here?”
“Susannah is going to help me with the chickens,” the older woman said.
Susannah crumpled her handkerchief and pasted a smile on her face, hoping Riley couldn’t see how his touch had affected her.
He arched a dark brow. “Do you know anything about chickens?”
“Not yet.” She lifted her chin, not liking the skeptical tone in his voice. “Maybe you’d better show me, Cora. I don’t want to end up like Riley.”
Cora chuckled. “Use a gentle touch. Just talk to them and nudge your hand under their bellies like so ….” She demonstrated on a sedate looking bird. “You don’t have to try and wrangle them like a steer,” she said with a meaningful look at Riley.
He gave the widow a crooked grin, and Susannah bit back a smile.
“You try it, Susannah. This hen usually lays this time of day, though I’ve never figured out why. The others typically lay at night or early morning.”
Susannah stepped up, apprehensive but trying to copy Cora’s movements exactly. She slid her hand beneath the hen’s plump, soft belly and touched a warm, smooth surface. She drew out an egg while the bird blinked sleepily.
“Look!” She held up the object, thrilled that she had managed to retrieve it without incident.
“Good.” Cora tucked the egg into her skirt pocket. “We’ll come out again in the morning.”
As the three of them walked back to the house, the older woman invited Susannah to bring her things from the hotel and move in that evening.
Susannah smiled. “Thank you, I will. In the next few days, I’ll be able to pay you for the whole month. My brother will send me some money, and I’m looking for a job.”
“A job?” Riley halted in midstep. “Just what kind of position do you think you’re going to find in Whirlwind?”
“I don’t know.” She stiffened. “Please don’t sound so shocked. I didn’t say I was going to become the sheriff. I have excellent penmanship and I’m fair with figures. I’m sure I can find something,” she said with a lot more confidence than she felt.
“I’m sure you can, too.” Cora patted her arm and gave Riley a look Susannah couldn’t decipher.
She and Riley bade the other woman goodbye and started back toward the hotel.
“Thank you for introducing us. I think things will work out wonderfully.”
“You think the room will suffice?”
“Oh, yes. I don’t need much.”
If he disagreed, he kept it to himself. “I’ll help you move your things.”
“Thank you.” She slid a look at him, thinking about the way her nerves had hummed when he’d touched her hand out behind Cora’s house. “I appreciate you helping me with the story about my husband. I haven’t thought out everything yet.”
“You’re welcome.” He stopped in front of the Pearl. “Are you serious about finding a job?”
“I have to. I’m responsible for another person now.”
“Look, I could get you a ticket back home. Or I’m sure Adam would come for you himself, if you asked.”
Reminding herself of Riley’s help today, she tried to squelch the burn of irritation his offer caused. “I’m not going back to St. Louis. I appreciate your help in finding me a place to live and I can tell I’m going to love Cora, but I think I can handle things from here.”
“Are you telling me to mind my own business?” Heat flushed her cheeks, but she held his gaze. “I wouldn’t put it so bluntly, but …”
“All right, but if you need anything, let me know.”
“I appreciate the offer, but I’ll be fine.”
“Life out here can be pretty unpredictable.”
“You’ve made it plain you don’t think I’ll last, but you’re wrong.”
He stared into her eyes for a long moment, then touched the brim of his hat. “Let’s get your things and get you out to Cora’s.”
“I’m sure I can manage.”
“I’ll help you.”