The Reluctant Viscount. Lara Temple
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‘Blast it, man, you made your point—I told Libbet we need to scale back, but you can’t cut me off completely, Adam. I’m your heir! I’m a Delacort!’
‘Precisely, you’re another in a long line of useless wastrels, myself included. And right now I happen to be in charge, which means you will have to make do with what you have.’
‘Blast you, Adam, you have no right...’
‘But I have every right, Percy. At least for the moment. Keep that in mind and keep your hand out of my pocket.’
Percy took a step forward.
‘I wish you had—’ He broke off, his face unappealingly crimson.
‘What? Got myself killed and saved everyone the bother of dealing with me? Probably, but the fact is that I didn’t. This is the reality. Deal with it. I am sure Libbet can keep you looking respectable even on your income. Though you might have to forgo these...entertaining waistcoats.’
The ugly look on Percy’s face cleared with such rapidity Adam turned around even before the bells on Milsom’s doors announced new customers. Three ladies entered. The first was a sweet-looking young woman in a bright jonquil pelisse over a white dress with several finely embroidered flounces, whose eyes lit up the moment they settled on Percy. She was followed by a plump woman of indeterminate age and unconvincing bright coppery hair tucked under an impressive high poke bonnet decorated with a spray of scarlet mock cherries. The last to enter was Miss Drake, dressed in a simple rose-coloured pelisse over a white muslin frock. Her gaze narrowed as it settled on the two men and Adam tried not to smile at the evident annoyance in her remarkable eyes.
‘Mr Somerton...’ Miss Aldridge breathed and Percy took a step forward.
‘Miss Aldridge! Mrs Aldridge! Miss Drake! How fortuitous! Would it be too much to hope you might join me for a walk along the garden promenade? It would be such a pity to insult the sun by remaining indoors on such a beautiful day! I promise to escort you back to Milsom’s at the first hint of a cloud.’
Adam watched the expressions on each of the women’s faces appreciatively. Miss Drake’s stony look did nothing to daunt Percy or the young Miss Aldridge, who continued to stare at him with a fatuously blissful look. And since Mrs Aldridge happily assented to the change in their plans, Miss Drake had nothing more to do than announce she would join them once she’d collected the book she had ordered. Percy bowed graciously, tucked Miss Aldridge’s hand about his arm and beckoned Mrs Aldridge to precede him.
Adam watched as the party stepped outside, Percy’s fair hair gleaming halo-like in the summer shine before the doors closed behind them. He felt Alyssa hesitate beside him. He could already anticipate the repeat of her appeal and he cut her off before she could speak.
‘It looks like the die is cast, Miss Drake. She could do worse, you know. He may be a selfish fortune hunter, but he is, as he reminded me, next in line for the Delacort spoils once I cash in my chips. She might even like being a dandy’s wife. At least Percy has Libbet to keep him in good form. And the more I think about it, Charlie has no business thinking he is in love with anyone at his age, or frankly at any age. But certainly not until he has had a chance to enjoy life a little.’
She stiffened as he spoke and her eyes took on the hard glint of emeralds. Her eyes were not pure green, but encased a golden ring, like a sun settling into a lake. It was a strange contrast, both hot and cold, a physical manifestation of her contradictory character, he thought. It was a pity, then, that the cold should prevail.
‘You made yourself quite clear when we last spoke, Lord Delacort. I can’t force you to take your responsibilities seriously, but I can refuse to listen to your opinion as to what might constitute the future happiness of two people I care about.’
‘That puts me in my place. You could always complete the effect by sweeping out.’
‘I am sure that would gratify you, but I am waiting for my book. Why don’t you sweep out, instead?’
Adam’s grin deepened.
‘Careful now. You’ve done a good job becoming a proper Mowbray Miss, but your tree-climbing ways tend to show under pressure.’
‘I wonder if anything of what you once were would show under pressure,’ she shot back. ‘Or have you done too good a job at becoming what everyone thinks you are? I use to think most of the tales about you were the exaggerations of tattle-mongers, but quite frankly I think they weren’t doing you justice. I am not surprised you are so sympathetic to Percy. Useless fribbles must stand by each other, no?’
Adam inspected her approvingly. The exotic slant of her green eyes elevated her face from merely pretty to fascinating. He had no idea why her attack amused rather than annoyed him. It was rather like being growled at by a kitten.
‘That’s better. It is so much more comfortable with gloves off, isn’t it? Unless you are going to try hitting me,’ he added, indicating her clenched fists. ‘In which case, keep your gloves on, it’s less painful.’
She forced open her fisted hands and took a deep breath, stepping back. It was fascinating to see the almost physical transformation as she tucked herself back inside.
‘Are you so bored here in Mowbray you have to resort to squabbling with me? Can you find no better sport?’
‘I am perfectly willing if you are,’ Adam offered. She remained suspended for a moment; then her slightly confused look gave way to a frown even as a flush swept up her cheeks.
‘You cannot just go around saying things like that... Oh, for heaven’s sake, I don’t know why I am even arguing with you. It only seems to encourage you. You are determined to live up to everyone’s expectations of the debauched rake, aren’t you? If this is an example of how you mean to conduct yourself, your reception is unlikely to get any more inviting than what you have witnessed these last few days.’
She turned away resolutely, planting her hands on the counter, her gaze fixed on the closed door behind which Milsom had disappeared. Adam laughed slightly and leaned back against the surface, crossing his arms.
‘Is that what all this anxious staring is all about? Is everyone waiting for me to commit my first act of iniquity? And here I thought it was my past, not my potential future that had everyone scurrying for cover. What on earth do they expect me to do? Set up a harem at the Hall? Hold orgies? Do you all gather to lay odds on the possibilities?’
‘Believe it or not, but you are not the only topic of conversation in Mowbray, Lord Delacort. What on earth is keeping Mr Milsom?’
‘He is busy gathering books for me. Are you in a hurry or are you concerned that too much time spent in my noxious presence will sway you from the true and narrow? Shall I leave? Or would that be presuming too much?’
Her lips pressed together firmly, but he saw a dimple waver. Then she laughed suddenly, her shoulders relaxing, and turned to him with a much friendlier smile, again reminding him of the young girl of ten years ago.
‘I concede defeat. You are far better at provoking than I am at disapproving. Is all this to convince me not to bother you about Percy? I have learned my lesson—I assure you I expect nothing