The Texan's Reluctant Bride. Judy Christenberry
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Tommie made no response.
“How old are your sisters?”
Ignoring his question, she said, “Shall I tell you about the houses you’ll see tomorrow?”
Pete frowned. “You don’t want to talk about your sisters?”
She shook her head. “We have a lot of work to do. Now, will you have the entire day free tomorrow to see more houses?”
“Yeah. I’d really hoped I would find a place right away. After all, you’ll be working for my staff next week. I’m flying in the wives, too.”
“I know. I’ve actually talked to a couple of them. I have everything planned out.”
“I’m sure you do. So what do you have set up tomorrow for me?”
She pulled some pages out of her bag. “Here are five houses I think you’ll like.”
He looked at the pictures and read the information. “Do you like any of these?”
“Well, they all have things I like. They’re not perfect, but then no house—or person—is.”
“Okay, we’ll look at them.” He gave her back the papers. “What are you doing tonight?”
“Tonight?” She stared at him, surprised. “I—I need to look for more houses.”
“All work and no play is bad for anyone, Tommie. Why don’t you let me take you to dinner.” Before she could answer, he snapped his fingers. “I just got a great idea. You can ask your sisters and I’ll bring Jim and—and someone else. All six of us will go out to dinner. It’ll be great.”
“I don’t know if my sisters are free. And I don’t think we should mix business and pleasure.”
“Nonsense! Call your sisters now. Are they at work?”
“No. They’re both teachers.”
He could tell she was still resistant. He wasn’t an egotist, but he knew he was fairly good-looking. He’d never had any difficulty getting dates. Not that he’d done much dating in Boston. Starting your own business didn’t leave much time. And after his company was established, it took all his concentration to run. About the only times he’d asked a woman out were to the business and charitable functions he was required to attend. Then the women seemed more than happy to be his date; many hinted they wanted more than one night. So why, then, was Tommie reluctant?
He pressed her. “Call them, Tommie…please?”
After studying him for a minute, she took out her cell phone and dialed a number. “Teresa? It’s Tommie. Mr. Schofield, my client, has offered dinner for the three of us with him, his brother and a friend tonight. Can you make it?”
After she paused for her sister’s answer, she added, “And Tab?”
Another pause. Then, “Okay, I’ll let you know time and place later.”
“They agreed?” Pete asked when she flipped her phone shut.
“Teresa agreed, and she said Tabitha would, too, but she’s making an exercise video for teenagers, so I couldn’t talk to her.”
“Making a video? Is she going to market it?”
“Yes, she hopes to. And she’ll use it in her own classes.”
“I gather she’s a P.E. teacher.”
Tommie nodded.
“And Teresa? What does she teach?”
“Kindergarten. She loves it.”
“That’s terrific. They both sound like they’re doing what makes them happy.” And so was he—going out on a date with Tommie Tyler.
Pete had chosen an expensive restaurant, one Tommie and her sisters had only been to once. Last year, for their mother’s birthday.
Tommie was at Tabitha’s place, waiting for her sister to finish primping after getting home late.
“I’m excited about this evening,” Tabitha said as she came out of the bathroom.
“I hope it’s enjoyable,” Tommie said. She couldn’t keep the qualms from her voice. Though she had no clear reason, she feared the dinner was going to be a disaster. She should’ve held her ground when she told Pete their time together should be for business only.
Teresa studied her sister. “You sound worried. What’s wrong, Tommie? Don’t you like the man? You said you thought he was The One.”
“He’s not,” she replied quickly and succinctly. “I was wrong.”
“Why?” Tabitha asked.
Reluctantly she said, “He’s looking for a nester. You know,” she added when her sisters looked confused. “Someone who loves to make a home, wants to spend her time pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. That’s not me.”
“Did he say that?”
“Not in so many words, but he’s looking for a big house to fill with lots of kids.”
“So he’s engaged?” Tabitha asked.
Teresa said quietly, “Maybe you’re misjudging him.”
“I don’t think so. Besides—” Tommie bit her tongue, not wanting to reveal too much of her feelings.
“Besides what?” Tabitha demanded, sounding impatient with her sister’s worries.
“He’s a twin,” Tommie blurted out.
“Oh,” Tabitha said.
“What’s wrong with that?” Teresa wanted to know.
Just about everything, Tommie said to herself. Combine her propensity for multiple births with Pete’s…She shuddered at the thought. “If I ever decide to have children, I want to have them one at a time,” she said flatly. She crossed the room and hugged both sisters. “You two are great, but don’t you remember how crowded the bathroom was? And how we shared our clothes? None of us knew what was whose or if it would be in the closet when we needed it.”
“I kind of miss those days,” Teresa said with a smile.
Tabitha concurred. “Yeah, we had fun, didn’t we? But poor Mom!”
“Exactly. That’s my point,” Tommie explained. “I’m going to have a career first. And then I’ll have one baby at a time.”
“But sometimes you meet someone who’s perfect. You can’t let him go by without trying to find out what your relationship is,” Teresa said.
“I don’t believe there’s only one man