The Wilde Bunch. Barbara Boswell

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The Wilde Bunch - Barbara  Boswell

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the time you were a child, Ginny made it plain that she didn’t want you and your ex-stepfather to maintain your ties,” Mac continued. “The Rev told me himself that he wasn’t able to see you as much as you two would’ve liked. That was because of Ginny. Well, why should Ginny have a sudden change of heart at this late date? I happen to know that she’s not suffering from a terminal disease so she isn’t trying to set things right before she meets her Maker. The truth is, Ginny Franklin is not expecting you to stay at her house. If she even knows about your visit to Bear Creek, she’s been told that you will be with me at the Double R. As for that fantasy you concocted about the Rev buying your plane ticket—ha! Only over Ginny’s dead body.”

      Kara swallowed hard. “You’re using the information I gave you against me.”

      “All’s fair in love and war, baby.”

      “Well, this isn’t either one. Stop this car!” Kara commanded impulsively. “I’m getting out.”

      Mac laughed at that. “You plan to hitchhike back into Helena? With your luggage and that caterwauling cat?”


      He raised one dark brow. “Are you sure? The sun is going down and it gets pretty scary out here at night. Bears and cougars and wolves prowl along the highway. Your cat could end up being their appetizer while you serve as the main course.”

      Kara tried to ignore the apprehensive chill that rippled through her. “You’re deliberately trying to scare me. I think I’m in greater danger from you than any animal predator out there. And if you don’t stop this car right now, I—I’ll jump out.”

      Mac abruptly steered the Jeep off the highway, onto the wide shoulder of the road.

      Kara trembled. It seemed he was about to grant her wish and let her out. A cold lump of fear settled in her stomach and expanded to fill her throat. How was she going to get back to Helena? This interstate was going in the wrong direction—she would have to hitch a ride or walk to the next exit and then make her way to the eastbound portion of the highway to hitch or walk back to the city. Tai emitted a miserable meow, and Kara stifled a sob of her own. What if there really were dangerous wild animals on the prowl out there?

      “You’d better put the cat back in his carrier,” Mac advised.

      Kara nodded dumbly. Tai did not go gracefully back into his hated carrier. She practically had to wrestle the cat into it, while he hissed and tried to claw her. Finally, after he was safely locked inside, Mac placed it on the back seat.

      Kara reached for the door handle. “I’ll get my luggage out and take Tai last,” she said stiffly.

      “That won’t be necessary.” Mac moved as swiftly as one of those animal predators he’d warned her about.

      Before she realized what was happening, he’d outmaneuvered the armrests and the seat belts which restrained them, and took both her hands in his. Their knees touched, their faces were very close.

      “What are you doing?” Kara’s voice rose to a squeak. She tried to snatch her hands away but his grip was too firm for her to break.

      “I’ll tell you what I’m not doing. I’m not abandoning you and your cat on the highway. I would never expose you to that sort of danger, Kara.”

      Kara’s heart was thundering in her chest. She was in danger right here in the Jeep! She tried frantically to recall the self-defense tips she’d heard in that lecture she had attended last year with some women from work. It had been given by a police officer who’d designed a program to teach women street smarts and safety.

      Now Officer Murray’s number one piece of advice came back to her and roared in her ears. “Don’t get into a car with anyone you don’t know.” Well, she’d already blown that one. Officer Murray would be chagrined at her stupidity.

      “Relax,” Mac said softly. “I can feel you trembling. I’m not going to hurt you.”

      “Then let me go. Right now!” Was she supposed to plead for mercy or issue a command? Kara tried both, the plea followed by the order.

      “You don’t have to be afraid of me, Kara.”

      “Then why are you doing such a good job of scaring me? You let me think you’re dumping me out on the highway and then you g-grab me.”

      “You demanded that I stop. You even threatened to jump out if I didn’t,” Mac reminded her. “I wasn’t about to call your bluff. Dealing with hysterical women has never been my strong suit,” he admitted wryly. “Just ask my ex-wife.”

      She was immediately distracted. “You’ve been married?”

      “Once. It lasted three years. We split up nearly nine years ago, so it falls into the realm of ancient history. Don’t look so shocked, Kara. Most men don’t reach the age of thirty-five without experiencing the unholy state of matrimony at least once.”

      “Unholy state,” she repeated. “Since you feel that way, then why—”

      “I already explained. There are four compelling reasons why.”

      Tai chimed in with another commanding meow.

      Mac rolled his eyes. “I led you to believe I was going to put you out of the car because I wanted that furball with claws back in his carrier so we could talk. I didn’t want him distracting you, and he’s easier to ignore in his cage.”

      “Much to his outrage. Poor Tai.” Kara’s fear had already begun to dissipate, but the nervous excitement pulsing through her had heightened and intensified. She felt his thumb glide over the sensitive skin of her wrist, then move upward to stroke her palm. The small gesture was sensual and provocative and her whole body responded to it with a strong swift surge of desire.

      “You agree that we do need to talk before we go any farther?”

      She drew a sharp breath. “I—I agree,” she murmured, trying to regain her bearings. “I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience and expense you’ve had to—”

      “Forget about that,” Mac ordered. “Let’s cut to the chase, Kara. I know this whole situation is a bit unorthodox. I mean, out West mail-order brides have gone the way of the Pony Express and the Wells Fargo Wagon, yet here we are....”

      “Mail-order bride? Is that what I’m supposed to be?” She could not suppress the bubble of laughter welling up inside her.

      “Yeah, I know. It sounds ridiculous. I laughed too, when the Rev first suggested it.” Mac smiled wryly. He sobered almost instantly, his dark eyes intense. “But I’ve come to believe it’s a damn good idea.” His eyes slid over her. “Now that I’ve met you, it seems like an even better one.”

      “Oh, please!” Kara swept an agitated hand through her hair, tousling it. “It’s bad enough that you think I’m so desperate for a man that I would hightail it out to Montana to marry a stranger who paid for my fare. Don’t make things even worse by pretending to be attracted to me.”

      “Who says I’m pretending?” His voice grew deeper. “I am attracted to you.”

      “You’re playing some kind of role. Saying things

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