The Yuletide Engagement. Carole Mortimer
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Maybe it was only women who found Patrick McGrath overpowering…?
Well…one woman, Ellie conceded self-derisively. Maybe if she weren’t so completely aware of the fact that this man had seen her sunbathing topless—
Stop that right now, Ellie, she told herself firmly. If she was going to sort this situation out at all then she had to put that embarrassing memory completely from her mind. Although it would help if Patrick McGrath were to do the same…
His next words didn’t seem to imply that was the case!
‘I don’t believe the two of us have ever been formally introduced,’ he drawled softly, with an emphasis on the ‘formally’, it seemed to a slightly flustered Ellie. How could she possibly have formally introduced herself while at the same time clutching a top in front of her naked breasts?
‘Probably not,’ she conceded abruptly. ‘But I’m sure you’re aware that I’m Ellie Fairfax, Toby’s older sister, and I am aware you’re Patrick T. McGrath—Toby’s boss.’
He gave an acknowledging inclination of his head. ‘The T stands for Timothy, by the way. And Ellie is short for…?’
‘Elizabeth,’ she supplied dismissively. ‘Although what—?’
‘It may come up in conversation a week on Friday.’ He shrugged broad shoulders.
‘Mr McGrath, there isn’t going to be any “a week on Friday”.’ She sighed frustratedly. ‘I have no idea what my irresponsible brother may have told you, but—’
‘He adores you, you know,’ Patrick McGrath cut in softly.
She felt the warmth in her cheeks at this completely unexpected comment. ‘I love him too.’ She nodded. ‘Although I don’t really think that’s relevant to our conversation.’ She frowned.
‘Ellie, do you think we could both sit down?’ Patrick McGrath suggested gently. ‘At the moment we look like two opponents about to face each other in the ring,’ he added dryly.
Maybe because that was exactly how he made her feel—totally on the defensive! ‘Please—do sit down,’ she invited abruptly.
‘After you,’ he drawled politely.
Ellie looked at him impatiently, finding herself the focus of Patrick McGrath’s cool grey gaze as he waited for her to be seated before he would sit down himself.
Old-fashioned good manners, as well as all those other attributes!
Ellie sat down abruptly, determinedly putting those ‘other attributes’ firmly from her mind. ‘I accept that Toby meant well when he—when he spoke to you today—’ she began huskily, stopping to look enquiringly at Patrick McGrath when he began to smile.
‘Sorry.’ He continued to smile. ‘Toby is—he’s one of the least selfish people I’ve ever met. As well as being completely honest, utterly trustworthy and totally candid.’ He sobered slightly. ‘You’ve done a lot for him, Ellie,’ he told her admiringly.
The warmth deepened in her cheeks at this even more unexpected compliment. ‘I’m pleased he’s working out so well as your assistant.’
‘I wasn’t just talking about him as my assistant, Ellie,’ Patrick McGrath cut in impatiently. ‘Toby is an exceptional young man. And it’s all thanks to you,’ he added firmly.
She gave a rueful smile. ‘I think my parents may have had something to do with it.’
‘Your parents were killed when Toby was eighteen.’ He shook his head. ‘A very dangerous time for a young man to be left without guidance.’
Ellie frowned. ‘You were right about Toby being candid!’ It made her wonder exactly what else Toby had confided to Patrick McGrath about their private family affairs.
He looked at her quizzically. ‘You should be proud of him, Ellie, not—’
‘Here we are.’ Toby was grinning widely as he kicked the door open with his foot and came in with the tray of coffee things.
Ellie looked up at him affectionately; she was proud of him—of the way he had carried on with his plans to go to university to study law after the accident that had killed their parents, of the way he had obtained a first-class degree, of the way he had worked doggedly in a law firm for the two years following, before applying and succeeding in getting this position with Patrick McGrath. Yes, she was very proud of him—she just wished that she had taught him to be a little less candid when it came to their own private affairs!
‘All settled?’ He sat back on his heels to look at them both expectantly after placing the tray down on the low table.
‘Almost.’ Patrick McGrath was the one to answer him dryly.
Almost nothing! Ellie was grateful to him for his praise of Toby and of the part she had played in helping to form him into the likeable young man he was—but that did not mean she was going to agree to this ridiculous plan for Patrick McGrath to accompany her to the company Christmas dinner!
‘We just have to dot the “i”s and cross the “t”s,’ Patrick McGrath assured the younger man.
‘Really?’ Toby looked pleased by the prospect as he stood up. ‘I have a date later, so if neither of you mind I’ll just go upstairs and change while you two chat. Be back in a couple of minutes,’ he added, before leaving the room.
‘You see what I mean,’ Patrick McGrath murmured softly. ‘He’s like a puppy, or a little brother that you don’t want to disappoint.’
‘He happens to be a little brother,’ Ellie reminded him frustratedly. ‘And I’m afraid this time he’s going to be very disappointed!’
‘Why?’ Patrick McGrath regarded her with cool eyes.
‘Because—because, Mr McGrath—’ she began impatiently.
‘Patrick,’ he invited smoothly.
‘Very well—Patrick,’ she bit out decisively.
‘Has something changed since Toby spoke to me this afternoon?’ he prompted interestedly. ‘Have you and the ex-boyfriend managed to patch things up after all? Because if you have—’
‘No, we haven’t managed to “patch things up”,’ she cut in evenly, her frustration increasing by the minute as she felt this situation slipping more and more out of her grasp. ‘And we never will,’ she added firmly. ‘But that does not mean—’
‘You have to go to the dinner with me instead,’ Patrick McGrath finished slowly. ‘Do you have someone else in mind?’
‘No. But—’
‘Then where’s your problem? I was asked; I said yes—’