Mediterranean Millionaires. LYNNE GRAHAM
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On the top of the Nicolaidis building, Andreas boarded the helicopter. He felt out of control. That unnerved him. But he was quick to assure himself that there was no way he would lose his temper and get physical with Campbell. Hope would not like that and he was determined not to do or indeed say anything that might distress her. Possibly he should tell her how her seeing Campbell made him feel. He felt angry. He felt jealous. He felt threatened. Of course, he felt threatened! He was on like…continual probation. She wouldn’t marry him. The one thing that would give him a sense of security, she denied him and she would not tell him why.
Maybe he should make a special effort to explain just how important she was to him. That was something he had always been careful to keep to himself, but now he was afraid that he had kept quiet for too long and missed his chance. She was very, very important to his peace of mind. He could not bear the idea that anything might ever harm her. He thought he was incredibly lucky to have got a second chance with her. Was that love? How was he supposed to know what love was? Before he had met her, he had never been in love. He was morosely convinced that Campbell wouldn’t hang back from saying he loved her.
Hope tensed when she saw the helicopter coming in to land. Why had Andreas changed his plans and returned to the house? Was it because he was unhappy about Ben coming to visit? She really hoped it wasn’t that.
‘Andreas…’ she murmured as he strode into the drawing room, his lean, strong face shuttered and taut. ‘Did you forget something?’
‘Ne…yes,’ he breathed in Greek, his eyes smouldering gold as his expressive mouth curved into a smile that was purely for her.
‘Let me introduce you to our visitors,’ Hope said warmly.
Visitors in the plural? Disconcerted, Andreas turned his head and saw to his surprise that Ben had his arm wrapped round a tiny exquisite brunette. A perceptible air of intimacy clung to the other couple.
‘Of course, you know Ben…this is Chantal,’ Hope informed him.
Andreas extended a hand to Ben and kissed the brunette on both cheeks French style.
‘I’m afraid we have to make tracks,’ Ben told them. ‘My mother’s expecting us this afternoon.’
Having watched them drive away, Andreas closed a hand tightly over Hope’s. ‘I was really scared that Campbell was back to make a play for you,’ he admitted half under his breath.
Hope dealt him a startled glance. ‘Andreas…at this moment, I’m the size of a medium-sized house,’ she pointed out gently. ‘I don’t think there’s much risk of any guy making a play for me right now.’
‘I’ve had a problem handling your friendship with him.’ Dulled colour scored his high cheekbones. ‘If you hadn’t been pregnant, you’d probably still be with him—’
‘No, slow up there!’ Hope inserted in dismay. ‘As far as I’m concerned I’m with you by choice and our baby has very little to do with it.’
‘But you had something good going with Campbell—’
‘I liked him very much but he’s not you and he was never going to be.’
Encouraged by that statement, Andreas bit the proverbial bullet. ‘I’ve been jealous as hell—’
Hope looked up at him in amazement. ‘But why? There’s no need. I had only started seeing Ben when I found out I was expecting. It’s not as if I slept with him or anything like that!’
The silence sizzled.
‘You…didn’t sleep with him?’ Andreas prompted fiercely. ‘Have you any idea how much knowing that means to me?’
‘If you had asked, I would never have lied. You didn’t ask.’
Andreas flexed lean brown fingers, shrugged broad shoulders, compressed his beautiful mouth and nodded into the bargain. It took all those separate gestures to express the intensity of his response. ‘It always meant a lot to me that I had been your only lover—’
‘You never said.’
‘I took you for granted. You were there. Life was good and then…pow! It’s gone,’ he breathed in a roughened undertone, pulling her close as though to combat that unhappy memory.
‘Elyssa,’ she sighed.
‘Her lies tore me apart. I have never been so wretched in all my life. I didn’t understand what you meant to me until you were gone,’ Andreas confessed raggedly above her head, his strong arms tightening expressively round her. ‘Then I couldn’t admit to myself that I hated my life without you in it.’
‘Honestly?’ Her head came up, turquoise eyes focusing on him.
‘But what about all the women you were seen about with?’
Andreas grimaced. ‘Window dressing.’
Hope snatched in a stark breath. ‘Did you undress any of the windows?’
Andreas winced. ‘Couldn’t…’
Her eyes rounded. ‘Couldn’t?’
‘I couldn’t because…’ Andreas dragged in a sustaining breath before he pushed himself on to the crux of the matter. ‘I couldn’t because I only turn on for you. Didn’t you notice how hot I was for you at the cottage?’
‘You’ve been faithful.’ A huge sunny smile lit up her heart-shaped face.
‘I’ll always be faithful…’ Andreas hesitated. ‘I love you, pedhi mou.’
Her lashes fluttered up on wide, disbelieving eyes.
‘It’s true…I do!’ Andreas stressed as if she had argued the score with him. ‘When I feel this weird, it’s got to be love!’
‘You love me…’ Hope felt buoyant with happiness. ‘I love you too—’
‘So why won’t you marry me?’ Andreas demanded fiercely. ‘Being single is driving me mad!’
‘Oh, I think I could do something about that and save your sanity for you,’ Hope whispered teasingly. ‘If you love me—’
‘I love you like crazy!’ Andreas launched, cupping her cheekbones with his spread fingers.
‘I’ll marry you just as soon as you can get it organised,’ she told him happily. ‘That was what I was waiting and hoping for. I didn’t want you to marry me unless you loved me.’
Andreas did not let the grass grow under his feet. The relatives assembled to meet Hope that weekend extended their stay and got treated to a big splashy wedding in Athens. Hope’s grasp of the Greek language was finally revealed and much admired. Hope took centre stage in a pink off-the-shoulder dress and a bag in the shape of a lucky horseshoe. Vanessa acted as her bridesmaid. Ben attended with Chantal. The paparazzi turned out in large numbers but were prohibited any wedding pictures by tight