Taunts, riddles and secrets. Юрий Михайлович Низовцев
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We note with his hand, that, as it is paradoxical, but both arguments of evolutionists: labor created the person; the person is genetically almost indistinguishable from chimpanzees, actually lead to the opposite conclusion.
Themselves biologists say that the animal's behavior represents one of forms of functioning of its organism. The structure of the organism determines the needs of animals and their behavior programs. Any animal is born as a being endowed by the set of instincts. Instincts provide its adaptability to environmental conditions and limit individual variations of the behavior.
The situation is different with a human. All people which have lived on Earth the last 35 – 40 thousand years belong to the same type (Homo sapiens).
Thus, for years of change of organisms from the simplest to the primates the reflex system of their reaction to influence of the environment remained actually the same. In other words, programs of their actions are similar each other.
And suddenly, for slight term, in a result of rather short-term influence of external conditions, some species of primates acquired consciousness and self-consciousness, while others have remained by monkeys. And we do not know what out of these monkeys "worked" more. Now the theory of Darwin is recognized, at least, disputable just because to explain how the monkey evolved into the person from a position of modern science is not possible.
Obviously, for the emergence of consciousness in primates had to be occurred certain fundamental internal changes which were not for all time of existence of organisms on the planet. What are these changes, if the person by its appearance, the structure of organs and even the structure of a genome is very close to a chimpanzee?
It is possible to state the following: only change of the carrier-genome, programmed to the reflex "unconscious" activity on the carrier-genome programmed on conscious activity, can be as such internal change, in which a living creature is able to separate of itself from the environment, aware of itself as separate that means the emergence of self-consciousness.
Therefore, the transformation of the most perfect primate – it could be a chimpanzee or even more perfect primate – in the human prototype is possible only as a result of similar program change. Apparently, under this new program was remodeled the chimpanzee genome or the genome of a similar monkey. It is known that this genome coincides with a genome of the person on 99 %. This circumstance simply facilitates case technically.
One of hypotheses believes that the closest human ancestor was a monkey lagoon from Ethiopia. She had less indumentum, she swam well. A significant part of the day she was walking vertically. She had "lowered larynx", the appearance of which, apparently, she is obliged to the semi-aquatic lifestyle. The important thing is that the similar larynx gives the chance to control respiration and, as a result, lets ability to speak.
After similar reorganization the symbiosis of the resulting creature and individual consciousness – another, higher level than the level of the animal consciousness, becomes possible. This procedure also enables to evince the renewed consciousness, characterized by self-consciousness, by this being. Everything else: the ability to work together with the tribe, connected speech, creative thinking, etc. are being produced as a consequence during certain and relatively not very long term, fixing symbiosis of renewed consciousness and the body, thereby producing intellect. That's why so suddenly the human appeared. Also becomes clear why the connecting link from primates to humans has not been found so far. All the others – approximately the same primates who have not been touched by specified transformation, remained in its former animal quality. Although, in fact, conditions of their existence a little than differed from existence of the initial "candidate" for the person.
Thus, we can say that a being, which is capable only for unconscious actions, has one program, but a conscious being (having self-consciousness) has another program – more complex: this program enables to the living being quickly to be reconstructed, it enables to train itself, to project the actions on the future, it allows to process the results for the subsequent adjustment, using already saved up memory from a much bigger database, than at primates.
In other words, the new program allows the being to look at itself from the outside, i.e. to separate of itself from the environment, to which it was previously forced only to adapt. Thereby this new being gains additional feature – purposefully to change the environment, and along with that to change of itself consciously.
That is in order to get a new quality, it is necessary to change the program, just as it is done for computers. It is no secret, if a computer with the "old" program will be placed in the most favorable conditions, it will receive supplementary equipment, etc., then anyway in a new way the computer will not work.
Based on the above, we will give own views on possible options of unexpected occurrence of "Homo sapiens" several tens of thousands years ago.
One embodiment of the occurrence of people, who have "received" self-consciousness thanks to reorganization of a genome under a more complex program at the most suitable species of primates, has already been described above. Apparently, this new type has been expressed in the Cro-Magnon eventually.
Fact unusually rapid restructuring of the genome, contradicting rates of evolutionary development, stated by evolutionists, is confirmed by geneticists who used computer overlay of a genome map of a chimpanzee on a genome map of the person that allowed them to allocate three categories of so called DNA-duplications – that are available in a genome of the person, but are absent in a genome of a chimpanzee, that are available in a genome of a chimpanzee, but are absent in a genome of the person, and that are available in a genome of both types. DNA-duplication is one of forms of a mutation at which the site of a chromosome is doubled. In this case DNA segments having length of at least 20 thousand of the nucleotide couples were considered. It appeared that about one third of DNA-duplications identified in a human, are absent at a chimpanzee. Geneticists were pretty surprised by this figure because it indicates a very high frequency of mutations in the short – by evolutionary standards – period of time. This work was carried out by an international consortium of scientists. It consisted of 67 scientists from 23 research institutions of 5 countries – the U.S., Israel, Spain, Italy and Germany. Geneticists of the Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston coordinated the work. And blood for DNA analysis gave a young male chimpanzee named Clint (Clint), inhabitant of aviary of the National Centre for the Study of primates in Atlanta, Georgia. (See, eg ., Dw.de> genome comparison … and … it … human).
Around the time when the first reasonable people were still in a semi-wild state, in parallel with them, according to the description in Plato's "Critias" functioned quite technologically advanced civilization, which he called Atlantis. Apparently, the Bible gives mention about this civilization too. The Bible indicates that Atlantis have been washed away by flood. Most likely, the high-tech structures – the pyramids – in some places of Earth on land and under water were preserved from this civilization.
Above we have shown that the emergence and existence of these civilizations which operated before the transformation of primates into people can be explained only by a kind of transfer of "copies" of people with those planets where people have already appeared. Further, communities of these, some kind of "transit" people could gradually go up to the stage, at least of local civilizations, reminding the current civilization, and then these civilizations were falling apart for internal reasons, of course, if previously they were not being exposed to the most powerful natural disasters.
Thus, similar civilizations on Earth during hundred millions years quite could be emerged, developed and decayed according to internal or external causes. But not everything can disappear without leaving a trace. Some artifacts have been preserved and most authentic artifacts are presented in numerous sources, and even are exhibited in museums. It is possible to get acquainted with much more extensive collection of different artifacts in my book: Nizovtsev Yu. M.