The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898. Volume 24 of 55. Unknown

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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898. Volume 24 of 55 - Unknown

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an austere life. While prior of Manila occurs “the rising of the Sangleys, which was ended with so great glory to the Spanish nation. For the Spaniards were so few, while the Chinese were so many that those who assert the smallest number say that they exceeded four thousand. Finally they were killed and destroyed throughout those districts, and their possessions and houses were ruined and burned, a thing regarded as marvelous. For they might have killed the Spaniards with great ease, as the latter were quite unprepared, not expecting any such thing. The city desired to advise his Majesty of the fortunate outcome of the matter; and that in regard to those who have entered Manila through the gates, it has always been extremely fortunate, and has always triumphed over its enemies, but never been conquered. Our father Fray Diego Guevara was chosen, and he accepted very willingly what the city requested, in all having the approbation of our father provincial. It was learned that a galleon was to be despatched from Malaca to India, while it was not the season here for despatches. He took as companion a choir-brother named Fray Diego de Urive,15 a native of the town of Consuegra in Mancha.” Arrived at Malaca, they find the galleon gone. They go to Goa, thence to Ormuz, and accomplish the journey to Rome overland. “Clemente VIII rejoiced greatly at receiving him, and much more at the good news from the islands of the West.” The general of the order gives Guevara a warm reception, and allows him to depart for Spain. “At that time some differences arose between Ours and the Recollect fathers of our order, who were now commencing to settle. Thereupon an ordinance from Roma ordered an inspection. On petition of the royal Council, the visitation was entrusted to father Fray Martín de Perea, an illustrious member of the province of Castilla, who had been assistant of España. Our father Fray Diego de Guevara was chosen as his associate. The father-visitor entrusted to him, because he himself was busy, the visitation of several convents of the discalced fathers, in which he acquitted himself with great discretion. While engaged in the said occupation, Filipinas affairs must have made some stir—and so great, that news thereof came to the royal Council of the Indias. I think that the great devotion of the fathers then in chief authority, did not appear so well to those to whom time had given more license than was fitting. Therefore they wrote imputing to their prelates what it was very fitting should be punished.” The president of the Council, Count de Lemos, after consultation with Father Juan de Castro, of the Augustinian order, secures the necessary papers from Rome and sends Father Guevara to the Philippines with authority to make a general inspection of the order. He sails from Sanlúcar, June 22, 1609, taking with him a company of religious, among them Medina. The voyage to New Spain is made without incident.]

      Chapter XXXIII

      Continuation of the preceding chapter

      [The missionaries are well received by their brethren in Mexico. But they despair of getting vessels for the islands, “for already they were long overdue”—that is, the vessels from the Philippines, which are to return thither again. However, within a short time the “San Andrés,” bearing two Augustinians, Fathers Carrillo and Plaza, arrives in port. They bring a tale of storms and almost shipwrecks. “The almiranta suffered eleven hurricanes, and all had already lost hope of life. The vessel miraculously made the voyage through the courage of the pilot Toral, and that of father Fray Estéban Carrillo—who, lashed to the mizzen-mast, with a crucifix in his hands, consoled the crew, and animated and encouraged them. He always shared his food with the sick.” Of the other two vessels of the fleet, the flagship runs aground in Japan, but the crew are saved. “It was one of the greatest losses sustained by these islands. Don Rodrigo de Vivero was returning in the vessel. He had governed the islands for one year, in behalf of his uncle Don Luis de Velasco. The latter sent him for that purpose until the governor should be nominated in España.” The vessel “Santa Ana” is repaired and makes the voyage the succeeding year. “The arrival of the almiranta gave great comfort to Nueva España; for, as these vessels are of great profit, their loss is felt more than that of those coming from España. All together the latter do not in any way compete with those coming from Filipinas.” The almiranta and another vessel, the “San Francisco” of Peru, return that year to the islands. The viceroy refuses to allow all the religious who have come for that purpose to embark. The following religious embark in the “San Francisco.”]

      1. Father Master Fray Diego de Guevara, visitor-general.

      2. Fray Diego de Uribe, his associate, who afterward studied and preached in the Ilocan language. He died as prior of one of the Ilocan convents.

      3. Fray Agustín de los Ríos, native of Extremadura, a zealous servant of God and an eloquent preacher. He returned to Nueva España, in search of health, and afterward lived for some years there without it, in the hope of returning; but he died in that country, from epilepsy. But it is always thought that he, who was so spiritual, must have died to enjoy God.

      4. Father Fray Hernando Becerra, one of the most learned and substantial men who have gone to the islands. In but little time he had filled all the principal offices of the order, such as reader of theology, chief preacher at Manila, associate of the provincial and of the visitor-general, prior of many convents, visitor, definitor, provincial with visitor (which he had been before), and prior of Manila. But he exercised the office of provincial scarcely two months. He was very judicious, and therefore acquired the above offices. God took him to Himself; for he left all envious of his death.

      5. Fray Pedro de Herrera, of excellent mind. Although he could have been great if he had wished, like his pupil, our Father Becerra (both of them from Valladolid), yet all do not have equal fortune. This father was unfortunate. Our father general, before whom he presented himself, deprived him of his habit, but after seeing that he did so unjustly, returned it to him; but Father Herrera was much broken because of so many troubles. He was the best Tagál linguist known.

      6. Fray Andrés de Ocampo, of Córdoba, an excellent religious. He ministered in the Pampanga speech, and enjoyed good priorates. He died while returning to España.

      7. Fray Silvestre de Torres, of the same company, came the next year. He was a native of Granada. He went to Japón and learned from the sanctity of the holy martyr Fray Hernando de San José. Later, when the religious were expelled from Japón, he came to Manila. He was chief preacher of Sugbú, and later of Manila; and had a mission among the Tagáls. He died by falling from a window. And since the Lord took him in such fashion, from his piety one will understand that that was the most appropriate hour for his salvation, as he had labored so assiduously.

      8. Fray Andrés Jiménez, of Murcia. He came the same year as the above. He returned to Nueva España, but, not finding any refuge there, he came back to the shelter of Filipinas—where, partly in the province of Ilocos, and partly in that of Pampanga, he has done his utmost, according to the talent that God gave him.

      9. Father Fray Juan Boan came four years ago. He has been very fortunate; for one would believe that they went to meet him with honorable duties, in which he has ever carried himself to the honor of the habit and the esteem of the natives, who have always loved him. He has made material advances for the province, acting with great mildness, and it is hoped that he will continue to do so more and more.

      10. Father Fray Pedro de la Peña, a native of Burgos, and an excellent religious. He read theology in Manila, with great credit. He held excellent priorates in Pampanga, and before these held some in Ilocos, where he was vicar-general. He was elected definitor of Roma and procurator of the province at the Spanish court. He died at sea in 1631.

      11. Fray Pedro de Zuñiga, one of those whom we can honor most, since he obtained glorious martyrdom in Japon. I refer to his life.

      12. Fray Juan de Medina, of Sevilla, missionary to the Bisayans. This is he who writes this history. I confess that the province has honored me beyond my deserts with offices and honors.

      13. Fray José de Vides, a creole of Nueva España. Unfortunately he was deprived of the habit with father Fray Pedro de Herrera. He went to Roma by way of India, and it is not known where he stopped.

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Fray Diego Uribe del Castillo was missionary in the Ilocan villages of Purao (1613), Santa Cruz (1614), Tagudín (1612), and Agoó (1621). He was examiner in the native language and reader of the province for some time. He died in 1622. See Pérez’s Catálogo, p. 79.