Voices Of Light. Aldivan Teixeira Torres
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— Very interesting. Do you have any copy with you?
— I have the first.
Aldivan rummages for a moment his suitcase, found the book and gives it to Wellington. As he was driving, he puts the book in the compartment beside him. then restart the conversation.
— I Like a lot to read. What I don’t have is time, because I work the whole day, but at my first day off I will read your book. I promise.
— Thank you.
— You're welcome.
The conversation instantly stops and then the two are concentrated in their respective offices. While Wellington drives, the son of God pays attention to the completely unknown landscape. Up ahead, the road converges close on the banks of a large dam, so big that you could not see the end. Aldivan couldn’t contains his curiosity.
— What's the name of this dam?
— It calls Poço da Cruz, the largest in the state.
— Damn! Extremely large. But it seems a little dry.
— Consequences of the recent droughts and the irrational use of water. In the past, it generated a lot of income for the region through irrigation projects.
— Oh, I see, what a pity that practically dried up. But nature is wise.
— This is the Northeast. We have to live with this problem, the drought, I believe that for a long time because many important government projects have not been completed yet.
— I agree. But we should not only expect government action. We must fight with our weapons.
— Which one, for example?
— Rational use of water, construction of tanks, drill wells, be an active citizen in society. Among other examples.
— I’m going to do this.
— OK.
New pause in the conversation. They continue following the dirt road with her curves and straight lines, now surrounded by both the river Moxotó as the Poço da Cruz dam. In the background, small land elevations covered with the caatinga, typical vegetation of the region. The Seer gets increasingly impressed with the local beauty, a Europe in the semi-arid Northeastern. Brazil that worth visiting and thanks to his profession that emerged this unique opportunity.
They continue to advance swiftly on the hit sand road circling the Moxotó river and the Poço da Cruz dam from the left and right sides respectively. During the rest of the way, they take a cool chat between them involving various subjects in order to be distracted. With this, they don’t even realize the wide time they spent.
Exactly one hour later, they complete the route reaching to the rustic village consists of just one central street with houses scattered here and there. They stop in the middle of town, the Seer pays the ticket, promises to call him when he went back and finally say goodbye. Immediately the taxi makes the return and now Aldivan was alone, except by the invisible company of his father who continually protected him. The destiny was about to unfold.
He walks a few meters, watching the clock and checks that it was almost 11:00am. Then hastens step and enter a grocery store to ask for directions. Enters on the property which was only composed of a simple interspace filled by the counter and shelves containing food. He excuses and went to talk to the only one attendant available.
— Hi, how are you? My name is Aldivan and wanted to know the location of Emanuel's house. Do you know?
— My name is Pamela. Yes, I do know Emanuel. He lives in a hovel at the end of the street at number 35. You only need to go straight. Can I know the why you are looking for him?
— I'm his friend, but the reason I came here is private.
— Oh, I understand. I’m sorry.
— It was nothing. Thanks for the info. Goodbye.
— Goodbye.
After that, the Son of God leave the property, back to walk on the streets and follow the guidelines of Pâmela. In five minutes he reaches the destination, a low hovel, made mud and straw full of cracks in its four meters wide with six of long and two of high. In a few steps, leans against the door and right on that time his heart speeds up. What awaited him? His intuition would confirm or would he faces a new frustration? Were they at home? These and other questions came fast through his mind and would only be resolved at the time he take courage and knocked the door. And that's exactly what our solemn personage does firmly. Hit one, two, three times. In his latest attempt, he hears someone was dragging flip flops. Someone approached.
A moment later, the door opens and from inside emerges a white old man, about sixty years or so, medium height, muscular body, but normal, white hair without dyeing, beautiful features, but wrinkled by the time, wore wide shorts, sandals beach type and mesh shirt. When faced with the son of God casts a mysterious look and asks:
— Who are you? What are you looking?
My name is Aldivan Teixeira Tôrres and I’m looking for a young man named Emanuel. Does he live here?
— Aldivan? Oh yes. Emanuel is my son and he mentioned you in a conversation. Sorry for that. Get inside. The house is simple but is always open to my son’s friends.
— Thank you. Excuse-me.
Aldivan enters into the hovel accompanied by the host. Inside, the shack was about to a single corridor where there were scattered a bookcase with TV, radio and some images of saints at the beginning on the right side, an old armchair with five seats on the left side; in the center, a simple table with three stools arranged around. On the right, at the end, two pole beds with grass mattress, and on the left side, a stove powered by coal which were several pots.
The host offers to the visitor a stool and he gladly accept it. As he still was full of doubts, Aldivan starts the conversation again.
— What is your name, Sir?
— I’m Messias Escapuleto. My family have Italian origin.
— Oh! That cool. What about Emanuel? Where is him?
— He’s working, but won’t take too much to arrive. Look, can you excuse me? I have a pot on the fire and have to take care or the food will get burned.
— Sure, feel free.
Messias departs for a moment. It is enough for the son of God give a better peek around. What was still the reality of many Brazilians living in extreme poverty and this increases his admiration for those personagess. The fact of being poor did not mean he did not make efforts to have a better life, by what he knew about them.
A moment later, Messias returns from what would be the kitchen in order to make company to visitors after finish preparing the lunch. He