Nightflyers and Other Stories. Джордж Р. Р. Мартин
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Agatha Marij-Black smiled wickedly at him. “If Lasamer becomes quiescent, and stops babbling about danger? Why, that would mean he was no longer picking up anything, wouldn’t it? And that would mean there had been something to pick up, that he’d been right all along.”
At dinner that night, Thale Lasamer was quiet and distracted, eating in a rhythmic, mechanical sort of way, with a cloudy look in his blue eyes. Afterwards he excused himself and went straight to bed, falling into exhausted slumber almost immediately.
“What did you do to him?” Lommie Thorne asked Marij-Black.
“I shut off that prying mind of his,” she replied.
“You should have done it two weeks ago,” Lindran said. “Docile, he’s a lot easier to take.”
Karoly d’Branin hardly touched his food.
False night came, and Royd’s wraith materialized while Karoly d’Branin sat brooding over his chocolate. “Karoly,” the apparition said, “would it be possible to tie in the computer your team brought on board with my shipboard system? Your volcryn stories fascinate me, and I would like to be able to study them further at my leisure. I assume the details of your investigation are in storage.”
“Certainly,” d’Branin replied in an offhand, distracted manner. “Our system is up now. Patching it into the Nightflyer should present no problem. I will tell Lommie to attend to it tomorrow.”
Silence hung in the room heavily. Karoly d’Branin sipped at his chocolate and stared off into the darkness, almost unaware of Royd.
“You are troubled,” Royd said after a time.
“Eh? Oh, yes.” D’Branin looked up. “Forgive me, my friend. I have much on my mind.”
“It concerns Thale Lasamer, does it not?”
Karoly d’Branin looked at the pale, luminescent figure across from him for a long time before he finally managed a stiff nod. “Yes. Might I ask how you knew that?”
“I know everything that occurs on the Nightflyer,” Royd said.
“You have been watching us,” d’Branin said gravely, accusation in his tone. “Then it is so, what Thale says, about us being watched. Royd, how could you? Spying is beneath you.”
The ghost’s transparent eyes had no life in them, did not see. “Do not tell the others,” Royd warned. “Karoly, my friend – if I may call you my friend – I have my own reasons for watching, reasons it would not profit you to know. I mean you no harm. Believe that. You have hired me to take you safely to the volcryn and safely back, and I mean to do just that.”
“You are being evasive, Royd,” d’Branin said. “Why do you spy on us? Do you watch everything? Are you a voyeur, some enemy, is that why you do not mix with us? Is watching all you intend to do?”
“Your suspicions hurt me, Karoly.”
“Your deception hurts me. Will you not answer me?”
“I have eyes and ears everywhere,” Royd said. “There is no place to hide from me on the Nightflyer. Do I see everything? No, not always. I am only human, no matter what your colleagues might think. I sleep. The monitors remain on, but there is no one to observe them. I can only pay attention to one or two scenes or inputs at once. Sometimes I grow distracted, unobservant. I watch everything, Karoly, but I do not see everything.”
“Why?” D’Branin poured himself a fresh cup of chocolate, steadying his hand with an effort.
“I do not have to answer that question. The Nightflyer is my ship.”
D’Branin sipped chocolate, blinked, nodded to himself. “You grieve me, my friend. You give me no choice. Thale said we were being watched, I now learn and he was right. He says also that we are in danger. Something alien, he says. You?”
The projection was still and silent.
D’Branin clucked. “You do not answer. Ah, Royd, what am I to do? I must believe him, then. We are in danger, perhaps from you. I must abort our mission, then. Return us to Avalon, Royd. That is my decision.”
The ghost smiled wanly. “So close, Karoly? Soon now we will be dropping out of drive.”
Karoly d’Branin made a small sad noise deep in his throat. “My volcryn,” he said, sighing. “So close – ah, it pains me to desert them. But I cannot do otherwise, I cannot.”
“You can,” said the voice of Royd Eris. “Trust me. That is all I ask, Karoly. Believe me when I tell you that I have no sinister intentions. Thale Lasamer may speak of danger, but no one has been harmed so far, have they?”
“No,” admitted d’Branin. “No, unless you count Alys, cutting herself this afternoon.”
“What?” Royd hesitated briefly. “Cutting herself? I did not see, Karoly. When did this happen?”
“Oh, early – just before Lasamer began to scream and rant, I believe.”
“I see.” Royd’s voice was thoughtful. “I was watching Melantha go through her exercises,” he said finally, “and talking to her. I did not notice. Tell me how it happened.”
D’Branin told him.
“Listen to me,” Royd said. “Trust me, Karoly, and I will give you your volcryn. Calm your people. Assure them that I am no threat. And keep Lasamer drugged and quiescent, do you understand? That is very important. He is the problem.”
“Agatha advises much the same thing.”
“I know,” said Royd. “I agree with her. Will you do as I ask?”
“I do not know,” d’Branin said. “You make it hard for me. I do not understand what is going wrong, my friend. Will you not tell me more?”
Royd Eris did not answer. His ghost waited.
“Well,” d’Branin said at last, “you do not talk. How difficult you make it. How soon, Royd? How soon will we see my volcryn?”
“Quite soon,” Royd replied. “We will drop out of drive in approximately seventy hours.”
“Seventy hours,” d’Branin said. “Such a short time. Going back would gain us nothing.” He moistened his lips, lifted his cup, found it empty. “Go on, then. I will do as you bid. I will trust you, keep Lasamer drugged, I will not tell the others of your spying. Is that enough, then? Give me my volcryn. I have waited so long!”
“I know,” said Royd Eris. “I know.”
Then the ghost was gone, and Karoly d’Branin sat alone in the darkened lounge. He tried to refill his cup, but his hand began to tremble unaccountably, and he poured the chocolate over his fingers and dropped the cup, swearing, wondering, hurting.
The next day was a day of rising tensions and a hundred small irritations. Lindran and Dannel had a “private” argument that could be overheard through half the ship. A three-handed war game in the lounge ended in disaster when Christopheris accused Melantha Jhirl of cheating. Lommie Thorne complained of