Notes and Queries, Number 186, May 21, 1853. Various

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Notes and Queries, Number 186, May 21, 1853 - Various

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do not appear in the list of Lord Hervey's works given by Walpole, or amongst those noticed by Mr. Croker, or in Sir C. H. Williams's Collected Works, in three volumes. Independently of which, I question whether the versification is not, in point of harmony, too equal for either of them. If they be included in the collected works of any other writer of the time, which I have no immediate recollection of, some of your correspondents will no doubt be able to point him out. Should it appear that they have not been reprinted, I shall be disposed to recur again to the subject, and to give an extract from them, as, of all the attacks ever made upon Bolingbroke, they seem to me the most pleasant, witty, and effective.

Jas. Crossley.


      On April 28, Cardinal Wiseman, at the Manchester Corn Exchange, delivered a lecture "On the Relation of the Arts of Design to the Arts of Production." It occupies thirteen columns of The Tablet of May 7, which professes to give it "from The Manchester Examiner, with corrections and additions." I have read it with pleasure, and shall preserve it as one of the best discourses on Art ever delivered; but there is a matter of fact, on which I am not so well satisfied. In noticing Bernard Palissy, the cardinal is reported to have said:

      "For sixteen years he persevered in this way; and then was crowned with success, and produced the first specimens of coloured and beautiful pottery, such as are to this day sought by the curious; and he received a situation in the king's household, and ended his days in comfort and respectability."

      In the review of "Morley's Life of Palissy the Potter," Spectator, Oct. 9, 1852, it is said:

      "The period of the great potter's birth is uncertain. Mr. Morley fixes it, on probable data, at 1509; but with a latitude of six years on either side. Palissy died in 1589 in the Bastile, where he had been confined four years as a Hugenot; the king and his other friends could defer his trial, but dared not grant him liberty.

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      This geographical morceau was nearly equalled by a scribe in the Illustrated London News, who stated that her Gracious Majesty's steam-yacht, with its royal freight and attendant squadron, when coasting round from Cork to Dublin in the year 1849, had entered Tramore Bay, and thence steamed up to Passage in the Waterford Harbour! A truly royal road to safety; and one that, did it exist, would have saved many a gallant crew and sh


This geographical morceau was nearly equalled by a scribe in the Illustrated London News, who stated that her Gracious Majesty's steam-yacht, with its royal freight and attendant squadron, when coasting round from Cork to Dublin in the year 1849, had entered Tramore Bay, and thence steamed up to Passage in the Waterford Harbour! A truly royal road to safety; and one that, did it exist, would have saved many a gallant crew and ship, which have met their fate within the landlocked, but ironbound and shelterless, jaws of Tramore Bay.

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