Splendid Passion. Gabrielle Queen

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Splendid Passion - Gabrielle Queen

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enemy territory. Just like in the movies. She managed to get on the balcony. From there you were able to have a nice view of the city, a perfect place to meditate. She understood why Mihai liked to stay there in the morning drinking his coffee.

      But there was no time for meditation. She took a thing from her backpack and she placed it on the iron table next to the fresh flowers. He would have seen this the next morning.

      Then she heard some noises. She froze. Earlier there were no lights and zero noises…She stick on the wall and she slide in the garden. She heard steps. Someone woke up, probably Mihai and he was going to the balcony. Omg, he was going to catch her and she would have been ashamed all her life.

      She started to run. She felt and hurt her knee but she didn’t want to scream even she would have wanted to. She turned her head a lot of times because she had the impression that Mihai was following her. She took the taxi that was passing there. Perfect timing. Finally she was home after a while and she felt on her bed exhausted.

      The next days, nothing happened. Mihai didn’t really realize that someone entered in his house? Or her adventure was just a dream and never happened? That couldn’t be because her knee hurt like hell. She felt like a hero from action movies…she managed to enter in a celebrity’s house without being caught. She was already thinking to tell Mihai that was pretty easy to get in his house and that he would improve his security.

      Nervously, she went to Mihai’s class. She blathered more and she was red all the time, but everything seemed the same. Mihai didn’t seem to have something to say.

      The answer wasn’t arriving. She checked her email every day. Nothing. The message didn’t arrive? She risked her life for nothing? She was frustrated a little bit.

      Even if she didn’t want to, she had to concentrate on her work.

      The next days she studied the script of the movie. Mihai was one of the producers of the movie and still he chose her for the role. Such an honor! She was still trilled. He intrigued her more and more.

      She was trying to feel deeply the sad love story that could be anyone’s love story. She was scared by the role, but most of the time she felt trilled and she couldn’t wait to play in this movie. The movie was going to be emotional and she was going to play next to a famous actor; but she was also feeling sad thinking about the tragic Lorelei’s role. She didn’t expect someone like Mihai to contribute to this kind of project. She didn’t know him at all…If she would have seen his place that night maybe she would have known more about him.

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