Patent attorneys of the Russian Federation. Directory-2019. A. D. Kudakov

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Patent attorneys of the Russian Federation. Directory-2019 - A. D. Kudakov

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is to unite the creative possibilities of patent attorneys in order to improve the Eurasian legislation.

      The sixth long-term task of the organization is the full development of international relations, in particular, to expand the number of States parties to the Eurasian Convention.

      The seventh task is to develop norms and standards of professional activity of attorneys.

      The Organization is made without the payment of membership fees. The organization develops and provides in the common interest of members and participants, the holding of certain shares of, and interested in holding a particular stock members, participants, or sponsors, will be expected to pay part of the required funds according to the calculation, which will be provided by the organization.

      We invite Eurasian patent attorneys to participate in the work of the organization and become its full member. If You are not a Eurasian patent attorney from the member States, but share the goals of our organization, we offer You to become a member of our organization.

      President of the International public organization

      “Council of Eurasian patent attorneys”

      KUDAKOV A. D.



      KUDAKOV Andrej Dmitrievich (RU) – 250


      Patent Bar “Kudakov and Partners”, Head

      M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, physical faculty, Head of the patent department

      +7 (495) 720-00-40, [email protected]

      LINNIK Lev Nikolaevich (RU) – 74


      Nezavisimy’j patentny’j poverenny’j

      +7 (495) 393-79-73 [email protected]

      VINOGRADOV Sergej Gennad`evich (BY) – 3

      Presidium member

      PAG-EPAG, patentny’j poverenny’j

      [email protected],

      PAVLOVSKIJ Anatolij Nikolaevich (RU) – 12

      Presidium member

      Samostoyatel`naya deyatel`nost’

      FEDOTOV Yurij Aleksandrovich (RU) – 239

      Presidium member, Secretary

      Speczializirovannaya yuridicheskaya firma OOO “Patentczentr”, direktor

      +7 (495) 223-13-88 [email protected]


      1. BAGYAN Levon Georgievich (RU) – 139

      Institut tochnoj mexaniki i vy’chislitel`noj texniki RAN, nachal`nik patentnogo otdela

      2. BELYAEVA Elena Nikolaevna (BY) – 96

      OOO “Elena Belyaeva, Nina Vasil`eva i Partnery’”, patentny’j poverenny’j

      [email protected],

      3. VINOGRADOV Sergej Gennad`evich (BY) – 3

      PAG-EPAG, patentny’j poverenny’j

      [email protected],

      4. GAVRILOVA Elena Arkad`evna (RU) – 68

      OOO Patentno-pravovaya firma “Iskona-II”, general`ny’j direktor

      [email protected]

      5. GORDEEV Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich (RU) – 49

      AO MMK “MIKOMS”, nachal`nik otdela oxrany’ promy’shlennoj sobstvennosti

      6. GRIGOR`EVA Tat`yana Viktorovna (RU) – 198

      OOO “Nezavisimoe patentnoe agentstvo”, individual`ny’j predprinimatel’

      [email protected]

      7. DUNAJ Dar`ya Mixajlovna (BY) – 166

      Patentny’j poverenny’j

      [email protected]

      8. ERMAKOV Igor’ Mixajlovich (RU) – 256

      Individual`ny’j predprinimatel’

      [email protected]

      9. KUDAKOV Andrej Dmitrievich (RU) – 250

      Patent Bar “Kudakov and Partners”, Head

      M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, physical faculty, Head of the patent department

      +7 (495) 720-00-40, [email protected]

      10. LINNIK Lev Nikolaevich (RU) – 74

      Nezavisimy’j patentny’j poverenny’j

      [email protected]

      11. MALAXOV Sergej Valentinovich (RU) – 251

      OOO “Yuridicheskaya firma Malaxov i partnery’”, general`ny’j direktor

      [email protected]

      12. PAVLOVSKIJ Anatolij Nikolaevich (RU) – 12

      Samostoyatel`naya deyatel`nost’

      13. SERGEEV Andrej Viktorovich (RU) – 15

      Individual`ny’j predprinimatel’

      [email protected],

      14. SULIMOVA Elena Borisovna (RU) – 199

      OOO “Nezavisimoe patentnoe agentstvo”, IP

      [email protected]

      15. TAGBERGENOVA Modangul’ Marupovna (KZ) – 2

      TOO “Agentstvo intellektual`noj sobstvennosti “Tagbergenova i partnery’”, zamestitel’ general`nogo direktora

      [email protected],

      16. FEDOTOV Yurij Aleksandrovich (RU) – 239

      Presidium member, Secretary

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