Emotions Rule. Ira Lav
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‘Diabolo means devil it’s supposed to be hot, like in hell,’ hinted the waiter overhearing the comment and asked if they wanted a refill.
‘Oh, that is very good to know. Thank you,’ replied Katya with a little irritation noticing that she reminded herself her own mother now who didn’t like when people answered questions which weren’t directed to them.
As the waiter turned around, Katya’s eyes slid to his bum. Addressing the girls she said in Russian, ‘А у него классная попка! (Meaning ‘What a nice ass he has!’)
The waiter turned around and said in pure Russian, ‘Спасибо!’ (meaning ‘thanks’)
Katya turned red like the tomato sauce on the Diabolo pizza.
In a couple of hours they turned out to be already at Filip’s place, under the pretense that they needed some German magazines or books to make a project for their German course. The girls didn’t feel uncomfortable about inviting themselves to somebody else’s place so fast. Could their way be described as chutzpah?
Filip’s flat. All white, same as theirs. Again they felt themselves like being in hospital. Only later the girls learnt that almost all German apartments were white, rented ones in particular.
Wow, so many records here! Filip was crazy about music. Most of his records were old-school hip-hop. Frankly speaking, the Russian ladies couldn’t tell one vinyl from another, but they were still marveled by the amount of them. So when Mr. Curly Hair asked what they would like to listen to, the girls felt at ease answering in unison, ‘As you wish’.
All of a sudden Sven did a headstand.
‘Um, is it what Germans do when they listen to hip-hop?’ wondered Yulya to herself and asked out loud, ‘Can I use your washroom?’
Filip waved his hand in the direction of the washroom.
As the Red-haired reached the secret room she opened the cold water tap to prevent others from hearing her toilet procedure sounds. How inventive she considered herself every time she did it, and how wasteful Europeans would consider her to do so.
chapter 3
One week was already behind them. What would other three weeks bring? The girlies were eager to visit different places in Europe but since they had classes on work days, only weekends were available to hit the road. Their only plan was to see Amsterdam. They bought the cheapest train tickets they could find and headed for Amsterdam with no particular plan. They could walk along the Red Light District, perhaps admire sexy ladies in the shop windows and just sightsee whatever there was in the guidebook.
‘I would not want to stand out there and seduce passing-by men. And hope that my next client would be just a jolly healthy young stud longing for a healthy sex, not a fucking maniac or something. I wonder what made them take up such a job?’ Yulya finished her monologue of wonder, pity and disgust while staring at window ladies.
‘I bet you don’t really wanna know this, hun. It’s not the good life, not the happy circumstances that persuaded them to do the first step in this direction. But who knows, maybe some girlies do love their occupation and treat it like a hobby,’ summarized Tanya nonchalantly in a low voice watching the half-naked bodies. Fringe seemed to enjoy the talk and kept speculating, ‘I heard bisexuality is pretty common in Europe. So these ladies might even take care of women too.’
‘Are you serious?’ exclaimed Yulya raising her eyebrows.
‘Yup. Say, a man wants to fuck, like really, really badly, he can’t help it. But he doesn’t have a constant partner. What should he do? Go masturbate? Hire a hooker? Or just go to a bar and maybe find someone who wants to fuck also really, really badly? And it doesn’t much matter what sex the person would be as long as he is satisfied in the end… or in the end it doesn’t much matter for these ladies,’ Fringe waved in the direction of the window girls, ‘who they’re going to deal with as long as they get paid… it’s just a routine job for them, no feelings involved,’ finished Tanya with an air of an expert.
‘Ew, you are always harsh in explaining things, sweetie,’ commented Yulya.
‘But that’s the case,’ Tanya defended herself.
‘Or… the man should just go and do sports instead of screwing hell-knows-who when his hormones are playing dirty tricks on him. Otherwise one might end up developing some perverse habit or even some unhealthy mania. It’s so unnatural in my opinion. Men have penises, women vaginas, as simple puzzle as that. A stick fits into a hole. What are they supposed to do when it’s two penises or two vaginas?’ Yulya expressed herself vigorously.
Katya finally interfered, ‘I don’t even want to know it. But if you want to know the answer, perhaps you should try it with a girl. Anyway, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone and both sides are willing, I see no harm in any possible variation. But there’re cases of the same sex who feel love emotions to each other, so just accept it, hun. I am still your friend even if you two smoke and I don’t. Free will for everyone, sweetie.’ She produced a long sigh, noticed her comment made no particular persuasive effect and pushed the two speculating friends of hers farther, ‘Come on, we have lotsa other things to see, not only playboy girls.’
Red-haired shrugged her shoulders to the unsatisfying answer. On seeing the strengthening disgust on Yulya’s freckled face, Fringe changed the topic asking, ‘And what about coffeeshops then?’
‘I thought we’ve talked it through, ladies,’ reminded Blondie pushing them gently forward.
‘I know, but I still don’t understand your point. We are in Holland. And who knows maybe we’ll never be here again. We must have a smoke. I know you think it could be dangerous, but, come on, almost every Dutch does it. Look, they are still alive!’ Tanya was waving her arms trying to persuade prudent Blondie.
‘I don’t wanna do it, cuz I’ve heard stories. Besides, a person can have much fun without drinking or smoking or getting high. And yes, it can be dangerous,’ Katya explained herself.
‘Why don’t we eat a cake with hashish at least. I heard it’s not that strong as a joint. Just new experience? And you don’t need to try it if you don’t want to, just come with us,’ Red-haired joined Tanya’s floor of persuasion.
‘Fine, fine, let’s go to a coffeeshop, otherwise you’ll never leave me alone. I’ll come cuz I’m curious to see the place, watch you get stupid and take pictures. But, only in the evening! First, we see the sights!’ Blondie agreed finally and performed a theatrical evil laugh anticipating interesting snaps.
Till seven p.m. the trio managed to see the Van Gogh paintings, Rembrandt House Museum and take an Amstel River tour. Time for the coffeeshop!
Being pioneers in coffeeshops they were advised against space cakes stuffed with cannabis. To start with, they ordered just two pre-rolled joints which were a mixture of cannabis and tobacco. Katya ordered just water, which was damn expensive, and got comfortable to watch the ladies get high. The time was creeping very slowly now. Katya noticed the friends’ eyes get glossy and red. They started giggling.
‘Ok, you were right, nothing dangerous so far. Just silly giggling girls,’ commented Katya.
Tanya and Yulya looked at each other and started laughing even louder.