A Coffin from Hong Kong / Гроб из Гонконга. Книга для чтения на английском языке. Джеймс Хедли Чейз
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“Would it be nosey to ask if you have any idea who did kill her?”
He offered me his cigar case: this time I could afford to refuse. As he put the case back in his pocket, he said, “It’s too early yet. Whoever he is, he’s played it neat. No clues: no nothing so far[41].”
“Didn’t you get a line on the Chinese woman?”
“Oh, sure, that wasn’t hard. There was nothing but the usual junk a woman carries in the handbag, but we got her spotted at the airport. She came from Hong Kong. Her name is Jo-An Jefferson. Believe it or not, she’s the daughter-in-law of J. Wilbur Jefferson, the oil millionaire. She married the son, Herman Jefferson, in Hong Kong about a year ago. He was recently killed in a car smash and she brought his body back for burial.”
“Why?” I asked, staring at him.
“Old man Jefferson wanted his son buried in the family vault. He paid this girl to come over with the body.”
“What’s happened to the body?”
“It was picked up at the airport by a mortician at seven o’clock this morning, acting on orders. It’s at his parlour waiting interment.”
“You checked that?”
He yawned, showing me half his false teeth.
“Listen, shamus, you don’t have to tell me my job. I’ve seen the coffin and inspected the papers: everything’s in order. She flew in from Hong Kong, arriving here at one-thirty. She took a taxi from the airport to your office block. What beats me is why she came to see you immediately she arrived and how her killer knew she was coming to see you. What did she want with you?”
“Yeah. If she was from Hong Kong, how would she know I existed?” I said.
“Your idea she telephoned for an appointment around seven after you had left your office is out. She was in the air at that time. If she had written, you would have known about it.”
I thought for a moment.
“Suppose Hardwick met her at the airport? He called me from the airport at six. Suppose he waited for her to arrive and told her he was me. Suppose he went on ahead while she was clearing the coffin through the authorities and slipped the lock on the outer door. A lock isn’t too hard to slip and then waited for her to join him.”
He didn’t seem to like this idea much: nor did I.
“But what the hell did she want with you?” he demanded.
“If we knew that we wouldn’t be asking each other questions. How about her luggage? Did you locate it?”
“Yeah. She checked it in at the left-luggage office before leaving the airport: one small suitcase; nothing in it except a change of clothes, a small Buddha and some joss sticks. She certainly travelled light[42].”
“Have you talked to old man Jefferson yet?”
He pulled a face. “Yeah, I’ve talked to him. He acted as if he hated my guts. I think he does. That’s the hell of marrying into an influential family. My brother-in-law and Jefferson get along like I get along with a boil on my neck.”
“Still it has its compensations,” I said.
He fingered his pearl stick-pin.
“Sometimes. Anyway, the old goat didn’t let his hair down. He said he wanted me to catch the man who had killed his daughter-in-law, otherwise there would be trouble.” He stroked his beaky nose. “He draws a lot of water in this city.[43] He could make trouble for me.”
“He wasn’t helpful?”
“He certainly wasn’t.”
“How about the Express messenger who delivered the three hundred bucks to me? He could have seen the killer.”
“Look, shamus, you’re not half the ball of fire you think you are. I checked on him: nothing. But this is interesting: the envelope containing the dough was handed in at four o’clock at the Express headquarters which as you know is across the way from you. None of the dim-witted clerks can remember who handed it in, but the instructions were to deliver it to you at six-fifteen.”
“You checked Herron Corporation to see if Hardwick works there?”
“Yeah. I’ve checked every goddam thing. He doesn’t work for them.” He yawned, stretched, then stood up. “I’m going to bed. Maybe tomorrow I’ll strike something. Right now I’ve had enough of it.”
I got up too. “It was my gun that killed her?”
“Yeah. No prints: nothing on the car. He’s a neat bird, but he’ll make a mistake… they always do.”
“Some of them.”
He looked sleepily at me.
“I’ve done you a good turn[44], Ryan, you try to do me one. Any ideas you get, let me know. Right now I need ideas.”
I said I wouldn’t forget him. I went down to where I had left my car and drove fast back to my apartment and to my bed.
I got to the office the next morning soon after nine o’clock. I found a couple of newspaper men parked outside my door. They wanted to know where I had been all yesterday. They had been trying to get to me to hear my side of the murder story and they were irate they hadn’t been able to find me.
I took them into my office and told them I had spent the day at police headquarters. I said I knew no more about the murder than they did, probably less. No, I had no idea why the Chinese woman had come to my office at such an hour nor how she had got into the building. They spent half an hour shooting questions at me, but it was a waste of their time. Finally, disgruntled, they went off.
I looked through my mail and dropped most of it into the trash-basket. There was a letter from a woman living on Palma Mountain who wanted me to find the person who had poisoned her dog.
I was typing her a polite letter telling her I was too busy to help her when there came a knock on my door. I said to come in.
Jay Wayde, my next-door neighbour, came in. He looked slightly embarrassed as he came to rest a few feet from my desk.
“Am I disturbing you?” he asked. “It’s not my business really, but I wondered if they had found out who killed her.”
His curiosity didn’t surprise me. He was one of those brainy types who can’t resist mixing themselves up with crime.
“No,” I said.
“I don’t suppose it helps,” he said apologetically, “but thinking about this, I remember hearing your telephone bell ring around seven o’clock. It rang for some time. That was after you had left.”
“My telephone is always ringing,” I said, “but thanks. Maybe it might help.
no nothing so far – (
travelled light – (
He draws a lot of water in this city. – (
I’ve done you a good turn – (