Enemies Within: Communists, the Cambridge Spies and the Making of Modern Britain. Richard Davenport-Hines

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Enemies Within: Communists, the Cambridge Spies and the Making of Modern Britain - Richard  Davenport-Hines

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Burgess’s dégringolade

       Maclean’s breakdowns

       The VENONA crisis

      PART THREE: Settling the Score

      Chapter 16: The Missing Diplomats

       ‘All agog about the two Missing Diplomats’

       ‘As if evidence was the test of truth!’

       States of denial

      Chapter 17: The Establishment

       Subversive rumours

       William Marshall

       ‘The Third Man’

       George Blake

       Class McCarthyism

      Chapter 18: The Brotherhood of Perverted Men

       The Cadogan committee

       ‘Friends in high places’

       John Vassall

       Charles Fletcher-Cooke

      Chapter 19: The Exiles

       Burgess and Maclean in Moscow

       Philby in Beirut


       Oleg Lyalin in London

      Chapter 20: The Mole Hunts

       Colonel Grace-Groundling-Marchpole

       Robin Zaehner and Stuart Hampshire

       Anthony Blunt and Andrew Boyle

       ‘Only out for the money’

       Maurice Oldfield and Chapman Pincher


      Picture Section




      About the Author

      Also by Richard Davenport-Hines

       About the Publisher

       Author’s Note

      In MI5 files the symbol @ is used to indicate an alias, and repetitions of @ indicate a variety of aliases or codenames. I have followed this practice in the text.


AbwehrGerman military intelligence, 1920–45
active measuresBlack propaganda, dirty tricks
agentIndividual who performs intelligence assignments for an intelligence agency without being an officer or staff member of that agency
agent of influenceAn agent who is able to influence policy decisions
ARCOSAll Russian Co-operative Society, London, 1920–7
assetA source of human intelligence
BSABirmingham Small Arms Company
CChief of the Secret Intelligence Service
case officerAn officer of an intelligence agency responsible for operating a particular agent or asset
ChekaExtraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, USSR, 1917–22
CIACentral Intelligence Agency, USA, 1947–
CIDCommittee of Imperial Defence, London, 1902–39
CIGSChief of the Imperial General Staff, London, 1909–64
CominternThird Communist International, USSR, 1919–43
CPGBCommunist Party of Great Britain, 1920–91
CPUSACommunist Party of the United States of America, 1921–
cut-outThe intermediary communicating secret information between the provider and recipient of illicit information; knowing the source and destination of the transmitted information, but ignorant of the identities of other persons involved in the spying network
dead dropPrearranged location where an agent, asset or case officer may leave material for collection
double agentAgent cooperating with the intelligence service of one nation state while also working for and controlled by the intelligence or security service of another nation state
DPPDirectorate of Public Prosecutions, UK
DSODefence Security Officer, MI5
FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation, US law enforcement agency, 1908–
FCOForeign & Commonwealth Office, 1968–
FOForeign Office
Fourth DepartmentSoviet military intelligence, known as the Fourth Department of the Red Army’s General Staff, 1926–42
GC&CSGovernment Code & Cypher School, 1919–46
GCHQGovernment Communications Headquarters, 1946–
GPUState Political Directorate, USSR, 1922–3
GRUSoviet military intelligence, 1942–92
HUACHouse Un-American Activities Committee, USA, 1938–69
HUMINThuman intelligence
illegalOfficer of an intelligence service without any official connection to the nation for whom he is working; usually with false documentation
INOforeign section of Cheka and its successor bodies, USSR, 1920–41
intelligence agentAn outside individual who is used by an intelligence service to supply information or to gain access to a target
intelligence officerA trained individual who is formally employed in the hierarchy of an intelligence agency, whether serving at home or abroad
legalIntelligence officer serving abroad as an official or semi-official representative

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