Galileo’s Daughter: A Drama of Science, Faith and Love. Dava Sobel

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Galileo’s Daughter: A Drama of Science, Faith and Love - Dava Sobel

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      Galileo’s Daughter

      A drama of science, faith and love

      Dava Sobel

      To the fathers,

       Galileo Galilei


       Samuel Hillel Sobel, MD,

       in loving memory

      Table of Contents

       Cover Page

       Title Page

       PART TWO On Bellosguardo

       [IX] How our father is favoured

       [X] To busy my self in your service

       [XI] What we require above all else

       [XII] Because of our zeal

       [XIII] Through my memory of their eloquence

       [XIV] A small and trifling body

       [XV] On the right path by the grace of God

       [XVI] The tempest of our many torments

       PART THREE In Rome

       [XVII] While seeking to immortalise your fame

       [XVIII] Since the Lord chastises us with these whips

       [XIX] The hope of having you always near

       [XX] That I should be begged to publish such a work

       PART FOUR Care of the Tuscan Embassy, Villa Medici, Rome

       [XXI] How anxiously I live, awaiting word from you

       [XXII] In the comfort of the Holy Office of the Inquisition

       [XXIII] Vainglorious ambition, pure ignorance and inadvertence

       [XXIV] Faith rested in the miraculous Madonna of Imprueta

       [XXV] Judgment passed on your book and your person

       PART FIVE At Siena

       [XXVI] Not knowing how to refuse him the keys

       [XXVII] Terrible destruction on the feast of San Lorenzo

       [XXVIII] Recitation of the penitential psalms

       [XXIX] The book of life, or, A prophet accepted in his own land

       PART SIX From Arcetri

       [XXX] My soul and its longing

       [XXXI] Until I have this from your lips

       [XXXII] As I struggle to understand

       [XXXIII] The memory of the sweetnesses








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