Miss Marple 3-Book Collection 1: The Murder at the Vicarage, The Body in the Library, The Moving Finger. Агата Кристи
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‘Meaning that the whole village knew it? Which they always do in any case. Know of anyone who had a grudge against him?’
The thought of Lawrence Redding’s white face and staring eyes came to my mind. I was spared answering by a noise of shuffling feet in the passage outside.
‘The police,’ said my friend, and rose to his feet.
Our police force was represented by Constable Hurst, looking very important but slightly worried.
‘Good evening, gentlemen,’ he greeted us. ‘the Inspector will be here any minute. In the meantime I’ll follow out his instructions. I understand Colonel Protheroe’s been found shot – in the Vicarage.’
He paused and directed a look of cold suspicion at me, which I tried to meet with a suitable bearing of conscious innocence.
He moved over to the writing table and announced:
‘Nothing to be touched until the Inspector comes.’
For the convenience of my readers I append a sketch plan of the room.
He got out his note-book, moistened his pencil and looked expectantly at both of us.
I repeated my story of discovering the body. When he had got it all down, which took some time, he turned to the doctor.
‘In your opinion, Dr Haydock, what was the cause of death?’
‘Shot through the head at close quarters.’
‘And the weapon?’
‘I can’t say with certainty until we get the bullet out. But I should say in all probability the bullet was fired from a pistol of small calibre – say a Mauser .25.’
I started, remembering our conversation of the night before, and Lawrence Redding’s admission. The police constable brought his cold, fish-like eye round on me.
‘Did you speak, sir?’
I shook my head. Whatever suspicions I might have, they were no more than suspicions, and as such to be kept to myself.
‘When, in your opinion, did the tragedy occur?’
The doctor hesitated for a minute before he answered. Then he said:
‘The man has been dead just over half an hour, I should say. Certainly not longer.’
Hurst turned to me. ‘Did the girl hear anything?’
‘As far as I know she heard nothing,’ I said. ‘But you had better ask her.’
But at this moment Inspector Slack arrived, having come by car from Much Benham, two miles away.
All that I can say of Inspector Slack is that never did a man more determinedly strive to contradict his name. He was a dark man, restless and energetic in manner, with black eyes that snapped ceaselessly. His manner was rude and overbearing in the extreme.
He acknowledged our greetings with a curt nod, seized his subordinate’s note-book, perused it, exchanged a few curt words with him in an undertone, then strode over to the body.
‘Everything’s been messed up and pulled about, I suppose,’ he said.
‘I’ve touched nothing,’ said Haydock.
‘No more have I,’ I said.
The Inspector busied himself for some time peering at the things on the table and examining the pool of blood.
‘Ah!’ he said in a tone of triumph. ‘Here’s what we want. Clock overturned when he fell forward. That’ll give us the time of the crime. Twenty-two minutes past six. What time did you say death occurred, doctor?’
‘I said about half an hour, but –’
The Inspector consulted his watch.
‘Five minutes past seven. I got word about ten minutes ago, at five minutes to seven. Discovery of the body was at about a quarter to seven. I understand you were fetched immediately. Say you examined it at ten minutes to – Why, that brings it to the identical second almost!’
‘I don’t guarantee the time absolutely,’ said Haydock. ‘That is an approximate estimate.’
‘Good enough, sir, good enough.’
I had been trying to get a word in.
‘About the clock –’
‘If you’ll excuse me, sir, I’ll ask you any questions I want to know. Time’s short. What I want is absolute silence.’
‘Yes, but I’d like to tell you –’
‘Absolute silence,’ said the Inspector, glaring at me ferociously. I gave him what he asked for.
He was still peering about the writing table.
‘What was he sitting here for?’ he grunted. ‘Did he want to write a note – Hallo – what’s this?’
He held up a piece of note-paper triumphantly. So pleased was he with his find that he permitted us to come to his side and examine it with him.
It was a piece of Vicarage note-paper, and it was headed at the top 6.20.
‘Dear Clement’ – it began – ‘Sorry I cannot wait any longer, but I must…’
Here the writing tailed off in a scrawl.
‘Plain as a pikestaff,’ said Inspector Slack triumphantly. ‘He sits down here to write this, an enemy comes softly in through the window and shoots him as he writes. What more do you want?’
‘I’d just like to say –’ I began.
‘Out of the way, if you please, sir. I want to see if there are footprints.’
He went down on his hands and knees, moving towards the open window.
‘I think you ought to know –’ I said obstinately.
The Inspector rose. He spoke without heat, but firmly.
‘We’ll go into all that later. I’d be obliged if you gentlemen will clear out of here. Right out, if you please.’
We permitted ourselves to be shooed out like children.
Hours seemed to have passed – yet it was only a quarter-past seven.
‘Well,’ said Haydock. ‘That’s that. When that conceited ass wants me, you can send him over to the surgery. So long.’
‘The mistress is back,’ said Mary, making a brief appearance