Staffordshire Bull Terrier: An Owner’s Guide. Alison Smith

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Staffordshire Bull Terrier: An Owner’s Guide - Alison  Smith

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and nice clear eyes are also signs of good health. Make sure that they do not look too thin – Stafford pups should have a decent covering of coat and flesh but without looking fat. Their ears should be clean with no discharge, and the puppies should not smell unpleasant.

      Do watch out for any signs of nervousness or aggression, particularly in the mother. Staffords are often said to smile, but be on the look-out for any baring of the teeth towards humans as this can often mean that the bitch has not been socialized properly. However, do bear in mind the natural maternal instinct of the new mum, who may be upset by strangers being too ‘full on’ with her pups. The breeder will usually be more than happy to remove a puppy from the mother for you to look at.

       Take your time

      You don’t have to choose a puppy straight away, and if there is anything you are unhappy about, just make your excuses politely and leave. Watch the pups interact with each other and ask to visit again if wished. You may easily recognize the ones within a litter who are more dominant, aggressive or shy. You may even find that a pup will end up picking you rather than the other way round.

       Things to bear in mind

      The character of the Stafford is fairly equal in both the dog and the bitch. They are – and should be – feisty, fun-loving and inquisitive. In common with puppies of any breed, however, they will require patience and time to socialize and train. This breed can tend towards dominance without some early training, making it imperative that you are prepared to donate the time and effort that are necessary to produce a really well-behaved and friendly dog who will be a credit to you.


       Watch puppies at play – you can often see which ones are going to be the bossy ones!

      A puppy who is integrated from an early age with other dogs is unlikely to pose a problem; often the older dogs will put him in his place from the beginning and harmony will be the order of the day. However, Staffords do not integrate easily with other Staffords (particularly when they are of the same sex), and this is something to bear in mind if you already have an older dog or bitch in your home. I have had two males live happily side by side, but I have also owned two bitches who would almost certainly have killed one another had they been left alone together. Never just assume that Staffords will get on – it is always better to be safe than sorry.

      If you do not wish to breed from your Stafford, you may wish to consider neutering. This not only prevents unwanted pregnancies in bitches but can also go some way towards preventing breast and prostate cancer. Some people believe that neutered Staffords lose some of their ‘spark, but I have never found this to be the case, although dogs can sometimes become slightly more ‘laid back’ as a result.

       Appearance and coat colour

      Staffords come in different colours and the ones that are accepted in the breed are very varied. If you intend to show your dog, check the Breed Standard before choosing a puppy. The colour that is known as black/brindle is the most common one – this is a jet black coat on which the brindle appears, ranging from a tiny fleck to the stunning ‘tiger’ brindle.

       Payment and papers

      Good Staffords are not cheap and thus you must expect to pay handsomely for a pedigree puppy – how much will largely depend on his pedigree. The pedigree certificate should show you at least the last three generations of parentage, and champion dogs may often be highlighted in red. Ask the breeder to explain the pedigree to you if you feel unclear about it. Once you have decided that you are happy with the breeder and want to buy a puppy, you may be asked to pay a deposit. This is usual practice and will secure the puppy for you. Later, on completion of the sale, you will be asked to pay the balance.

       Rescuing a Stafford

      Unfortunately, there are currently hundreds of Staffords languishing in rescue centres for a variety of reasons. They may have ended up in rescue through no fault of their own – perhaps as the result of divorce, a house move or even the arrival of a new baby in a household. Others, sadly, are there because their early socialization was inadequate and their behaviour may have become too much for their – often well meaning – owners.


       Rescuing a Stafford can be extremely rewarding, but do think carefully about it and speak to the breed rescues beforehand.


      Now is the time to make sure that the breeder has passed over all the relevant paperwork. You should receive the following:

      • Your dog’s pedigree certificate This should show at least the last three generations of parentage; champion dogs may often be highlighted in red

      • Your dog’s registration papers The breeder will have registered the pups with the Kennel Club. If they have registered the puppies in their name, you will have to fill in a Transfer of Ownership form and send it to the Kennel Club (with a small fee), for the dog to be registered in your name. Check with the breeder, as some register the puppy in your name to save you the trouble

      • Insurance certificate Most puppies will come with health insurance for a free ‘limited’ period. Check this out with the breeder and renew when necessary

      • Vaccination diary Your Stafford should have received his first jabs by the time you get him. Make sure you take the vaccination sheet with you – your vet will need this to fill in subsequent boosters, etc.

      • DNA profile Some breeders have their litters DNA profiled by the Kennel Club. If this is the case, ask for the certificate.

      You must think carefully before you decide to rehome an adult Stafford, especially if you have no previous experience of the breed. Although these dogs are temperament tested and all of them deserve loving homes, they can sometimes be too challenging for the first-time owner and they will require 110 per cent commitment.

      Many rescue dogs arrive with their own patterns of behaviour, which are already inherent, and some may never have been housetrained or they may require basic obedience training. If you feel able to cope with this, contact your local rescue centre and they will talk you through the whole process of adopting one of these dogs. Having said that, I have rescued Staffords and found the experience ultimately very rewarding.

      Be aware that if you do decide to rescue one, it will involve a visit to your home to make sure that you – and your house – are suitable.

       Puppy-proofing your home

      Life for a Stafford puppy is one big adventure. These inquisitive babies will view almost anything they encounter as either a potential toy or food! Therefore, it is recommended that before you go ahead and welcome your new arrival into your home, you carry out the following checks inside and outside.


      Make sure that your garden is secure. Stafford puppies have an amazing ability to squeeze through very small gaps in hedges and fencing, so mend any holes.

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