Cosmic Ordering in 7 Easy Steps: How to make life work for you. Carolyn Boyes
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Anything and everything can be created through the mind of the invisible universe and then materialised or manifested within the visible world.
The 6th secret: The universe is impartial
The universe treats all of us equally. You have as much right as anyone else to ask the universe for anything you want. It creates everything without favouritism: it has no self-interest.
The 7th secret: Time and space only exist in the physical part of the universe
In the non-physical part of the universe—the part that cannot be sensed through sight, hearing, feeling, taste or smell—there is no time and space. Time and space are concepts of the material world. In the rest of the universe it is always Now. The Future, Past and Present are all the same.
When you bypass the rules of time and space and link up to the vast invisible universe, you too can for a moment be outside time. The cosmic ordering process uses this knowledge. You have all the power you need right now. You can link to the resources of your past, you can recreate a memory, or put a future memory into your future (as you will see in Step 6: Place your order).
The moment you place a cosmic order, the universe registers it immediately and gets ready to deliver it to you.
Five truths about you and the universe
This is a ‘thought’ universe and so the world is what you think it is
All power comes from within, so you have the power to create a different life for yourself
You are unlimited. The universe is unlimited and so everything is possible
Energy flows to wherever you focus and your attention goes
The moment of power is always now
The two Universal Laws
The Universal Laws are the principles that bind the universe together. They have arisen from a variety of ancient traditions and constitute widely recognised New Age theories. You can’t transgress a Law: they can’t be disobeyed. You can’t see them, but the evidence for their existence is in the results you get in your life. Like gravity, they exist as an abstract concept outside our immediate awareness, but have a very real and constant effect on our lives.
The Universal Laws operate consistently all the time and cannot be bent.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is working in your life right now. The circumstances, job, relationships and friends you have, or don’t have, are all what you have attracted according to the energy and vibration you are transmitting.
You are like a magnet. You will attract what you focus on and think about, whether or not it is something you consciously want. The Law of Attraction is the most powerful force underlying the universe. You can’t overcome it.
As we have seen, everything in the universe vibrates and is moving. According to the Law of Attraction, when something vibrates at a particular frequency, it attracts and resonates with other things vibrating at the same frequency.
Thoughts as well as objects have their own vibration. You attract particular events towards you, according to the frequency of the vibration of your thoughts.
Whatever you give your attention to, you will attract. This doesn’t have to be conscious attention. The conscious mind is only a tiny part of our mind. The greater part of it is unconscious, so whatever is fed into your unconscious you attract into your reality. If you have thoughts that attack or are in conflict with each other, you will attract a jumble of experiences—what most of us call ‘reality’ or ‘normality’.
The cosmic ordering process enables you to work with the Law of Attraction and become a deliberate thinker and creator of what you want to attract into your life. As you follow the process, you will become much more aware of the link between your thoughts and the experiences you attract to you. You will learn more about this in Step 4: Take charge of your thoughts.
The Law of Cause and Effect, or Consequences
This law is often referred to as Karma—it gives us a sense of responsibility alongside our power as co-creators of our own destinies.
What we sow, we subsequently reap
What comes around goes around
What you put out you will get back
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
You sow with your thoughts, words and deeds, and reap the effect in your own reality. Your will is always and will be done. As Deepak Chopra once said, ‘There is a perfect accounting system in the universe.’ If you run up a debt on one side of your balance sheet, it will be paid off on the other side. If you run up a credit, it will likewise be balanced out.
Part of the cosmic ordering process is taking responsibility for what reality you want to create and being clear why you think that it will be beneficial for your life.
The more you practise the process and see the results that you get, the wiser you will become in what you ask for. Many people find that because of this they move away from placing cosmic orders relating to possessions, and ask for greater and wiser things in their life that will bring them experiences out of which they will learn and grow in understanding.
Later in the book, you will be shown how to keep an order delivery diary—to build your personal record of evidence for what results have been caused by you. Keeping this diary will act as a record of the consequences of the orders you place.
When you are grateful in advance for what youare about to receive, you can achieve yourdreams successfully, and quickly!
Tip Gratitude
The universe responds to gratitude. When you become grateful for all the experiences you have attracted into your life, whether you have classified them as negative or positive in the past, the universe rewards you. Being grateful ensures that we learn and understand from our experiences in the material world.
The universe sends us the events and situations we need to grow, learn and develop as human beings. Each time you recognise and acknowledge, through your expression of gratitude, the gifts that a particular experience has given you, the universe recognises that you are ready to move on and sends you a new experience.
Say thank you as often as possible for all you have gone through, and really notice what benefits you have got from each experience life has thrown your way. Doing this teaches you to embrace and cherish what life has to offer you, which is in effect what you have yourself created.