Your Personal Horoscope 2012: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign. Joseph Polansky

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Your Personal Horoscope 2012: Month-by-month forecasts for every sign - Joseph Polansky

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travel and the good life. Siblings of an appropriate age are much more fertile than usual during this period too. There are probably major repairs going on in their homes early in the year.

      Children of an appropriate age could have multiple moves this year, but they seem stressful. If they are going to move, it will be better to do it before October 5. Afterwards there are many delays and glitches involved. Grandchildren of appropriate age seem to have a status quo year as far as the home is concerned.

      Finance and Career

      In spite of all the challenges you’ve been facing, last year seems to have been prosperous and the trend continues in the year ahead. Expansive Jupiter – the planet of abundance – is still in your money house until June 11. By then, your financial goals will more or less be attained and your focus will be on other things.

      Like last year, assets you already own tend to increase in value. Thus your net worth is increased regardless of your actual earnings. Jupiter is both the generic and actual ruler of your 9th house. Thus there are financial opportunities with foreign companies, or in foreign countries, or with foreigners in your own country.

      With Jupiter, the planet of religion and philosophy, associated with wealth this year, it is very important to have a good personal philosophy of wealth: a good metaphysical understanding of what causes it and how to attain it. There is much more to it than just mere ‘hard work’ (although this is part of it). If there are flaws in your personal philosophy (i.e. if you believe that wealth is just material things), it can hamper your ability to earn.

      There are a few complications though. Venus rules both your love life and financial life. Thus, for you, there is a powerful connection between love and money. When love is going well, finances tend to go well. When finances are going well, love tends to go well. Problems in love can cause problems in finance and vice versa. Thus, because the love life has been challenging, this could affect earning power. (In cases where couples are getting divorced or separating, there are often financial conflicts involved.) Love problems tend to be the root causes of financial problems in your Horoscope. If financial problems beset you, do your best to get the love life in order.

      Venus is a very fast-moving planet. Like Mercury, sometimes she moves fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes she goes backwards (this year she retrogrades from May 15 to June 27). Thus there are many short-term trends in finance that are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      For the past two years your career planet Saturn has been in the sign of Libra. This is a nice position by the way: Saturn is exalted in Libra and your career energies are at their most ‘exalted’ status. This situation continues for most of the year ahead, until October 5. The career planet in Libra shows that you advance your career by social means – by attending or hosting the right kind of parties and through your social connections. Your friends (and spouse or current love) seem supportive, career-wise.

      Pluto has been in your 10th house of career for some years now and will be there for many more years to come. There are great shakeups and upheavals in your company or industry. This trend accelerates after October 5 when your career planet enters Scorpio, the 8th house of your chart. The rules are changing. A detox is happening in your company and industry, and also within yourself. Your attitudes and approach to your career are getting purified, sometimes by dramatic means such as by ‘near-death’ kinds of career experiences – situations where you face apparent ruin. However, the career dramas you are facing are really the ‘birth pangs’ of something new and wonderful.

      Love and Social

      As we mentioned, the love and social life has been challenging for some years now. Saturn has been in your 7th house. There are many good things about this, but seldom is this transit pleasant. Singles are better off not marrying this year. We often get into relationships with a honeymoon mentality, but the honeymoon rarely lasts for long. After a while the burdens and responsibilities come in and we have to deal with them. The past two years – and most of the year ahead – is such a time. Many a love relationship has dissolved these past two years and many more will dissolve in the year ahead. Many of you even doubt that love exists, it all seems like a duty and burden. Even good relationships (especially if this is the first marriage) have become dull. The spark of love, the fire of romance, the spontaneity seems lacking. All of you will have to work harder to project love and warmth to others. On some unconscious level, you are projecting a ‘coldness’, a distance, an aloofness and others are picking up on this. So it is up to you, through your conscious effort, to project love and warmth to counteract these astrological tendencies.

      The good part of this transit is that you will learn whether your love is real. We seldom know this when everything is going well. It is only in the tough times that we learn this. The other good thing here is that many of you are learning that duty and responsibility are another form of love. Doing your duty by the beloved, no matter how you feel or how onerous it is, is a form of love. And, in many cultures it is considered the highest form of love.

      Aries people tend to jump into relationships much too quickly. They fall in love very quickly and often marry quickly. But now with Saturn in your 7th house the cosmos is cautioning you to go slow in love. Don’t rush things, let love develop as it will. There is a need for patience in love this year.

      Singles are probably attracted to (and attracting) older lovers this year. Often under this aspect marriage is seen as a career move – a career like any other – and more like a business partnership than a romantic attachment. A person will marry for convenience rather than for romantic love.

      Those of you into your first marriage are having the marriages tested right now. Good marriages will survive and get even better. But inherently flawed ones will probably dissolve. Those of you working on your second marriage have opportunities for business partnerships this year. But there are also good marriage opportunities in the first half of the year. Love opportunities happen as you pursue your financial goals and with people who are involved in your finances. Those working on their third marriage have excellent prospects and a third marriage is very likely. There’s not much you need to do – this person will find you.

      Saturn in your 7th house shows a need to pare down social activities. You need to focus on quality rather than quantity. In general you are mixing with people of high power and prestige, with people who can help you career-wise this year, as has been the case for the past two years. Many of you will be involved in the classic office romance, especially with superiors.


      There have been many disappointments in love and with friends the past two years, and you are still not finished with this. So there is a need to avoid becoming embittered or vengeful. You can be carrying deep-seated grudges on an unconscious level. This is not constructive and will cause more problems in love and in other areas of life. So, learning and practising the art of forgiveness is very important this year.

      Real forgiveness comes not just from the lips. It is an organic forgiveness – the hurt and pain are released from the very cells of the body. With real forgiveness you are able to think of the person who has hurt you without anger, pain, regret, sadness or any other negative emotion. You may not be passionately in love with the person who has wronged you, but at least you will not be emanating more negativity (and thus creating more negative experiences in your life). It might help you to understand that we never forgive the actions – only the people. The actions were wrong and there is no whitewashing these things. But these people’s actions were prompted by their own insecurities and errors and they may have had little control over what they did.

      As we mentioned, Neptune, your spiritual planet (and also the generic spiritual planet) makes a major move into your 12th house this year on February 3. Thus spirituality is going to become important for many years to come. Now Aries are activists even in their spiritual life. They serve

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