Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843. Various

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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843 - Various

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possession of truth, I would have thundered the saving words before their marketplaces and exchanges—at the very fortresses in which the world deems itself chiefly secure, with Mammon at its head, Satan's chief lieutenant. I would have called around me the neglected and the poor, and in the highways and in the fields disclosed to them the tenderness and loving-kindness that I had found, that they might feel, in all their fulness, if they would turn from sin, and place their trust in heaven. It was pain and anguish to be silent. Not for my own sake did I yearn to speak. Oh no! There was nothing less than a love of self in the panting desire that I felt to break the selfish silence. It was the love of souls that pressed me forward, and the confidence that the good news which it was my privilege to impart would find in every bosom a welcome as warm and ready as it would prove to be effectual. To walk abroad in silence, feeling myself to be the depositary of a celestial revelation, and believing that to communicate it to mankind would be to ensure their participation in its benefits, was hardly to be borne. There was not a man whom I encountered in the street, to whom I did not secretly wish to turn, and to pour into his ear the accents of peace and consolation; not one whom I did not regard as a witness against me on that great day of trial, when every man shall be judged according to his opportunities. I spoke to Mr Clayton. He encouraged the feeling by which I was actuated, but he dissuaded me from the manifestation of it in the form which I proposed.

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      Malte Brun, xi. 179. Alison, x. 256.


      Hansard, vol. lxi. col. 423.


      Hansard, vol. lxi. col. 429, 430, 431.


      Hansard, vol, lxi. col. 439.


      Year ending 5th January 1840, L.2,390,764!—1841, L.1,342,604!—1842, L.1,495,540!—(Finance Accounts, 1842, p. 2.)


Malte Brun, xi. 179. Alison, x. 256.


Hansard, vol. lxi. col. 423.


Hansard, vol. lxi. col. 429, 430, 431.


Hansard, vol, lxi. col. 439.


Year ending 5th January 1840, L.2,390,764!—1841, L.1,342,604!—1842, L.1,495,540!—(Finance Accounts, 1842, p. 2.)


Parliamentary History, vol. xxxiv. p. 271.


The Siècle. (See No. cccxxi. p. 112.)


An atrocious gang of thieves, who adopted the unnecessary brutality of burning the unfortunate victims they intended to rob.

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