Notes and Queries, Number 76, April 12, 1851. Various

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Notes and Queries, Number 76, April 12, 1851 - Various

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any of your correspondents be so kind as to inform me if the device on the corbel was the badge of the knights of the order of St. John of Jerusalem? and if so, at what time they first assumed it?

S. S. S.

      General Pardons.—Has any example of a general pardon under the great seal been ever printed at length? particularly any of those granted after the restoration of Charles II.?

J. G. N.

      "Too wise to err."—You will oblige many of your readers if you will inform them from whence the words

      "Too wise to err, too good to be unkind,"

      are quoted.

T. W. A.



(Vol. iii., p. 167.)

      Thomas May, famous amongst the busy characters of his age, both as a politician and a poet, was the eldest son of Sir Thos. May, Knt., of Mayfield, in Sussex, where he was born in 1595. At the usual period of life, he was admitted a fellow-commoner of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge; and having taken the degree of B.A. he entered himself at Gray's Inn, with the intention of studying the law, which, however, it is uncertain whether he ever pursued as a profession. Whilst he was a student of the law, he made the acquaintance of Edward Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon; and became the intimate associate of Ben Jonson, Selden, Cotton, Sir K. Digby, Thos. Carew1, "and some others of eminent faculties in their several ways."

      "His parts of nature and art," writes Clarendon2, in describing his character, "were very good, as appears by his translation of Lucan (none of the easiest work of that kind), and more by his Supplement to Lucan, which being entirely his own, for the learning, the wit, and the language, may be well looked upon as one of the best epic poems in the English language."

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      The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, &c., Oxf. 1827.


      The same.



The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, &c., Oxf. 1827.


The same.

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The Life of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, &c., Oxf. 1827.


The same.