The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860. Various

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The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860 - Various

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with gold spangles;—where do you buy your things? I can tell you now," she continued, "my conversation on the bridge the other day."

      She hesitated, and asked me if I liked her new muslin. She did look well in it; it was a white fabric, with red rose-buds scattered over it. Her delicate face was shadowed by light brown curls. She was attractive, and I told her so, and she began again:—

      "Harry Lothrop said, as he was impaling the half of a worm,—

      "'Redmond is a handsome fellow, is he not?'

      "'He is too awfully thin,' I answered, 'but his eyes are good.'

      "He gave me a crafty side-look, like that of a parrot, when he means to bite your finger.

      "'Your friend, too,' he added, 'is really one of the most beautiful girls I ever saw,—a coquette with a heart.'

      "'Let down your line into the water,' I said.

      "He laughed a little laugh. By-the-by, there is an insidious tenacity about Mr. Harry Lothrop which irritates me; but I like him, for I think he understands women. I feel at ease with him, when he is not throwing out his tenacious feelers. Then he said,—

      "'Redmond is engaged to his cousin. The girl's mother had the charge of him through his boyhood. He is ardently attached to her,—the mother, I mean. She is most anxious to call Redmond her son.'

      "'Didn't you have a bite?' I said.

      "'Well, I think the bait is off the hook,' he answered; and then we were silent and pondered the water.

      "There are some people I must speak to,"—and Laura moved away without looking at me.

      I opened my fan, but felt chilly. A bustle near me caused me to raise my eyes; Redmond was speaking to a lady. He was in black, too, and very pale. He turned toward me and our eyes met. His expression agitated me so that I unconsciously rose to my feet and warned him off with my fan; but he seemed rooted to the spot. Laura took care of us both; she came and stood between us. I saw her look at him so sweetly and so mournfully, that he understood her in a moment. He shook his head and walked abruptly into another room. Laura went again from me without giving me a look. Maurice came up and I made room for him beside me. We talked of the riding-party, and then of our first meeting at the ball. He told me that Redmond's boat had arrived, and what a famous boat it was, and "what jolly sprees we fellows had, cruising about with her." I asked him about his guitar, and when we might hear him play. He grew more chatty and began to tell me about his sister, when Redmond and Harry Lothrop came over to us, which ended his chat.

      The party was like all parties,—dull at first, and brighter as it grew late. The old ladies played whist in one room, and the younger part of the company were in another. Champagne was not a prevalent drink in our village, but it happened that we had some that night.

      "It may be a sinful beverage," said an old lady near me, "but it is good."

      Redmond opened a bottle for me, we clinked glasses, and drank to an indefinite, silent wish.

      "One more," he asked, "and let us change glasses."

      Presently a cloud of delicate warmth spread over my brain, and gave me courage to seek and meet his glance. There must have been an expression of irresolution in my face, for he looked at me inquiringly, and then his own face grew very sad. I felt awkward from my intuition of his opinion of my mood, when he relieved me by saying something about Shelley,—a copy of whose poems lay on a table near. From Shelley he went to his boat, and said he hoped to have some pleasant excursions with Laura and myself. He "would go at once and talk with Laura's mother about them." I watched him through the door, while he spoke to her. She was in a low chair, and he leaned his face on one hand close to hers. I saw that his natural expression was one of tranquillity and courage. He was not more than twenty-two, but the firmness of the lines about his mouth belied his youth.

      "He has a wonderful face," I thought, "and just as wonderful a will."

      I felt my own will rise as I looked at him,—a will that should make me mistress of myself, powerful enough to contend with, and resist, or turn to advantage any controlling fate which might come near me.

      "Do you feel like singing?" Harry Lothrop inquired. "Do you know

      Byron's song, 'One struggle more and I am free'?"

      "Oh, yes!" I replied,—"it is set to music which suits my voice. I will sing it."

      Laura had been playing polkas with great spirit. Since the Champagne, the old ladies had closed their games of whist for talking, and, as it was nearly time to go, the company was gay. There was laughing and talking when I began, but silence soon after, for the wine made my voice husky and effective. I sang as if deeply moved.

      "Lord!" I heard Maurice say to Laura, as I rose from the piano, "what a girl! she's really tragic."

      I caught Harry Lothrop's eye, as I passed through the door to go up-stairs; it was burning; I felt as if a hot coal had dropped on me. Maurice ran into the hall and sprang upon the stair-railing to ask me if he might be my escort home. That night he serenaded me. He was a good-hearted, cheerful creature; conceited, as small men are apt to be,—conceit answering for size with them,—but pleasantly so, and I learned to like him as much as Redmond did.

      The summer days were passing. We had all sorts of parties,—parties in houses and out-of-doors; we rode and sailed and walked. Laura walked and talked much with Harry Lothrop. We did not often see each other alone, but, when we met, were more serious and affectionate with each other. We did not speak, except in a general way, of Redmond and Harry Lothrop. I did not avoid Redmond, nor did I seek him. We had many a serious conversation in public, as well as many a gay one; but I had never met him alone since the night we rode through the pines.

      He went away for a fortnight. On the day of his return he came to see me. He looked so glad, when I entered the room, that I could not help feeling a wild thrill. I went up to him, but said nothing. He held out both his hands. I retreated. An angry feeling rushed into my heart.

      "No," I said, "Whose hand did you hold last?"

      He turned deadly pale.

      "That of the woman I am going to marry."

      I smiled to hide the trembling of my lips, and offered my hand to him; but he waved it away, and fell back on his chair, hurriedly drawing his handkerchief across his face. I saw that he was very faint, and stood against the door, waiting for him to recover.

      "More than I have played the woman and the fool before you."


      "I thought so. You seem experienced."

      "I am."

      "Forgive me," he said, gently; "being only a man, I think you can. Good

      God!" he exclaimed, "what an infernal self-possession you show!"

      "Redmond, is it not time to end this? The summer has been a long one,—has it not?—long enough for me to have learned what it is to live. Our positions are reversed since we have become acquainted. I am for the first time forgetting self, and you for the first time remember self. Redmond, you are a noble man. You have a steadfast soul. Do not be shaken. I am not like you; I am not simple or single-hearted. But I imitate you. Now come, I beg you will go."

      "Certainly, I will. I have little to say."

      August had

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